Endorsement LVL 5 Lost due to recent server crash! Wooo

The Endorsement System has been a helpful system and there is a need for a punishment system. However, it is quite laughable to lose a rank due to a dc since it is viewed as leaving game. I post in the hope that the endorsement system can be improved. Please post any ideas and issues. Thank you.

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…I thought endorsement levels cap at 3?


Hello there, sorry for the drop I do know that Blizzard is working on it.

Thank you for your condolences. I know they are working to fix the server issue. The issue I brought up is another issue. I’m sure it will fall under the usual “Unable to restore.” Not something anyone will enjoy hearing.

That is kind of ridiculous.
If it is a server wide issue, a rollback should be perfectly possible.
Due to the unpredictable nature of server wide issues requiring a rollback, nobody could intentionally abuse this either so that is no excuse.

I don’t currently have any leaver penalties, but if I WAS at the last one(24 hours I think?) and this happened to push you over the edge then that is completely unacceptable.

Especially if you consider that they stated you only need 2, maybe 3 season bans with no decay(season 1 ban + season 10 ban + season 500 ban is still a permaban)