EDIT: I just got banned for “hacking”. Performance too good in elo hell that it triggered some auto-ban? Too many reports for “cheating”?
This is my first post on these forums. I read some threads here and there and feel compelled to share my opinion on this rigged comp/elo hell topic.
A couple years ago I played in gm as hitscan when I was still going to school and was grinding mechanical all day. Now, my mechanical skill is in a severely worse state. But still decent and I would say above average.
As a returning player hyped for ow2 I just did my placements about a week ago.
I now spent the last days around 2600 and am considering uninstalling. I don’t know if this rank was always this bad, but as soloqueue dps there is not enough I can do to carry the teammates I get paired with.
Theres priority ticket farming tanks not picking maintanks, dps supports, leavers, players just running around the map, people not playing the objective. My teammates not able to win fights after I get 3 solo kills.
I seriously wonder if some of the people here that claim the ladder gets you to your proper rank even play this game. On paper this 50/50 chance with odds in your favor when you belong higher sounds good. But in practice when actually playing the game, your impact gets overshadowed by teammates that just don’t understand how to play this game. How are you supposed to win games when half the team runs past choke and dies, losing the team fight before it even started? Followed by a game where your teammates all use ults on lost fights, followed by games with leavers, followed by games with dps Lucios wall riding around while the team is dying. It’s so rare to have an actual good game of overwatch, win or lose, where the team with the better players wins. It’s mostly just the team winning that has the least throwers/feeders.
I saw some people saying that elo hell does not exist because gm players can climb out of any rank. Which is true, I have done bronze to gm myself. But I would argue the skillevel required for that is so ridiculously high, it doesn’t apply to 99% of players. When I did bronze to gm I didn’t have 100% winrate in lower ranks either BTW.
The overall match quality is just so bad that a single person’s impact is not enough to compensate for his teammates.
I just hope that in ow2, there will be a different system that takes personal skill and performance into account. This current state of comp is a complete ****show and pure luck.