Elo hell is real and I can tell you all about it (gm/top500 player)

He did it twice, that poor guy is buying prederanked accounts to bronze 500. Kind of sad that he does this bronze to gm publicly repeating same thing and blizzard is not reacting. Account sharing + game sabotage… He is even too lazy to derank it on his own.

No wonder that nobody cares and derank, smurfs, threw when streamers do this just fine and nothing is happening.

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To clarify you’re telling gm op he’s not better than plat? Or you’re saying that if it takes him a hundred more games to approach his actual SR that the system doesn’t have problems.

No one sane is saying a better player wont rank up eventually. People complain that the noise in ranked makes the process take way longer than it needs to. Which is exactly what op is getting at by saying (and I’ll take their word for it) that they’re losing lots of games way below their skill level despite making nearly zero mistakes.

It’s funny how you’re supportive of op (and asking to get carried by a guy playing like +1k SR higher than his current SR), but immediately double back on that logic when anyone else says the same thing. You’ve clearly missed the point of the topic. Maybe reread the title and first post?

On topic thanks for bringing this up. I have friends with gm accounts that lose lots of games when they solo in plat. OW ranked is such a mess.

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They use larger booster stacks and often late-night wintrading to lift a whale account out of the bottom of the sea. Too much anchor mmr to overcome. It takes multiple sessions and the backpressure is definitely there. Have to reconvince the matchmaker you belong higher, suddenly, after years of bog. Source: owpd spies in their boosting ring discords.

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Probably due to if a wildly different IP logs onto an account and starts winning nonstop, it risks being banned. Blizzard notes when other IPs log into your account and messages you. Group boosting is far more subtle and harder for the system to detect. It’s not a matter that the booster couldn’t carry the account so much as another method is easier/safer.

You won’t win every game. You will win most if you are good. The OP just went on a very bad loss streak. Arrge dropped to diamond. But guess what, Arrge got back into GM fairly quickly. I had a friend who went from low gold to high diamond/low masters in 1 day on an established account solo queueing playing only lucio. The point is, if you are good enough, you will climb.

I am not supporting his argument. I am just saying that sometimes, even in ranks that are lower than our main account, we can lose games. The difference between the OP and other people is that the OP has another account that is stable in GM. If you played hundreds of games and are still plat, you are hard stuck plat. It will take many games to get back to GM from diamond, but if the OP grinds it out, it will take no more than a week.

There is a reason why the system is the way it is. If a bronze player became a GM player overnight, for the first few games, your mmr will barely change. This is because the system doesn’t know if you just got lucky or carried those games. If you consistently start outperforming, you will climb. The same is true for losses. If a GM player starts playing like a bronze, at first, they will lose the same amount as they usually do, but later it will increase as the system realizes that they don’t belong in GM. These are two extremes but explain why the system is the way it is.

[quote=“Zax-11538, post:141, topic:572043”]
He did it twice, that poor guy is buying prederanked accounts to bronze 500. Kind of sad that he does this bronze to gm publicly repeating same thing and blizzard is not reacting. Account sharing + game sabotage… He is even too lazy to derank it on his own.

I mean, someone wanted me to link an example, so I did. I even have another example from 3 years ago.

from 2 years ago.

One year ago.

Just get better then you will climb. You can be playing a flawless zen but if it’s not winning the game then that’s your problem switch to a playmaker that can win

Did you read what I posted? Doesn’t even feel like you’re talking to the right person here. Nothing you said in response to me disagrees with what I said or raises any new points.

I was convinced ELO was real when a T500 streamer/YouTuber did unranked to GM and was stuck in Plat/Diamond for days. One of the best 500 players can’t beat plats? Absurd… Something isn’t right

Because of MMR/handicapping, it is actually the opposite:

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No. Because the teammates and opponents that you’re being matched with and against are a lower skill rating that those Ana players in Masters and GM.

Hitting shots on players who know how to use cover, don’t spam space bar, position properly, and can actually cap you in the dome for peeking (due to much better mechanics) is a lot harder up there. Playing too aggressive gets punished more up there, as well, as is playing too passively.

So, Ana players in lower ranks can have inflated stats relative to higher ranks. Those anomalies are not uncommon.

