Emongg: "Every sort of sniper needs a nerf if 3-1-2 happens"

I saw an Orisa once on enemy team.

She got mulched. Not even a tank.

This is why classic unlocked generally solved itself.

Everyone had broad access to tools which solved win conditions. Canā€™t counter-snipe? Np you can Sombra to bully or pick up another tank to mitigate. 303 (goats) was merely a byproduct of sustained brawl creep - tone that down and we could have kept classic.

Not a huge fan of 132 right now. It seems like 222 with reworks would be better (mei,doom as offtanks and sym/somb/torb as offheals). And for true flexing, nothing comes close to classic.

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When he says snipers does he mean only Hanzo/Widow or does that include Ashe too

As a Hanzo main I wouldnā€™t mind if 1-shots were exclusively ability based and no normal primary could 1-shot but both heroes would have to receive reworks to give them such an ability.

Widow for example could gain an overcharge ability that allows her to deal 1-shot damage on her primary for a short amount of time.

Hanzo could receive a rework to his Storm, maybe it fires just 1 arrow but it is super fast and deals normal damage (full 125/250).

So why are we assuming 1-3-2 is 100% going to be put into QP and comp?

Thatā€™s my question.

Hadnā€™t thought about this, but itā€™s a great point. Suppose these changes went live. Theyā€™d either make QPC a mess or theyā€™d have to have two sets of stats for characters, which isnā€™t a good idea long term, especially with pve also becoming a consideration eventually

Itā€™s blizzard, so the worst is always assumed. Also weā€™re morons.


Thereā€™s a pretty high chance it will be despite being experimental since Blizzard goes back on very few changes anyway.

While I agree, I think people need to be informed on WHY snipers are strong before they go around nerfing them.

Double sniper is strong because the (presumably) Widow and Hanzo can soft flank to either side of a teamfight and create a kill zone that their tank core can corral the enemy tank core with, and it looks roughly like a ā€˜Uā€™ with the bottom of the ā€˜Uā€™ being the double snipersā€™ tank core.

With a third sniper (Iā€™m assuming Ashe) you can have one of your snipers (preferrably Hanzo because he is better against flankers) pull a hard flank on the enemy and change the ā€˜Uā€™ into an ā€˜Oā€™ with every engagement, and you donā€™t even need to corral the enemy team to get the kill zone.

The nerfs that would counter such a playstyle would likely either reduce sniperā€™s ability to deal with flankers, who can threaten or kill a sniper and change the ā€˜Oā€™ back into a ā€˜Uā€™. Or reduce the sniperā€™s mobility so that it is much harder to reform the ā€˜Oā€™ if one of them gets dislodged.

This wouldnā€™t take away sniperā€™s one-shot capabilities, which is integral to their core design, but it would still nerf them in such a way that triple sniper isnā€™t as strong.

That is true for PTR changes, but they stated over and over again in the dev update that this was just taking an interesting idea and seeing how it would play out if it were implemented.

Jeff even said they didnā€™t want to put this on the PTR so people wouldnā€™t freak out that this would be going live.

And yet here we are.


Yes but Activision is there to keep them in checkā€¦:clown_face:

Itā€™s amazing how despite Jeff stating numerous times how itā€™s just a highly experimental idea, not to panic, etc, that people are still screaming about how itā€™s going to ruin the game as if these changes are going to go live in a couple weeks.

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Itā€™s almost likeā€¦without a Second Tank people are not protected enoughā€¦huh

Ashe should be ok because she has to stay closer to the front and is reasonably counterable by a few different DPS.

Well actually having play experience in 132 that is very obvious. Too much damage coming in.

In my first game Widow got 4 headshot kills in a row.

So I donā€™t see any difference really.

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The bigger issue is that you canā€™t have a barrier tank that protects the team and a dive tank at the same time. Also, your solo tank canā€™t really go running all over the map to chase Widowmaker like a second tank could before.

Ashe was borderline useless, or at least her dynamite was, against Zarya. Likeā€¦ Damn. You gonna let me burn it all down?

Well, you canā€™t get away with much dynamite, but thereā€™s no barrier so you can doink heads.