Elo Hell is real

EDIT: I just got banned for “hacking”. Performance too good in elo hell that it triggered some auto-ban? Too many reports for “cheating”?

This is my first post on these forums. I read some threads here and there and feel compelled to share my opinion on this rigged comp/elo hell topic.

A couple years ago I played in gm as hitscan when I was still going to school and was grinding mechanical all day. Now, my mechanical skill is in a severely worse state. But still decent and I would say above average.

As a returning player hyped for ow2 I just did my placements about a week ago.

I now spent the last days around 2600 and am considering uninstalling. I don’t know if this rank was always this bad, but as soloqueue dps there is not enough I can do to carry the teammates I get paired with.

Theres priority ticket farming tanks not picking maintanks, dps supports, leavers, players just running around the map, people not playing the objective. My teammates not able to win fights after I get 3 solo kills.

I seriously wonder if some of the people here that claim the ladder gets you to your proper rank even play this game. On paper this 50/50 chance with odds in your favor when you belong higher sounds good. But in practice when actually playing the game, your impact gets overshadowed by teammates that just don’t understand how to play this game. How are you supposed to win games when half the team runs past choke and dies, losing the team fight before it even started? Followed by a game where your teammates all use ults on lost fights, followed by games with leavers, followed by games with dps Lucios wall riding around while the team is dying. It’s so rare to have an actual good game of overwatch, win or lose, where the team with the better players wins. It’s mostly just the team winning that has the least throwers/feeders.

I saw some people saying that elo hell does not exist because gm players can climb out of any rank. Which is true, I have done bronze to gm myself. But I would argue the skillevel required for that is so ridiculously high, it doesn’t apply to 99% of players. When I did bronze to gm I didn’t have 100% winrate in lower ranks either BTW.

The overall match quality is just so bad that a single person’s impact is not enough to compensate for his teammates.

I just hope that in ow2, there will be a different system that takes personal skill and performance into account. This current state of comp is a complete ****show and pure luck.


I mean, couple years later you think your rank should be the same?
You getting older, your hands are in total rust. Only hard work can fix that. Cant fix getting older/slower though.

You still can carry platinum matches easy, thats what I do recently - playing with friends, having fun. Mind you, Im on heavy duty medicine atm that strongly nerfs my reaction time and thinking processes.


Like I said, my mechanical is not even close to what it was. So no, I don’t think I should have the same rank.

I want to be at a rank where the game is enjoyable. Where people are on the same level as me and atleast know the basics like objectives, hero picks, grouping up.

And it’s not a “easy carry”. One game you get entry pick, team goes in, we win fight as should be. Next game you get 3 entry picks, and the team is scattered all over the map doing nothing.

It’s random


Its platinum :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

My strategy for Platinum - I just pick Soldier and annoy them from behind or sideways. That way their team is collapsing like a card house

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Elo hell doesnt exist ffs


You should check out my thread I made recently where I discuss the same thing:

Basically as a former diamond player that took a break from the game, I came back and did my placements and placed silver, despite putting up ridiculously overachieving stats. I then played like 5 more games that went win, loss, win, loss, win. I made a thread asking wtf was going on and had the rank defenders tell me that I was bad and that’s why I was in silver and that the matchmaker is perfect and will always put you were you belong.

So then I created an alt account and ended up climbing to 2822 SR after about 60 games with over an 85% win rate on my most played hero…

Then I went back to this account that’s in silver and played a few more games, to make sure that the difference between both accounts was fresh in my mind and once again, my games on this account went win,loss,win,loss. With the losses basically being impossible to win, where I would have had to literally solo kill the entire enemy team over and over again in order to capture the objectives. It’s actually pretty hilarious.

In multiple games, I kept going in with Tracer and killing 3 enemies before the fight even started. And my team was still unable to capture the objective, because they couldn’t understand the concept of grouping onto the point when you have a large numbers advantage…

In one game, after capturing point A on Volskaya, I landed a huge pulse bomb, killed 3 of the enemy team and got onto point B, fighting the remaining enemies on point. After about 30 seconds, I ended up dying on point, while none of my teammates even appeared. I was genuinely confused what happened so I watched the replay. It turned out that after my 3K, in which my team was all about 10 meters behind me, the enemy lucio started wall riding behind my team and literally all 5 of my teammates decided to turn around and try to chase him around the map instead of going onto the point and just ran around trying to chase him down until all of the enemies that I had killed had respawned and I had died…


I’m pretty sure people like you, who think elo hell doesn’t exist, are the reason elo hell exists.

