Haha. Btw you sound like a cool guy. Do you have Discord by any chance?
You can add me on bnet Coffey#21706 I guess. Don’t use discord to chat with people.
Well said. Now, you’re going to have the usual suspects accuse you of being bad at the game and swear that nothing is wrong with the system. I played a match a few days ago. A combination of luck, determination, and pure hatred allowed me to kill all 6 of the enemy team on my own. My team proceeded to tell me afterwards that I was the one holding them down.
i don’t really consider it hell, i play my best in placing and the rank it gives me is accurate but then you encounter people who do not belong in your rank and are just there to pubstomp and that is what creates long losing streaks, mmr aims for 50/50 but it cannot account for people who derank on alt accounts just to pubstomp.
I’ve played the game competitively since S3, but my stats are locked behind my old Battlenet ID (BigJimSlade). Haven’t done Comp seriously since late 2019/very early 2020, since I no longer have the time and energy to grind.
Anyways, none of your accusations answers my question, which is
Why are you complaining that Silvers play like Silvers?
Now, try and answer that for the class. If you need me to reexplain, I’ll use smaller words.
Imagine being so ego boosted that you dismiss and belittle other people opinions while not able to carry a Plat game as a former GM.
I don’t understand how you placed plat if you were previously gm. I just came back after 2 years and went 1/4 in placements and placed 3750 lol(also only really did placements sporadically for comp points in random seasons before playing on alts/with friends before the 2 year break and always just placed high masters/low gm). There isn’t MMR decay. Genuinely confused. Does anybody know why that could be? Like I’m not sure if there would be decay after like 4 years or something compared to my 2 year break.
So you don’t play this game and haven’t played it for 3 years.
What makes you think your opinion matters here?
@Tracism new acc. So full mmr reset.
@schottky can’t mention being or have been gm around people like you without you projecting that person as “ego boosted” lol. Pointing out that someones opinion on the state of a gamemode doesn’t matter since that person hasn’t played it in years has absolutely nothing to do with my sr or my ability to play. Stop projecting.
He literally said otherwise in his post, and nowhere did he suggest this. Stop strawmanning.
How old is the person you’re responding to? And if you don’t know that, why are you making such a ridiculous statement? Also, at what age are you claiming reflexes slow to the point to seriously degrade gaming performance?
Which other Overwatch related sites are you hanging out where no one complains about matchmaking?
Thousands of hours on the ladder/game, playing since day in 2016, streams, streams, friends. I’ve heard the classic excuses like teammates and luck but people complaing about ‘systematic handicapping’ is ridiculous and it’s only here.
I’m curious if you’ve watched these videos, because they haven’t said anything that I haven’t been saying for the past 4 years.
They mentioned nothing about the conspiracy theories that Lettuce is talking about and is rampant on these forums and nowhere else.
They talk A LOT about player mentality and game design, nothing about a “broken matchmaker”, unless you count the ways players break the matchmaker.
The types of matchmaker complaints that I detailed here are only found on the forums in any quantity other than a random rant that slips by. No one in any other game that uses a SBMM system has these complaints.
Not that they don’t have complaints, but these specific ones are only here. It’s…strange, to say the least.
You do realise these bad players are more likely to be on the opposing team giving you free wins? Only 5 bad players can be on your team and the other team can have 6 as naturally you won’t be one of these bad players.
Plat is above average which is about where you gauge your skill at so it is most likely that it has got it about right until you shake that rust off.
As I pointed out, I was playing competitive less than 2 years ago, and I still do play this game, so obviously you’re too lazy to check profiles on Overbuff or anything like that.
With that lack of effort, it’s no wonder you’re not leveling up.
Think I’ll just mute you; lazy people who think they should be handed rank are a waste of time to argue with.
Bro. You are a Tank main quickplay player. you have like 800 hours in that deathmatch circus. The fact you volunteraly play that dumpster fire mode is 100% indiciative that you are the kind of teammate that throws games without even noticing.
Reddit… Overwatch community there is WAY HEALTHIER than here.
Less toxic too…
Even Valorant. And the games SBMM’s are about as similar as any games could be.
Just to add to this and clarify a little more: There are people complaining about bad matchmaking in literally every game. However, as you said, the theory of the system systematically handicapping people and holding some players back is specific to the Overwatch forums.
By “healthier” you mean more homogeneous POVs – fewer dissenting opinions, and more people who all tend to agree with each other? I’d judge the health of a community, not by how few disagreements there or how many people have locked arms while conforming to the same beliefs, but by how productively and civilly people can disagree while being heard and respected. And in my experience, Reddit is not that. I’d say that dissenting opinions have been so consistently attacked and with such prejudice that people with different opinions don’t even bother posting there anymore.
Reddit has features which enable people to more brazenly and rudely gang up on and personally attack and demean others (less stringent and different moderation rules) and more focused targeting of dissenting opinions (downvoting). Any group founded on consensus is going to seem more placid and “at home” to the people who share those beliefs.
I don’t think you’ll find anyone who’s saying the algorithm is specifically targeting them: i.e. Blizzard has identified something about singular “player X” in particular and then some kind of mission forms around this person where it’s like: “Guys, we MUST bring player X down at all costs” and they all go back to their command posts and start plotting.
And no, I don’t think that talk about handicapping (to assign handicaps or a handicap to a contestant) is specific to the Overwatch forums at all. Whether one wants to call it rigging or algorithmic handicapping or what have you, it still falls under the umbrella of criticism targeting “deliberate developer grind” which is a topic you’ll hear discussed a TON across many different titles and genres.
When someone talks about loot taking too long to obtain. Or pay to win. Or progression taking too long. Or strategic paywalls. Etc. They’re all talking about grind in one form or another. At the core of it, people criticizing the matchmaker are just criticizing another form of perceived grind, so I don’t think there’s grounds to classify this as something specific to a subset of OW players.