Endorsement Levels Actually Explained From a GM better then the official page

Side note, I have noticed that this occurs to me more often when I play Symmetra, so whatever Blizzard…you won’t give us a real answer on all of this, hell at this rate I think level 5 does not even exist unless you are a Blizzard employee.
Perhaps the jealous kids who can’t counter a hero just goes for a report and triggers the system to a point I just keep losing an endorsement level and there is really nothing we can do about it unless we hit a full suspension. Blizzard just has this crap system that is not cutting down toxic play like they think it is. I am at a point where I don’t think I should really care about some lame endorsement system now. I will let my actions when I play speak…wait, nevermind I have to play someone other than Mercy, D.Va, Brig and Sym because that will just get me more reports.

Hopefully, in a while the devs are going to fix this new endorsement system that they have bring but right now i keep getting lowered from 4 to 3 without doing anything that would explain why i dropped.
Yet right now this is happening almost every day that i play, i drop from 4 to 3 without;

  • Leaving any games at all or disconnected during a game

  • Being toxic, rude, offensive, etc (bad behavior)

I am basically not doing anything wrong which would result in me being reported. I pretty much get at least 1 endorsement every game and even then i keep getting a message that my endorsement level dropped down. This happen a lot after a game i got 2-3 endorsements and yesterday during a game of lucioball.

From my experience so far that system is either broken (decay isnt working as it should) or i am getting reported for no reason and the dev dont care if the reports are right or wrong and i am just getting unjustified punishments.

The only good point from this system is i see less toxic people in the games i play which was probably the point of bringing this up so kudo on that blizzard.
On that note, the next step, else than fixing this up, would be that you get a notification on what and when you do get reported so if you are doing something wrong you know about it and possibly think about fixing it.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

I think having endorsements lowered due to reports isn’t practical. I also can imagine someone getting tilted and reporting someone with a high endorsement level to try to lower that endorsement.

I was rank 4 for two weeks, grinding incredibly hard to achieve rank 5.
3 days ago I deranked to rank 3 and was absolutely crushed as I thought I was close.

Since then, I have re-achieved rank 4 and deranked to rank 3 FOUR TIMES! Here’s some facts as to why this shouldn’t be happening:
I never leave games.
I never disconnect from games.
I never grief people.
I consistently get 2-4 gold medals per round and help my team, and have given no reason to be reported.
I play Overwatch daily for 4-6 hours, so there is no potential that this is decay-related.

There’s no reason this should be happening and with the lack of transparency on this system, I am utterly defeated. They need to fix this.


Have you been getting endorsements at least 2 every match, have you gone through multiple matches in row without getting endorsements, this including multiple LFG parties or Custom Games.

What modes are you playing in mostly?
What heroes do you mostly play?
how often do you talk in chat?

Im very confused on how the endorsements decay I read the entire post but i still dropped my level from level 4 to 3 i play mainly comp and modes like lucioball only so to see my rank drop without d.cing or any of that kind of stuff I am still kinda mad that I lost my level 4 and i want to figure out more about the system I enjoy the idea of adding a reward of peer judgement but I want to learn more about the idea of a decay when you always get one endorsements then the game I lose the level it says i get 4 endorsements , I just want to know how the rank will drop when you are being commutative not toxic filling and being friendly since this entire system is to promote that idea in the OW community and it seems that I didnt only get the down level

I just played several qp games and was getting endorsements. I still fell from level four to three. I had been at 4 for a long time.
More frustrating is that I endorse new people. I’m just going to leave game after a map so hopefully I get fresh people that can endorse.
This defeats the whole purpose of lfg.
Massive phone typos fixed…

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My level is constantly fluxuating due to reports on PS4. I only keep level 4 for a few games before it drops down again. It’s really a poor way of dealing with it as— it honestly looks to me like they don’t really monitor your reports even though they have the information. People can report you for anything and I don’t hear enough about being penealized for abusing the system.

