Endorsement Level went down

There’s another reason because im always active and doing the best i can in a game and trying to avoid glitches in the game if there is any and my endorsement level went down for no reason

Doing your best is different than recieving enough endorsements to keep your endorsement level.

this happens to me almost every time i play it goes from 4 to 3 and than back

I have the same issue, I’m jumping between 4 and 3 all the time and randomly dropping to 3.

It is not a bug, you aren’t getting enough endorsements.

Please close this thread as it isn’t a bug and has been bumped multiple times for the exact same reason

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In my opinion the endorsements dont mean a damn thing anyway people do it for exp and I dont do it at all maybe ive done it a couple of times during the entirety of its existance but it needs to not reward exp otherwise its just meaningless

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Blizzard Support is specifically directing people here for some reason.

You will be directed here to report it as a bug. The customer support you contact are there for technical aspects, not in game reverts or bug reports.

They indeed put you through here if they believe it’s a bug.

Is CS part of the developer team?
Well, i can’t ask that since i do not work there so i won’t get a direct answer.

They redirect you here so you can report it as a bug if they feel like it isn’t behaviour it is.

But as far this is intended behaviour.

Your endorsement level will drop from these factors:

  • Leaving Matches early
  • (Unverified) Getting reported alot
  • (Unverified) Getting avoided alot
  • Not getting enough endorsements in a set specific amount of matches*

Usually the last one is the most common case, meaning that it’s actually normal that your level drops.
Unless you’re able to prove this isn’t intended, because it has been confirmed that it can drop because you’re not getting endorsed enough.

There was a bug a while back where endorsements were disappearing for no reason, and they might think you’re experiencing that. However, that hasn’t happened in a very long time, and endorsements have been working as intended for a while to my knowledge.

They will go up and down based on the average you receive per game. Many endorsements are required for maintaining levels 4 and 5, and I would personally know this since I often fluctuate between those levels. Sometimes I even drop to 3. Some game modes have people more likely to endorse or not, time of day can also be a factor. I would stop worrying about this because, in my opinion and experience, I don’t think a lot of people look at or care about the endorsement level… even when I had a 5 next to my name.

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I wish they would eliminate it. I go between 4 and 5 frequently. The endorsement system is not really serving a good cause.

I also lost endorsement rank after being disconnected from a match. I didn’t leave the match of my own accord.

Being disconnected and leaving are the same result, they leave your team without a member for a bit, so the punishment is the same. Whether that’s exp penalties, endorsement levels, or SR loss, depends on what you’re playing/what level.

I reached Endorsement level 2 or 3 can’t remember a long while ago. I’m still at 2 after a year of not playing the game.

I read about what the purpose of this is, and I’m not impressed. I’ll just continue to give everyone shot caller because that is always the smallest sliver on everyones rank.

Especially because it is strongly biased:

  1. You can rate someone in a positive way only. If you have a bad game, you tend to rate no one instead of those who were the least bad. So you end up rating people mainly in games that went well for you anyway, though a good endorsement system should also be interested in how people behaved when the game went bad for them.
  2. You get extra XP for submitting an endorsement. Some people do anything for just a little more XP in order to get the next loot box, so they absolutely don’t care whom they endorse or why.

Oh, and speaking of rating system: Medals also need to be removed. I have caught myself trying to explain lower levels the difference between “having gold medal” and “having done a good job” more than just a few times. In the end, it’s very simple: If you have a concept like medals and people will even get additional XP for medals, people will purposely or at least unconsciously work for the medals instead of the objective.

Although the issue is a bit smaller for cards, they also tend to motivate people to do things conflicting with the objective. For instance, sometimes it would be better to switch the hero but because a player would risk losing his/her card for the job (s)he did (let’s say booping opponents from the map), (s)he is motivated to delay or even relinquish his/her hero switch.

Instead of all that useless stuff, I would like to have a real leaderboard: I want to see which healer has dealt how much healing to which player. Which player has dealt how much damage to which opponent. How much damage has each player absorbed. How often has each player died. Etc. And then, I want the option to tell the game the job of which player I found great and the job of which player I found sh*t.

The endorsement system is trash and I still stand by that nearly two years later. It was a band-aid to the toxic gameplay that Blizzard really denies exists. The gig was up, and once people figured it out, they all came right back out with the toxic chat. Only one article did Overwatch brag how it was reducing the reports put in…now you don’t hear that nearly two years later. I can not be convinced otherwise that this endorsement system serves any benefit at all. It is pretty much a troll number. (IE someone talks toxic and a level 1 endorse, you troll them on that number to reflect their behavior) but it really doesn’t It is just a number.

You can only rate positive as you mention.

You get XP as you mention (Yeah like I am really tempted to endorse a toxic person for the points on the next loot box)

No matter what endorsement level you are, you get grouped with nobody in your “positive experience” skill. Level 1’s grouped with 4 and 5. Toxic af, the 4 and 5 isn’t (though I found some can) and yup, the game goes to crap.

It needs to be trashed period. Nice band-aid but Blizzard needs to suck it up after two years and realize, it is junk

Which by the way, would love to see one of those “The endorsement system reduced reports of other players” articles. But I know I won’t…

Yeeeah, got upgraded to endorse 4 on OW2 after a few games; next game, didn’t do anything - immedately dropped back to 3 again. 2 games later was back at 4; you just have to fit the quotas, idk

The real elephant in the room is that they left this completely pointless broken system in the game to begin with.

same thing just happened to me today, i got endorsements today the whole day, i got my endorstment up to 2 and then i joined a game. As soon as i joined i gota notif sayşng that my endorstment level went down to 1 just after i got it to 2, there is lots of problems with this game.

That’s not the only issue, but they have said endorsements do decay over time. So your first endorsements you get early on that helped you get to the level you are decayed so those dropped off and lowered your endorsement level. That isn’t supposed to happen. Its supposed to be only when you haven’t played for a while or haven’t received any endorsements in a while from other players. The system was meant to help against toxicity, but I think it drove it harder. It ended up being a ranking system of how well you played. The sportsmanship endorsement meant you played bad, the good team mate ended up meaning you played alright and then the shot caller meant you played really well. Then those with rank 5 endorsement ended up usually being females and guys just endorsing them because they were female. Now the new way endorsements work is a joke too. The numbers really mean nothing and the rewards for having a higher endorsement are a joke too.

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