Endorsement Levels Actually Explained From a GM better then the official page

Hi there everyone,

Came across this, thought you might find it interesting as it was the answer given to me by a game master when I questioned why my endorsement level had fallen within a ticket and honestly it explains pretty much everything about the system apart from the actual end numbers of what the individual decay rates and boosting rates are etc… Its a bit of a read, but there is a TLDR nearer the bottom which dot points it…however

"Endorsement decay is not based off of playing games but rather if you are not getting endorsements in the games you are playing. For example if you took of a week, you would not lose endorsement. However, let’s say you played 5 games (just an example, not actual numbers) and you didn’t get a single Endorsement, your level would start to decay. (Again we do not know specific numbers, this is just an example number)

If you were getting reported for your behavior in-games it would also lower your endorsement level. You will not get a notification for each and every report done against you, you will just get a warning in-game when you are close to reaching a peanlty. Looking over your account here I can see that you do have a few reports against you, but not enough to warrant a penalty, but the indiviual reports are lowering your endorsements.

Please keep in mind endorsements are rewarded for players behavior / play during a match, so things that might result in a report will decrease that endorsement level. Just because it is decreased does not mean that you can’t pick it back up as you continue playing.

I hope that this better explains the system and answers why you were lowered. For a TLDR, you have been getting reported in-game, not enough times to penalzie you, but the reports themselves lower your endorsement level."

I post this because it explains some rather non obvious facts of the endorsement system that isn’t actually explained anywhere on this page. that quite honestly affects the system rather violently and shows the down sides of it.

Lets start…

“Endorsement decay is not based off of playing games but rather if you are not getting endorsements in the games you are playing. For example if you took of a week, you would not lose endorsement. However, let’s say you played 5 games (just an example, not actual numbers) and you didn’t get a single Endorsement, your level would start to decay. (Again we do not know specific numbers, this is just an example number)”

The endorsements usually given in a game are from your own team, In my own experience from my group of friendly players as well as just general discussion with others in the game I can tell that endorsing the enemy team is something that is rarer, I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. In fact I myself have endorsed a few people on the enemy team simple because there have been some outstanding plays sometimes that you just have to admire. However the sheer fact is that it is the normal state of play to endorse your own team rather then the enemy.

What does this mean, Well if you, like myself play with the same 5 other people or group of people consistently that are on your friends list you will encounter this problem of the system.

You cannot receive endorsements from your own team mates as they are friends, you are playing more games and not getting endorsements which means that you will have your endorsement level start to decay without you doing anything wrong, without you not doing anything bad, and with you playing the game as normal.

Personally I feel like this penalizes playing with your Bnet friends and promotes dealing with the random people you meet in the world. Which may not be a bad thing. However I find it odd that the system penalizes this as I know that in these games I’d much rather endorse a random that joins our 5 stack then say the enemy team especially if their being (or we’re being if its them to us) cocky about winning/losing.

State of the system currently
Play with friends with a full group, don’t get endorsements from the enemy team which is normal and lose your endorsement levels.
Play with randoms and forego playing with your friends and you’ll probably get more endorsements but you’ll be sacrificing relationships you’ve built over time within the game.

Side note; this clearly discriminates against 6 stacks of friends and is forcing people to choose not to play with friends but rather with randoms. Whether this is good or bad…Well I know personally I’d rather play with people I know then the general public (no offense)

“If you were getting reported for your behavior in-games it would also lower your endorsement level. You will not get a notification for each and every report done against you, you will just get a warning in-game when you are close to reaching a peanlty. Looking over your account here I can see that you do have a few reports against you, but not enough to warrant a penalty, but the indiviual reports are lowering your endorsements.”

I find this one interesting because it directly puts more information from this page. from
Maintaining Your Endorsement Level
Your endorsement level can decrease if you do not continue to receive endorsements or leave games before they’re finished. Punishments within the reporting system may also strip players of their endorsement level and place them at level 0."

Turns out your endorsement level is directly affected by individual reports, Not by the eventual penalty or “punishments” but direct reports. So if you are a solo player, of which there are plenty in the community and you play against a group of people and are accused of cheating in any which way, or being abusive when you’re not, or anything really…And its not just a solo player but any player if you get reports done against you in the in game system please be aware that you are getting your endorsement level lowered…No oversight from Blizzard, just straight from the community.

In the GM’s own words “Looking over your account here I can see that you do have a few reports against you, but not enough to warrant a penalty, but the indiviual reports are lowering your endorsements.” Doesn’t matter that overall you are not getting penalized, You are…By the endorsement system, This does not make a distinction between actual toxic behavior and good behavior. If there is a toxic player on the other team they have the ability to still mess with your endorsement levels.

State of the system currently

Let the abuse of the system commence, Just throw reports like crazy on people that annoy you. It’s going to affect their endorsement level.
If you are a perfect player but people are annoyed that you’re winning, or that you’re a one trick hero player…Who may be winning games and you get frivolous reports then prepare for a lowered endorsement level.

