Emongg's Stream Sold me on Role Queue

I think you might misunderstand whats being discussed or I am misunderstanding you.

Yeah, I’ve designed a couple Role Queue systems, and I was really intrigued by this one.

I think out most recent one is pretty decent tho :stuck_out_tongue:

🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

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I’ve opposed all of the ones you’ve designed too if I’m not mistaken.

Maybe, did you see this one?
🌟 [RoleQ] 2Flex-2-2 is the answer

The vast majority of LFG with locked roles was ?-2-2.

The majority of the top class players are actualy DPS players, yes they can perform well on the other categories but they are not top class players on that other category.

Yup, I’m the third reply on that thread. =P

Which is why it’s 3 separate MMRs for each role you play >.>
You can be a plat dps, diamond support, and a mid master tank respectively.

Complement: Final fantasy xiv:
Queue as as dps: 20 min
Queue as tank: instant(plus bonuses for picking the class no one picks, like extra gil/other currencies and extra exp)

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Maybe some DPS mains should realize that they aren’t good at DPS, and play their true role. Then maybe queue times won’t be long for them.

Not some random master players, theres a huge gap between 4300 to 4100 to 3900 to 3600

Oh I guess you did.

Kinda forgot about it because your response was “this is bad because it’s not LFG”.

Which really didn’t make much sense to me.

I don’t know, I enjoy playing Mercy, Moira, and Orisa, but I also like to DPS when I’m tired of healing

LFG was a bit of a failed attempt at it wasn’t it >.> It’s actually a complete non functional system in OCE, to the point everyone gave up on it and it just never has anyone using it or even checking if anyone is trying to use it.

It was more, “It’s still introducing more problems than it is solving” and I felt LFG was the best known solution as its only flaw was longer queue times but solved all the problems (Other than people aren’t using it).

The system Emongg and Jeff spoke on still introduced new problems, but nowhere near as many as a standard Role Queue would.

So I am in favor of it.

Chro is consistently a Top 500 Junkrat since launch.

i’ve already given up on the idea because blizzard just takes too long to do anything. by the time they actually do it will be at the games last breath to bring people back in. too little too late.

Playing with masters against masters.

Ok, be it a Master player then. Don’t change my point.

If he can win with 6 DPS, everyone at a lower rank can as well. The point is to not give up just because the team is composed of 6 DPS.

Im not saying that he is a master player but his teammates are his team obviously have an advantage for having a Top500 player cant you see that?