ESPECIALLY under console of which I play on. There is no chat feature for this game, obviously because they don’t support keyboard use in an attempt to keep the field even-Steven,
so…? Do you keep logs of the voice chat? No? So, theoretically you can just report abusive chat— which is probably not even possible to verify on console— and lose levels because you picked Widow?


Blizzard has described their approach to toward game changes in this manner: first they crawl, then they walk, then they run. If this is true, then we can assume the current LFG system is Blizzard “crawling.” We can then assume there will be further modifications made to the LFG system; walking, and then finally running. The LFG system is probably Blizzard dipping their toes into the water to test the temperature. If they find it to their liking, I bet they’ll improve on the LFG system. I’m sure they’re not done with it.

Blizzard has made this system far too sensitive. Unless you are a literal Mary Sue in-game, it’s impossible for you to reach endorsement level 5. Not even the most positive players such as Mickie, Seagull etc have endorsement level 5 from their games.

Additionally, endorsement decay is just a flawed system. For instance, the shotcaller endorsement is obviously given out to people calling the shots for the team. It’s entirely possible for your endorsement level to decay over the period of 5 games, but your ability to shotcall does NOT. It would take literally months of not playing for your shotcalling abilities to be laid to waste. It’s entirely unnatural, and unrepresentative of real-world traits, and this needs addressing. In fact, none of the endorsement categories scale well with how a player is actually performing.

I’m all over the place in terms of understanding this system, I want to enjoy it but I just can’t, when it first came out I made it up to level 3 and kept it, once I got 4 I was excited then for some reason even after getting endorsements every game I was deranked for some reason, even the previous match before I lost the level I got 4 endorsements but lost my endorsement level 4 anyways, currently I have reached level 5 during the Summer Games Event yet now playing quickplay/arcade/competitive matches respectively people are choosing not to endorse people, my last 3 games has 0 endorsements for me and 2 games before that only 1, so I’m expecting to lose my level 5 Endorsement level just because people are choosing not to endorse anyone, I’m a main healer usually getting the healing card as Mercy and yet seems like no one cares, if it’s supposed to be a rewarding and positive feature I shouldn’t lose the level based on people not wanting to Endorse you rather than keeping it for the reason you have it, because you stayed above that threshold unless something bad was to happen to lose it

(note: the system is being abused in several ways, normally people would just endorse people for all the wrong reasons, like “shot caller” when no one was talking all game, even in games I have voiced my leadership in awareness calling out locations and being successful, I get nothing but “Good Teammate” instead of the obvious, people choose what they want but it’s not a perfect system by any means)

I have seen only 1 player with a 5 endorsement level in this game. It’s like spotting a 4 leaf clover.

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Read this entire thing. All but one spot seems correct, and even if it is I don’t really care much as it basically doesn’t effect me. This is the part I have seen not work twice now

Over the last few months I have logged into the game twice and seen a “you dropped from level 4 to level 3.” Without playing a game, just by hitting the giant play button on the bnet application. Not sure if its a bug, but I think time decay is a thing.

I stopped caring about it. I endorse for the XP— though I try to endorse good team members when I do. Otherwise, I just endorse the lowest levels to throw them a bone.

It’s too easily abused to derank a person. You lose considerable amount of rank if anyone sends a report on you. Even when it isn’t even investigated. There is no way to contest the report and they automatically label you guilty in this sense.

I apparently get reported at the beginning of matches for my picks. A lot of the time I redeem the skepticism and half of the time the toxic players lay off me when I promise to switch if it isn’t working.

I’d also like to stress that I play on console and console for some reason has an “Abusive Chat” category to pick from when you’re actually not even able to communicate as console versions aren’t keyboard compatible or even has a chat system implemented outside of general voice commands and mic.

You mean to tell me they log all of their voice chats? Yeah, no. So, why the option? It’s ridiculous and I’ve actually have a few people who admit they pick that option for a player that they don’t enjoy the performance from on console. There is no way for them to prove that they were abusive in voice chat and no way not to.