I do think there is something to what people are seeing, though. I don’t think it’s “rigged,” per se. I just don’t think it’s a well-designed system.

I also think MMR is pretty terrible because too much of your performance is based on how your teammates perform. You’re only 1/6th of the team. Most people on this forum talk about climbing as if it’s a solo endeavor, but it isn’t. I’ts a team endeavor.

I don’t think it’s possible to create a detailed profile of someone’s performance in a game like this. The game can certainly rank their skill going by stats, but there are too many variables and I don’t think the back-end system is as detailed as I feel it would need to be for MMR to be at all accurate to the level that some people on this forum seem to have convinced themselves.

Then again, they’ve probably never written a line of code in their life in a professional capacity :wink:

Private profile :///////
Edit: Okay, I saw the profile now. Why don’t you look for a duo wanting to climb sr?

Take a little responsibility and self-honesty for your elo guys… jesus

The blame hivemind on this forum is too real


It’s really helpful to quote what you’re responding to. Do you know how to do that?

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Well clearly you are wrong, as Blizzard would have told us, done something about it and fixed it by now. So as far as Blizzard are concerned. “Nothing is wrong, move along.”

Though I 100% agree with the OP.

I was fairly sure the devs said your individual skill on hero’s only comes into effect below Diamond after that they are matching you based on your sr.

So repeated games will still land you where you belong

But below Diamond is the vast majority of players, including many players who are a lot better than newbie players.

Yeah I guess that’s a issue but in general if you are outperforming the people in your rank you will still climb you just have to get better and make more teamfight winning plays.

One person I listened too had a good mentality about it around 40% of games are completely out of your control with half of them being stomps where you can just exist and win and the other half being games you can be popping off the entire game and be getting loads of work done and you will still lose. But then the other 60% of games is where how well you do will be able to shift the tide of the game.

Anyways just play for self improvement and fun and you will climb playing for each individual win isn’t the best.

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I’ve seen one of several approaches to make up for it:

  • Player duos, to make an impactful combination; or identifies the carry within own team and works with them to create a fighting chance.
  • Player chooses hero(es) to shut-down the other team’s carry.
  • Player choose a hero to fill in the worst gaps (make up for low healing? More raw damage? etc.).
  • Player uses comms and gently and early-on pushes their team to make the right decisions and positioning.

All of these are very different skillsets from being able to work as a team. The last skill is the absolute hardest to master, because it requires mastering one’s own emotions in a game that means very little in the grand scheme of things; and then being skillful enough to convince other players to bend to your will when they’re likely also very tilted or toxic.

Hell; if my income were on the line I’d happily fake the PMA as well, but then it’s not a game and escape anymore. And even then, I can’t say I have the chops to convince other players gently :slight_smile:

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Can you link me any pro unranked to top 500 runs on old established accounts (silver/gold border) as opposed to brand new ones?

He’s using a new account.

It doesn’t need to know any of this. All it needs to know is that a player has sucked crap for two games, and needs better teammates to force an “even match.” it will not take a chance and randomly let matches happen. It will look at the last few games, and work to put together what it thinks is an even match, based on recent play. Not some prediction of the future.

I’ll never get why this is so hard for people to understand. “it’s not rigging matches, because it can’t predict the future.”

Doesn’t have to. It takes recent losers and sandbags good players and thinks that’s going to make an “even” match. That’s it. This is something people should have learned in kindergarten. How do you make even tee-ball teams? Randomly select players and take a chance that the two worst players will be on a team against the two best? Nope. You split them up. You make “even” matches. You don’t have to predict the future and say “I believe Tommy will strike out because i saw the future and this is his destiny” No, you say “Tommy always strikes out, give him a better teammates or this will get ugly.”

If my duo partner and i win a few games, we ALWAYS, without fail, run into a 5 game streak of absolute idiots where i’ll get 85% kill participation and still lose. The next day, after losing a bunch… the system says “okay, here’s some help” and we win them all. Could stand around and do thing, and still win.

FAKE wins.
FAKE losses.
FAKE “even” matches.

It’s designed to make each individual feel special and win half their games. Even if they could literally win 20 in a row of the MMR crap was turned off and games were random, the system will search and pull up some recent crap players to drag you down. In fact, the queues are longer. You can SEE it. Or, in a duo you can see it even easier if you play long enough.

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