Another thing, I met a smurf in comp whos main is at 3.7. He described the same sentiment a lot of people here share. Comp at that level is mostly luck and theres too many games that you lose to climb consistently without being lucky.

@Waffle I see that same problem in plat. Players there have no urgency. Especially in 2cp, you get kills and instead of pushing the point, the team plays corner at the choke and pokes shields instead of taking advantage of the kills. By the time they decide to feed the enemy team is respawned, and of course right before dying everyone uses their ult, instead of using them to push after the picks.

It doesn’t matter how many kills you get and how well you play, when the the team is not playing the objective you’re simply not going to win the match.

@Palpatine About your soldier strategy. What do you do if you got highground with soldier, but your team pushes past choke and dies? Nothing you can do. Everytime I play hitscan from the back and do good damage. After 2-3 teamfights where we deleted the enemy, my teammates start going past the chokes because it has been so easy for them so far and feed. This happens ridiculously often.

Just after writing this I’m in another game with a leaver. And a dps zen that puts his orb on a full hp tank behind shield while im dying in the back.

Comp is unplayable


I have literally never heard anybody complain about the matchmaker outside the forums and here you guys all supposedly have testaments from people in the wild :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: Some guy tried to say some guy in a bar brought up rigged matchmaker and thought anyone would believe him :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: At least y’all are entertaining. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: If everywhere you go smells bad, it might be you. :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy: :joy:


You don’t even play the game? You have 26 minutes in comp, unranked. And why does your post get liked the second its posted in a dead forum, in a thread that has 30 views in 2 hours.


One of my accounts, I play 20-ish games beyond the placement, every season. It’s probably my most “consistent” account. Same heroes, same % hit, %dmg, etc, etc. Over the last 5 seasons, with no changes in any of my stats… down two tiers. That’s player loss/rank compression. It happens in every dying game since forever. Rather than complain that this game is down something like 95% of its player base… move on. There are plenty of other fps out there, grab one of those and don’t look back.


:joy::joy::joy:You are literally on a level 38 account :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: Isn’t it clear these are not our main accounts? :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy: :joy:


So, let me get this straight.

You’re an ex-Diamond with a Silver account playing in Silver who’s mad because the matchmaker gives you Silver players who play like Silvers, and furthermore you know a Masters player who plays in these Silver games who complains because Silvers play like Silvers?

This is my shocked Pikachu face.


You don’t even play comp. You play hundreds hours of quickplay, which is basically a arcade deathmatch.

What makes you think your opinion matters here? Why are you being contrarian to experienced players that have played this game competitively?


I would actually say, Plat these days behaves most of the time like Master in Season 7-10. There are some bad teammates and Ticket-Farmers out there, but not as many as you may think.
My recommendation for you would be, that you should find yourself a Tank-Player to play with, who knows about the current Meta and Counterpicks, that’s key to climb fast.


Open your profile? Let actual Masters/Grand Masters players assess the validity of your claim?


Locked profile.

Most likely just another hard stuck.

I wouldn’t pay him much mind, CornN

It does if you’re mad cuz garbage.


I literally linked you a video with very well-known streamers who complained about the matchmaking and competitive integrity.

Locked profile.
Most likely just another hard stuck.

ngl I lauged when I opened your profile and it was private.

And I don’t need “actual masters/grandmasters” assess my mechanical. I played gm hitscan as widow main during dive meta coming straight from csgo. I probably know better. In other words, I know how bad I am currently. And its not gold/plat levels of bad.

Opened up mine, didn’t know it was set to private by default. Now you please. :wink:

So I guess you can now try to nitpick some stats to to feel better about yourself? Its not like elo hell is debatable at this point.

The impression I’m getting here is that the only people who say it doesnt exist are weirdos being contrarian to try make themselves look like they are good or know what they are talking about.


That’s exactly what they’re about to do.


No one in the history of this game has ever anyone claimed the rank system is perfect, yet the people that are upset with the system claim that they do all the time.

Hah, I’ll have to remember this one!


I wish they were right though. I’d be higher sr days ago.