“Please keep in mind endorsements are rewarded for players behavior / play during a match, so things that might result in a report will decrease that endorsement level. Just because it is decreased does not mean that you can’t pick it back up as you continue playing.”

Which brings us full circle, yes you may get a report made against you that will directly affect your endorsement level. But fear not because you have the ability to regain it by continuing playing.

As long as you continue playing with randoms, and not friends…Because with 3 different endorsements to give to your own team and only 1 for the enemy team (yes three on each side if you just do either) chances are you’re only going to get those endorsements if you play with randoms and not with friends.

State of the system currently

You have a smaller chance of raising your endorsement level if you play normally if you play with groups of friends
you play with complete randoms and the random elements this brings and you’ll be able to have that mythical 5 endorsement level.

At least statistically.

Fromthis page again.

"Endorsement Rewards

You can occasionally earn Loot Boxes based on your current endorsement level, with higher endorsement levels resulting in more Loot Boxes. During special events, you’ll receive event Loot Boxes (for example, Summer Games Loot Boxes)."

Unfortuently this means that due to circumstances directly out of control of yourself. Regardless of behavior, If you routinely play with your group of friends only as a large group you are less likely to gain any endorsement levels. And much more likely to lose them over more time you just play with friends.

State of the system currently

Play with friends and forego the better chance of getting loot boxes.
Play with randoms and sacrifice friendships for a greater chance of loot boxes.

What does it all actually mean? (TLDR)

  1. Endorsements decay based off the number of games you play, not by time.
  2. If you play with friends (5-6 stack) you are statistically less likely to get endorsements due to the current set up of the system and thus will have your endorsement level decay regardless of what you do.
  3. The system is largely open to abuse by full groups against other players by abusing the notion that individual reports by other plays actually do directly affect your level. Without any proof of what they’re reporting you for.
  4. The system is currently set up to penalize groups of friend players which will mean a lesser chance of loot boxes during and out of special events.


I am not a saint, I certainly deserve a fair number of the individual reports put against me. Do not take me as one. This is just information…with a little bit of bias…lol.

The system seems currently set up to penalize having friends play with you and more to promote randoms joining together.

It is possible to abuse this system rather shockingly easily;

for instance;

As a group all report a single player over the course of several matches and convince others to to watch endorsement levels peel off them.

As a single player only ever play with randoms and reap the rewards of endorsements.

As an group of 5-6 stack, only ever endorse the enemy team and hope they endorse you back as this becomes your sole option of gaining endorsement levels.

Personal Opinion, Leave here if you want I don’t mind

It isn’t a bad idea of a system however unfortunately at the moment it has parts of it that are poorly designed and haven’t completely been considered, there are large improvements that could be made to it.

The sheer fact that it is heavily weighted currently against groups of friends seems to be a way to promote more community participation but at the same time screws your individual relationships…

That’s life however, I didn’t design this system…I certainly don’t have the capability of it and I don’t write this with the intent to abuse it. Rather just to highlight some parts of it that seem to be lacking.

I hope that when people make LFG groups, or when you consider a fellow player in a game. Take into account that their lower endorsement level doesn’t reflect upon them as a player 100% of the time. Rather its a portrayal of the system. That person could be a brilliant player with a group of friends that are all good…They’re just a victim of society (Win for the band reference).

I would like to hear an opinion on this entire system without the doubt of it from someone at Blizzard, it would be nice to see how it all interacts and how groups of friends can maintain their endorsement level more effectively.


I have not been reported, I was endorsed in the games and just after receiving an endorsement for sportsmanship I went from level 4 to 3 then received an endorsement for shot caller. Can you explain this please???

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The biggest question is, how fast is the decay at specific levels, and if you can have a buffer during lvl5, so reports don’t lower you into de-lvling.

That way if you have say couple hundred endorsements, you can freely go into Comp, without worry too much, unless you get suspended or action taken against you.

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Trying figure out the decay still, i took few days off, it didn’t lower my level, i played bunch of custom games, lately playing same groups for extended period of time, resulting in less endorsements over time, than if i say were to join new group every other game, had lvl5 still.

i decided Left 1 QP at Hero Select before match started right as it loaded up, logged off, logged in, lost lvl5. Don’t know how long it’s going to take to get it back.

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If you DC or even leave a game that there is no penalty for (another teammate left and timer has went through it’s thing) you will still lose an endorsement level. I have dropped from 3 to 2, 2 different times, because I left a game where it was 4v6 and didn’t feel like playing an unwinnable game for 4 minutes.

Still lost an endorsement level. After I learned that, I completely stopped caring about endorsements because I will not waste time on 4v6 or 3v6 or whatever for several minutes just to keep an endorsement.


Though i gained tons of endorsements, prior to losing lvl 5 i’ve had for long time, it felt like the is no buffer, didn’t really matter at all how many endorsements you got after that. As if there is cap, and you will lose level immediately if you leave just one game, no matter how soon it was.

Hopefully one day there will be way to tell how close you are to delvling, or even a warning for leaving.

