Emongg: "Every sort of sniper needs a nerf if 3-1-2 happens"


I asked Emongg, one of the best players in the game, about his thoughts about snipers and he responded with that first clip. In hour 4 of experimental card it definitely seems like snipers are broken in a 1-3-2 format, especially Ana/McCree/Widow. Because every game so far has just been a 3v3 DPS deathmatch while the supports try not to get their head chopped off.

Now yes I know, this is just experimental. But I’m saying if it does go through, sniper will NEED to be nerfed. The issue is there is only one tank to negate pressure from snipers, and one less tank to put pressure on snipers. You can’t double dive or double shield anymore.


I can’t tell because of the matchmaking, but as it is right now hanzo and widow feel insanely good if you don’t play reinhardt. I haven’t seen a single person play sigma or orisa in my games so I don’t really have input on them. It just feels like you can’t contest them without your own sniper, and you can’t dedicate a mobile tank to them because you only have one.


i mean hes right. i said that yesterday.

That’s my initial impression too. I don’t think any dps should be allowed that much damage when 3 dps will be mandatory.


I’ve been saying this since 1-3-2 was first brought up.

90% of pros right now are saying that the meta will be some sort of mirror sniper clown fiasco.

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If 3/2/1 ever does become the standard, the balance of any mode without role que would be such a mess with tanks being insanely broken.

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They should just get rid of one shots if 1/3/2 goes through tbh.


Why do you need to ask a random streamer for an opinion? Form your own one. Solo tanking will never be good unless the dps hero powercreep gets toned down. It’s not only snipers either.

Doomfist and Mei for example make tanking absolutely miserable too. And snipers will just dominate you if you don’t have a shield tank.

I know this useless stuff is experimental, but it would require tons of resources to be remotely balanced. Just forget about it, Blizzard can’t even fix 2/2/2.

McCree would be worthless in a sniper meta. It makes no sense to nerf him just because he is hitscan. He would literally just be replaced by Soldier instantly if he were somehow viable in 321. Not that he would, because Soldier sucks too. But the logic is just faulty to begin with, so I need to humor it to address it.

I did, and I’m using his opinion to back mine up.

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Awesome maybe now that a streamer said it the devs will take us seriously lol

so don’t have enough time right now in 3/2/1 but yeah i agree snipers are to good in this from the 3-4 games i had.

Widowmaker, Hanzo, Ashe, McCree, Mei, and Doomfist would all need nerfs for 1-3-2

Baptiste, Moira, and Brig would need buffs for 1-3-2

Orisa, Sigma, D.va, Winston, and Hammond would need to be looked at depending on how things changed with the above being moved around

Why does it take pros to give voice to something so obvious?

a decent amount of the dps cast could use nerfs since this is the biggest form of damage creep you could reasonable add to the game…

nerfed damage mitigation with insane increases in damage output.

They were saying that long ago. Hell, many were saying this before evem pros did, but everyone told them to ‘quit trolling’ and ‘wait till its off the ptr’ and ‘just hide behind pillars all game 4head’


That was pretty easy to predict, ngl.

Even two tanks weren’t enough in double sniper, just saying


Because of the echo chamber of the forums/ OW community

Baptiste’s buff was live for an entire month before people started to cry he was overpowered and did too much damage; the same time a YouTube OW channel put out a clickbait video

It has ALWAYS happened… Remember the Mercy rework?

No one is talking about how Sombra needs a nerf in this mode.
Hack the tank win the fight.
Hack needs it’s cd raised.

Every game I have been in the better Sombra wins.

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