Emongg's Stream Sold me on Role Queue

Those who’ve seen my posts know I oppose Role Queue quite often.

However the three separate ranks (Damage SR, Tank SR, and Support SR) queu system I like. I like that a lot. I would love to see that in the game. I would love to see that I have three separate ranks and would no longer have a need for my Alternate account to practice DPS and Tanks on.

I would be able to queue up in Plat as a DPS, in Diamond as a Tank, and Grand Masters as a Support while being locked into the roles.

This queue style addresses several of the issues I have with normal Role Queue while also solving current existing issues. It still introduces problems but not as many as the standard suggested Role Queue.


Its this, or force (and?) 2-2-2. The game needs it.

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Just knowing how long in WoW it took too find a game…

Expect 5-10 min ques

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Worth, if I dont get stuck with 4 idiot DPS asking one of our 2 healers put up a shield for them.


That is still one of the drawbacks, yes.

But it solves the problem of normal Role Queue suggestions by preventing someone like myself who climbed to GM playing support being able to queue up in GM as a DPS.

I really liked that separated SR as well. But it need to be optional (ie, being able to queue as “flex” if someone don’t want to be locked on a single role), and the queue need to not force the team formation at 2-2-2 (IMO, the perfect team should be 1-1-1 + 3 flex).

If they end up implementing only the “lock role queue”, it would kill what’s left of the game to me. But if there is a flex queue that average out all SR, they need some tools to prevent abuse, like someone tanking their other two roles SR just to play at a lower rank on flex queue using their higher rank role. Maybe removing the “flex queue” option if your three roles are more than one rank apart from each other (eg, a gold support/diamond tank can’t flex queue).

But it’s definitely show me some options that might work for role queue. And I really don’t like the idea of role queue, so that says something on how good of an idea it is.

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That’s if you picked DPS

Tanks got in instantly, and healers were the second fastest.

Im all in favour for my own fast Q seeing as I heal competitively ;))

It would be pretty quick for me since I’m for sure a Plat DPS player.

Nope, still not a role que fan.

I’d rather have heros bans in Diamond and above before I get longer que times than koth games.

Huh. That could certainly help with toxicity in Comp at least. Earning a rank in each role would really help flex players know what they may be lacking on, and really wouldn’t really effect one tricks negatively or positively.
There’s still the issue of needing another x because the current ones aren’t cutting it, and the possibly atrocious wait times for DPS mains. As well as the increased problems with throwers and having no real chance to swap to thier role and pick up thier slack.

But it’s certainly an interesting caveat to add with role queue. I’m still not sold, but it’s a step up from just basic role queue suggestions.

Well, a lot of people enjoy playing DPS. And in off times it jumps up to 30 mins.

Only thing, in WoW you could do other things while you wait. What are you going to do in overwatch? Study the validity of Hanzos ankles?


That and wonder how his nipple isn’t cold.

Seeing as that’s where the majority of players are, and a large majority of players play DPS, it’s gonna have a long q for DPS.

Just going off what happened in WoW, and with WoW the DPS slots were so much more than healers and tanks

Take LFG for raid. There were 15 dps, 5 healers, and 2 tanks or something like that. Even with that many DPS slots you were in Q for upwards of 15 mins, minimum of 5.

Even though there were only 2 tanks, they still got instant Qs.

And healers still took a couple minutes.

Dps is by far the largest of any game, and there are so many of them, as many people dont want to play tank or healers, and the DPS pool of heroes is 2x larger than both healers and tanks combined.

Still, as a healing main, I dont mind short Qs for my role. Just remember to look at it realistically

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The game is about communication. If your team can’t cooperate on switching or plays, then that should be the losing factor. Forcing roles would just take away that freedom.


Role queue is what we need - and I don’t care if dps have long queues. They are the least important role in solo queue.

Same as you, I’ve gone back and forth on the subject.

This particular solution sounds awesome to me at a glance. I’d want to think about it though… it’s definitely worth chewing on.

My personal major problems with role queue are basically:

  • I like to leverage spawn advantage on several maps. There are quite a few that IMO are best tackled by 3 DPS at the start, then fading back to 2-2-2.
  • On MANY maps, my best Tank / DPS / Support plays are NOT the same on Defense as they are on Offense.
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Oh trust me, I know. I was a vanilla WoW player who started off as a DPS main and became one of the main DPS players in my guild’s raid throughout 3 expansions. I was there when the system was first implemented.

I used to just go do quests or search for specific pets to collect because of how long my DPS qs were for LFG raids and dungeons. It was brutal.

I’ve put this idea for role queue with three separate SR brackets for each role on these forums a few times already, glad to see they were talking over it.

With how much people complain about triple support and triple or quad tank compositions, I’ve always been of the mind that 2/2/2 should be forced because it’s what MOST people like. It’d be a huge improvement having a well done role queue. As long as it has 3 separate SR brackets.

This game doesn’t just stand to improve from it, it needs it for a major bump in consistent good games instead of like 1 good game where both sides are really giving eachother a good run, something that doesn’t happen as 70% of the games played are just one sided smashings alot of the time, so the game doesn’t just stand to gain from it, it NEEDS IT. Can’t wait for this to become a reality.

I agree, that’s the first kind I could get behind. I feel like I am way better at tanks and supports than dps.

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Yes lets see how those top500 dps players will do great with their 5 dps teams.