Well after losing level5 for the leaving that qp match early,

It took about 5 games of endorsements, about 10-20, to get it back, it didn’t require me getting 600+ endorsements again from 4, or say capped me at 1k, and deduct 600 for that one match, instead i’m assuming it brings you close to cap once that offense, and deduct you # of endorsements to level it again.

I’m guessing it’s based on leaving rate? of the recent matches, so if you leave, you can’t really afford to leave again, so it doesn’t punish you too hard for repeated offensives/leaving, instead gives you chance to make up for that match or in case network failure.

Reporting i’m assuming will still be major deduction as it can bring you all the way down to lvl1.

Also assuming if you delvl twice, from say 5 to 3, you will have to make up 600 endorsements, as it you just lvled back to 4, then lvl to 5.

Unless you can also make up for those dlvls by your endorsement # you have on record by not leaving repeatedly and gaining endorsements for next 10 matches…

The system isn’t working right.

I was 4, then just dropped to 3 for no reason during QP matches where I was getting an average of 2 per. So i wrote them down, 4 sportsman, 4 player, 1 shot caller and got back into level 4.

Once in 4, I got 5 player, and 1 shot caller over 3-4 games, and dropped again to 3.

No reports, no leaving, no DC’s, nothing. System decay is jacked up.


So false reports can greatly work against you. That is severely flawed. And yes, false reporting is rampant


im level4 for for some time now… i dont get endorsed every game even when i play support.

most time ppl wont endorse when they lose a match…

playing zarya gives me more endorsement than playing mercy… some ppl just hate mercy players…

I think some of you guys take this endorsement system way too seriously. You guys are making it sound like some oppressive system because reports and playing with friends prohibits you from achieving things. It’s basically just an arbitrary number that occasionally gives you a couple free lootboxes.


This makes me less inclined to stick with a winning team from lfg.

they worked so hard to convince the playerbase that reporting players did something… and now we have the opposite problem.

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It doesn’t mater what a person has endorsement wise if you only play with friends. So not being able to endorse when playing with friends or losing out on them when in a decent group is a non-issue. As the player has already found decent team mates.

for the rest of it, as long as a player is at 2-3 it’s not really a big deal. I doubt we will see filters for even 4 endorsements, never mind 5. The only telling thing with the system is those players who are 0-1. As 2 is like a near default level rating.
You might be a new player or returning player but odds are in a lot of casses they are a player with “issues”.

so with very little worth to the ratings, I’m not sure why people worry about this stuff all that much.

I’m still reading through your post, but I have to get something off my chest…your double bullet points are triggering me.

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i take it serious because its fun for me…

some ppl care about their rank, about their level, about having every cosmetic item, about getting every achievement.

i dont think its unfair… it had a very good effect on the game for 2 weeks (i play on EU so idk about NA)… ppl suddenly picked tanks and healers… not instalocking 5dps in quickplay.
therefore i like the system and i want blizz to do everything in their power to keep ppl using it and see a purpose… now you still have some good games on EU but you can see ppl got tired of picking tanks and play time to time what the team needs.

Like exactly the same happened to me yesterday and today! Lost and gained back lv4 for four times by now lol. Normally I played heal, tried out the new sombra -> ~1 endorsement per match -> delevelling, played heal again -> back to 4, CONTINUED playing heal (second heal though) with ~3 per match -> lost -> playing more main and second heal -> back to 4 -> idk why, dropped to 3 and left several games (like 6 or 7 lmao) the next hours because I was already annoyed by this and by those games -> few heal plays later back to 4 -> idk why dropped to 3 after comp (rep?) -> a few hours ago I got 4 again.

This is so broken.


One thing I’ve noticed is that the higher I am the less endorsements I get.
I’ve noticed that once I had reached Level 3 I was getting fewer endorsements than the time I was at level 2 and level 1.

“It’s ok…it’s been a few weeks after the Patch so people don’t care that much” I thought.

Until I reach level 4 this week. And then I fell down. And up…3 times in a single day.

I was getting almost none while I was level-4 so I easily dropped to 3 after a few matches. And then I got to level 3 while playing because people would notice my “good behavior” and I slowly got to 4. The thing is that I had spent the whole day playing. If had played along the week I believe I would be way longer at 3.

I had to leave a match and a duo titeld and accused me of trolling so I know they reported me ( I don’t care about false reports because they re 1 in a million matches I play but it’s sad knowing they affect your true display of sportsmanship), therefore it will take me a while to get to level 4 again ( +2 DC during Hammond’s release in quickplay).

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Based on the OP, the sheer volume of matches could be working against you. Maybe you were less consistent in your matches while you had Lv4, which could have resulted in fewer endorsements. If you had played less, maybe you would still have Lv4.

The whole endorsement system appears to be as volatile as SR, where if you play enough you can see +/-300 swings several times in a day.

Nah, I don’t look at endorsements, I play the exact same way regardless of levels. I think the average good player will cap at 3.

You get 4 if you always compliment, use team voice a always and spam Oprah’s quotes for a better life. I’ve seen lots of 4s but I don’t know how long they will be at it.
You stay at 5 when you are Oprah playing as healer and giving stuff to all 11 players.