They need to take away the degradation of endorsement level from reports. Period. Unless you plan on investigating every single one of them and ranking down players with premature and false reports. Incredibly lazy of them, imo.

Thank you so much for explaining!

I do however think the system is greatly flawed. My endorsements were at level 2 yesterday and I played a few prticularly successful games as Sombra in QP. I received a couple endorsements each game. One of The games was so successful that as the game was ending a three stack on the opposite team decided to leave the game, then the other two, leaving one on the opposite team. The game was ‘reinstancing’ and then disconnected — which of course made rage ensue. I then joined another QP game and saw that this had made my endorsement level go back down to 1. Needless to say I was not happy.

Games being abandoned when they’re not going a players way is bad sportsmanship imo, Ive never left a game that I’ve been losing purely for my team mates than anything. Not only this, but my endorsements went punished for their behaviour. Not good, needs fixing :frowning:

Never seen anyone above 4. I just ping pong back and forth 3 to 4 , 4 to 3, 3 to 4
kinda lame. Sometimes in 3 to 4 games. Up down.

here’s what i think of endorsements.

Something useless added to this game, that gives no merits. Is irrelevant and is just a number above my icon. the day they make it something worth lvling up, I’ll consider it as something worth understanding and improving in.

Endorsements should be permanent; if you give someone a “Good Teammate” you should no longer be able to give this type to that player ever again, and this point is stored to your Endorsement level. If you ever feel like removing this endorsement level you may choose to do so if you play in the same game as them.

The report system should be separated from the endorsement system in my opinion, and the only way to de-level would be to have a already active endorsement removed, however it should still be possible to add this level back even after it getting removed, since everyone can have a bad day, however you will have a indication that you have once removed this endorsement from this player, so that if you forget them or they change name you will have to think twice about giving them an endorsement.

If this system was in place they could remove the XP-gain, since there would be less need for people to upvote simply to balance out the report system, but also since it should not really be in the game in the first place. With my system there would be no way to be no untruthful boosting just to gain XP and it would be a limit on how much damage one person could do, since you can only give one “down vote”, and only if you already had them up voted, and not punish them with an in theory, unlimited amounts of reports.

Your endorsement level system would rather be based on a conjunction of the amount of endorsements you have, but also the percentage of player that give you endorsement and remove their endorsement on average, so a random endorsement level removed should really not affect your endorsement level at all.

This is the second time I’ve lost my level 4 endorsement back to 3, and frankly, it feels impossible to maintain, let alone get it up to 5.

Also, seriously, endorsements decay if you leave a game early? Because I often tend to play a bit of QP to pass the time because I’m waiting for something. Then quit the game mid-match because, well, it’s Quick-Play, someone else will take my place and that won’t really affect my team too much.

But I can’t because that will negatively affect my endorsement? I can understand getting a penalty for leaving a Competitive match, because you’re screwing your whole team over and “sentencing” them to a 5v6 for the rest of the match, but in QP? Come on!

And that’s not even going into unjustly penalizing people who disconnect because their connection crapped out. Which is what happened to me today, joined a match in Eichenwald, lost connection… and when I went back to play my next match I get a message telling me my level dropped from 4 to 3. That’s just not right.

Also, I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who tends not to endorse players that are level 4, or even 3. Nothing against them, but if I see a level 4, my mind goes “well, they’re already pretty high-leveled, they probably don’t need many more endorsements. Maybe I should give my endorsement to this level 1 guy, who was also really good”.

Because the thought of endorsement decay isn’t ever in our minds. Hell, given how unexplained the damned system is, pretty much nobody is even aware that they’re letting higher-level endorsements rot away when they think they’re being nice for endorsing other people. And who could blame them? None of this is every explained in the game.

So Blizzard, if you could please fix your endorsement system, that would be great. At least make the decay less of a pain, please. Don’t turn Quick-play into a “I absolutely must finish this match, even though I have something I need to do, because I don’t want my endorsement level to fall”. And God forbid your connection has the slightest hiccup that forces you to leave a match.