i dropped from 4 which i got this afternoon to 3 after being disconnected from a lobby with “not enough players” this has to be a bug. I’ve been playing all day so i know it isn’t decay in my case.
Just like everyone here my Endorsement also dropped. I had finally hit level 3, then got off for the night came back the next day and I was suddenly at 2 again. I have no idea why. I’m generally a nice player so no one should of reported me, and I tend to get a couple endorsements almost every game. This HAS to be a bug, there is no way the decay would be this aggressive. There shouldn’t even be a time decay. It should really only decay if you get reported a lot. Endorsement level should show how good of a team mate you are not how often you play.
It’s really disheartening.
FKING BS this endorsement.
Had lvl 4 this morning, didn’t play for a couple of hours today, still lvl 4 when I logged on.
One game of MS then 2 in comp, endorsed in first comp game, then before endorsements happened in 2nd comp I went to lvl 3, got 3 shot calls in 2nd comp and didn’t go back to lvl 4.
How TF does this work out.
Oh hey I remember you from that comp game, yeah it would be nice if Blizzard explained in depth how it works as I’ve lost level 4 about 3 times now.
I went from 3 to 4 twice yesterday after playing all day and getting endorsements. Today I dropped from 4 to 3 again after the opposing rage quit in our qp game.
games that are cancelled may also be a cause for leveling down, I had a few games that cancelled because of a leaver from competitive matches, and I went from 4 to 3, kind of annoying that it counts as a match and not completing it to abuse the system in leveling down players on purpose…kind of an exploit if people really wanted to troll I guess
Same thing here. Was given endorsement level 3, plus a couple more endorsements. I got off, got back on later that day, and the endorsement level was dropped to 2.
Its just horrible… you do what you can but still lose endorsement… i dont get the system? what else can i do then
- care about teamcomp
- do useful picks
- communicate over voicechat
- protect other teammembers
- be friendly AND FINALLY
- normally have 4-5 goldmedlas per game…
what else can we do? i just wonder? is there any important point i miss? how can blizzard release such a system? i’m really disappointed. and now the best:
Answer GM1: Hmm we cant see into endorsement sorry
Answer GM2: Im sorry for your disconnects? the f*ck? last time i hade a DC in any kind is more than 1 year ago…
i just wish blizzsht will stand there for one FCKING TIME and say sorry that was a fault… i NEVER heard that from blizz its always the players fault…
Yesterday: increaset from end 3 to end 4 … one match later: 2x Shotcaller 3x Good Teammate and 1x Respectful… deraned to end 3 ?!?
and of the normaly players got an idea? blizzsh*t wont answer as i’ve expected as a GM said they really only wanna have the money
I have the same problem… did you lose your level in a game where you got endorsements too?
exactly @knotsderots
I just hit level 4 today, and 4 hours later I’m down to 3.
And I’ve been averaging 3-4 endorsements per game?!
Yep, and the second time when I lost it was due to not getting endorsements in just one match, which is insanely punishing. Feels like level 4 is only possible for popular twitch streamers.
It does not seem to be an issue of really harsh decay.
I didn’t touch Overwatch for a week due to study and I’m still at the same lvl.
Seems to be that reports bring it down, and some people just report others for invalid reasons so there’s nothing to do about it…
yep and they will keep ignoring bugs and the false reports… game is broken socially
Your level doesn’t go down when you don’t play the game, it goes down when you play the game basically.
I went from Endorsement 4 to 3 yesterday. i was level 4 for about a day. i had maybe 25 to 30 endorsements after hitting level 4. i had 3 games where I didn’t get any endorsements and dropped to level 3. it took me around 25 to 30 endorsements to get back to level 4 again.
I played a some this morning and dropped to level 3 again. this time I had almost no games where I didn’t get 1 or 2 endorsements.
so somehow, when you drop a level, it takes 25 or so to regain what you just lost, and the decay is either much higher at higher endorsements levels or some sort of weekly daily decay is happening, although in the past 3 weeks I have consistently been playing a LOT of over watch.
Losing ranking is frustrating, as I’m not quitting games, I’m picking choices based in what the team needs, I"m getting endorsements a high % of games. I’ve had games as mercy when I’ve received 5+ endorsements.
Yep, down to lvl 3 again after hitting lvl 4 again and still getting endorsements 98% of the time.
Welcome to Blizzard where we create BS patches to make it look like we are doing something with YOUR money that you spent on OUR broken AS F&&K game, but F%%KIT we know its all broken, but who cares, we are keeping your money and want you to spend more on OUR broken S**T.
OH also, our DEVS etc aren’t going to answer s&&T, because we already HAVE your money so we don’t care anymore.
same thing happened to me, i had no notification of any reports or anything similar to that. i went on vacation for three days and I come back to level three endorsement instead of level four (the level i was when i left). I am very upset and I dont think its right that just because i took a break, my level was taken from me.
even if it’s slow, it’s not right. the whole point of endorsements is to acknowledge the useful, supportive, and friendly teammates; not to push people to play Overwatch all the time just for a status. thats exactly what Blizzard did not want, thats why we dont know how long it takes for players to level. very disappointing.
Just happened to two of my friends that I’ve been playing with for the last few days. Decay or no, that doesn’t feel right. It shouldn’t drop that easily.