Elo hell is real and I can tell you all about it (gm/top500 player)

yes. and it’s at a different sr for each of them, because they are unique and beautiful creatures.


:slight_smile: :laughing: :laughing:

Elo hell is not place, its state of mind :slight_smile:


I have 3 accounts from 3600-4020 and I can tell you exactly why this is happening. It’s called stat based sr. Back in around s6, they removed stat based sr for diamond and above. Back then, this was seen as a great thing. In a chaotic game where you can pick any role and play however you want, removing the ability to farm stats by counter picking was great! But now, there’s 222, a distinct meta, and a far better understanding diamond plus.

Stat based sr needs to come back. Im tired getting a thrower and losing the same amount of sr as them. Im tired of losing because i pick off meta heroes. I’m tied of getting flamed because i dont pick the best hero in every situation. I’m tired of everyone playing by themselves to solo carry because winning is all that matters. Im tired of wasting 20 minutes of my time playing really well, and losing the same amount as the smurf who locks bastion and flames the team. Balance will never be perfect, so i shouldnt be punished for playing well and having bad luck. This “if you’re good, you’ll climb” is irrelevant diamond plus. I’ve seen masters and gms that play like plats and are literally there because they play an overtuned meta hero. (most recently bap, sig, and ball) Playing anything but meta is literally luck whether you win or not. I can lose 5 games in a row where i play insane, and win 5 where i do 0. Coin toss for mid to high rank needs to be fixed.

Bring back stat based sr

Are you 100% sober playing your matches?

Oh I know it is real, I am have been around 2966 all day today I was 2917 and I won two games hit 2966 and the moment I play a game, the enemy or my team has a lot of smurfs of random ppl who don’t use voice. Right when I lose and go for another game around 2940 I get some of the best teammates using comms, working together and trying their best to win. I literally went back and fourth all day from 2940ish to 2960ish and made no progress, my win rate for my three characters I use the most is Reinhardt who is 60%, Hammond who is 54% and road hog who is 50%, so it’s just funny how that specific sr range things get soooo hard with bad teammates

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That moment when you realise you One-Trick Sym because you can’t play other hero :eye::lips::eye:

Usually, the transition state is the worst ranks to be at, aka 3900-4k, 3400-3600, 2900-3100, etc… the real reason is that they either a) don’t wanna drop or b) they wanna climb futher, then people stress hard and their is a lot more screw ups ups, this is the “elo hell”. I think people can still climb out, but it is hard.

That’s not what Elo Hell is, and no reasonable person would say that’s the definition of Elo Hell.

The matchmaker is nothing as sophisticated as you describe. Instead, it’s been designed from the beginning to use hidden MMR to force 50% win rate games. If 50% isn’t possible, it goes for 60-40. This has been common knowledge for many years, and comes directly from the dev’s mouths. Why Handicapping (MMR) is Wrong for Competitive Play


Can you link me any pro unranked to top 500 runs on old established accounts (silver/gold border) as opposed to brand new ones?


It’s a tank meta so unless you’re a tank main this sh­it is unfun. DPS is the least impactful role and it has been for a few seasons, mainly since Role Queue was introduced. they need to nerf tanks or sustain to make this game playable unless you’re a tank.

They only made Role Queue because they refused to nerf the problem which was tanks powercreep, why do you think GOATs was meta? DPS are useless since Tanks have better ults, more health/survivability and they do almost as much damage or as good. TANKS ARE THE PROBLEM

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Idk if that exists, but boosting services does it with old, established accounts

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because the BULK of all reeeeeeeeeee match maker ELOhell etc stuff is made up by metal ranks. As they run down the middle of the street, stand still to shoot stuff, get team wiped by stuff like a random diva bomb in 2020 etc…

Where their review codes are just an entire game of showing they don’t know what to do or why to do it. That’s why they can’t break out of being in like low gold or the bottom 50% of the player base.

that’s a total different issue with match making up past 3k where you quickly reach top 5%, top 8% etc of the player base, while still in diamond.
Where slight meta changes 100% cripple people entire gaming output.

match maker has issues past 3k due to the lower player pop. That’s not going to go away until OW2.

Right on! You tell em

I do not agree. The data we are looking at is false casualty and data dreging.

A healing stat of player at gold and GM is not comparable at all. Even if its the same 8k healing per 10 minutes, the healing which a Gm player has to do against the skill of enemy team requires very high action per minute. If you put our friend here into a GM game his deaths will turn to 13 (analogy) from 6 in plat. He will land 1/3 of his nades. Even Reinhart in high gm are good at tracking anas sleep dart and nade and anticipating and blocking it.

There are so many things like: 90% of nano boosts in high Gm will mean it will save the target from high burst of damage. That happening at plat is 1% because those interactions do not occur much.

Even though we can look at data like sleep dart per 10 mins , avg dmg per 10 mins and avg heals per 10 mins, avg, death per mins, avg offensive assists, the scenario in which a gm-top 500 ana has to perform requires high mechanical execution.

When i ranked an account from diamond to masters i got around 76% winrate. But as soon as i hit masters my winrate dropped to 55%. Being consistent is really hard. You cannot afford to miss shots and its not easy like gold where you are chilled, you take a smoke break, come back hit another ana shot then relax, open Netflix, cook omelette then come back and throw another nade. At GM if you blink too much your allies will get team wiped. The pace of the game is really fast. This will not be obvious to average players.

Once when kabaji was ranking from unranked to gm with ana he just 1v1ed the enemy dps like 8 times in a row. He went on mad flanks oustide enemy spawn and 1v1ed their genji and soldier. I went to replay code and watched it and he did no miss a single shot that entire game. It was a 3.7-3.8k game.

If Ml7 were to smurf in gold his stats wil be twice or even thrice of whatever its at gm. Winrate is only positive until you hit a ceiling i.e. when the actual skill vs perceived skill of the SR value is minimal. In my case for someone who easily hit 76% winrate on 3.0 to 3.5k fell to 55% as i hit towards 3.8k. My stats must have looked like a gm player when i was at 3.4k but when i hit closer to my rank my winrate became stable.


Right now, the actual skill vs perceived skill in 3.5k-4.0k is really really low. There is really few skill difference between that rank. This is mainly because of new alt accounts (for whatever reasons). Whenever the actual skill is lower, SR swings are common.

A good masters player can be GM at a given day or fall to low masters or even high diamond at another. That is why people above 4.2k do not consider people who are in borderline 4.0k to be skilled because SR swings are really common and while a Gm player is good, they are usually lacking in some skills which set them apart from high GM.

Of course elo hell is real but you can climb out of it

Most of the boosting services that I’m aware of involve the booster on a burner account (usually new) queuing with the client to boost them. On a slightly different note, a nontrivial number of boosters also cheat to give themselves a greater edge and chance of winning a higher percentage of games.

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Don’t mean to necro, but Tesla made one from bottom 500 to GM playing moira. The first game he won he only got 14 sr. I assume that the mmr he had on that account is worse than about 99% of the people who complain about the matchmaking system on this forum. He got to GM with roughly an 80% win rate over about 200-250 games. He streamed and uploaded to youtube every game he played. Here is the first video of the series.

This was from roughly two months ago I think, so it is fairly recent.
If someone can get an 80% winrate over hundreds of games, solo queue, with bad mmr, on the hardest role to carry with in the game, with people trying to stream snipe, then anyone(who consistently play better than those in their rank) can climb.


You should be more specific. Its trying to force 50% chance to win for team. Your winrate on heroes has nothing to do with it.

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