Elo hell is real and I can tell you all about it (gm/top500 player)

I have a bag full of salt and I barely understand what do you mean. Sorry.

Everything you wrote, I personally agree with, but this, man this hurts me the most :smiley:

This is the only thing, literally the only thing I dislike about about this game. Being rewarded for playing wrong.

Being rewarded and actually being forced to play wrong in order to get any value out of the hero you are playing. Since everyone else is playing wrong you need to do it as well. God, I am so afraid, that If I ever, ever get to a higher rank, I am afraid that I will not know how to play in it, since I am used to playing it wrong all the time.

As much as high elo ppl or your common sense tells you how good it is to use cover, but honestly in order to get any value in low rank, no matter the role, you have to play open, kill 5 ppl yourself in order to win. And once it happens, you feel so good about yourself, you think you did good, but once the initial felling “of you thinking you popped off” passes you realize how bad you rly did, even if you won. Playing wrong just to win in lower ranks creates so much bad habits that people will call you boosted once you reach the ranks where proper play is rewarded.

I’ve lost so many matches by playing certain things safe, by being scared (granted, most of the times I was not confident enough in my own abilities to make a play), always having that thought in my head “If I would do this in a higher elo I would so be punished”, without actually thinking that I am not playing in a higher elo, and that I actually would not get punished, but again decided against any risky plays thinking better to learn things the slow and right way then to risk it.

And that is why those unranked to GM go so fast. No only are they good enough but they are also confident enough in their abilities to sometimes take 1 vs 2 and win.

I didn’t mentioned any paranoia. Try again but since for people like you everything is black and white you will probably pull another straw man somewhere from that so I don’t expect much.

Not in so many words. But that is what you described. People that think the matchmaker is out to get them vs people that think the matchmaker works with a limited set of variables, which are only some of the variables required to set up perfectly even matches.

I wouldn’t worry about it. Being aware of this problem at all helps you massively understand where you personally need to improve.

It’s a good thought but part of what makes M/GM players so good is they know when and how to take risks. High Gold/Low Plat are full of players who play by the book and don’t take risks but taking risks is how you win games.

A basic example is how some people Ult. They see a risky opportunity and get a 3-4k! Then they are confused and angry why we couldn’t clean up and capitalize on it. The reason? Half the team was at least 8+ seconds from the point and the other half had just died.

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hey don’t worry, getting back to 3.6-3.7k from 3.3k would be easy. But getting from 3.7 to Gm is the hardest. Most of the games from there are Gm players with alt accounts. So dps and healer becomes stalemate. And your winrate gets stuck at 50% because the 50% matchmaking algorithm means you will get insane tanks 1 game and another game you will get diamond tank going against 3.9k tank.
Getting from 3.7-.3.8 to GM is the hardest hurdle in overwatch because there is a clear difference between 4.1 and 4.6k players. But at 3.7k the skill gap in games in decided by which team got tank smurfs, cheaters, better hanzo/widowmakers , mercy pocket dps players who is having a good day or boosters, new accounts and is a really hard place to be as a solo queue player.

I understand what you mean.

It is easy to say that, if and when you are a high rank, especially one who has been through all the other ranks so you know how to play in each rank. I know I could do it in ranks below mine. I would not be scared, not at all, hence how I won in Silver on a role I never play, apart from QP, winning by not shooting at all, just avoiding enemy shots because I knew that I was not better than them, but they were worse than I am or was.

Hence, why I am also confident enough to give tips to players ranked below me and being certain why those particular tips are going to work 100%, but once I get to an elo with my own skills, I falter :slight_smile:

I agree with you 100%, I Just wish I had the same confidence while playing in my own elo the way I do when I play in a lower one. Again, being a player who has played through all of the elos and still manages to come out top has more things to share than the one who has only played in three of them :smiley:

Nonetheless, thank you for sharing your opinion :slight_smile:

Ok I need to explain it to you in simpler terms: If the system is broken only working and being quiet within that system will not solve the problem. People outside and inside may put a sign: just work and everything will be fine, but you know that they are silly and don’t understand or don’t want to understand your situation.

Sure you may not be able to change anything and can do nothing but work but still: that damn “sign” (or forum post that repeats: it is your fault, git gut, never blame matchmaking) is wrong in many ways. The fact is, YES matchmaking is bad (didn’t say that is completely broken). You will need to grind twice as much as in any other game to climb because some things are not working as they should.

Simple enough? Or do you still need to pull a straw man again from somewhere to distort my position?

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I don’t think you know what a straw man is. Your analogy is crude and wrong in many more ways than it is relevant. The matchmaker is flawed; everything is. The matchmaker is manipulated by people, because that’s what people do - modify/manipulate their environment to suit their own ends. In this context, the matchmaker is the environment, and people manipulate it to the best of their ability to either climb or fall. Some people are better at it than others. This is unavoidable with the current level of tech we have. It is mainly a reflection of the community. People being dicks to each other has been a common thread of battle.net online play since warcraft 2/diablo 1.

So, what other choice do you have? Either play or don’t play. If it’s that bad for you, just stop playing.

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You mentioned paranoia, camps etc. If you really wanted to reply to my position you wouldn’t introduce terms I never used. Actually I think you are the one that dont know what a straw man is.
Everything else about relevance etc is just your opinion and like mine it can be wrong.

You brought up Arbeit Macht Frei. Don’t be all coy now that you’ve been called out for it.

Lol so you see that you have completely missed my point and now you go back without context and just write it down like it was just said in a vacuum.
Meh dishonest as expected and I think is becoming futile explaining my position to you. Beat that straw guy to death for what I care :).

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It’s not a straw man if you actually did say it.

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Sounds like you’re having a tough time carrying in diamond/masters and you can’t accept that maybe you’re just not playing optimally.

To win in diamond/masters, you have to play differently than in GM. If you play as passive down there as you should in 4000, you’re obviously not gonna climb.

I can easily tell you. Noone in gold knows how to play with an Ana. Just like Certain Hero’s that need to be babysat to get value Ana is one of those and 99% of gold players have no idea about this. She Needs line of sight, players run into rooms for healthpaks and die. She needs peels, flankers and divers mow her down and no one flips there head or heros that could possible peel for her are frontlining.

She is kinda like Sombra in that everyone on the team has to understand her gameplay to get value and gold it just doesnt work. To climb out of gold on only Ana would prob need a 95% Ana to do it.

Ive actually had to use Brigg to digg out of gold because she is so braindead and doesnt need that much attention to get value. But once in higher ranks Ana gets more value because people understand how to play around her.

My account is aged so the matchmaker knows how to load me with players to counter me.

On my other account Chevydan7 Im a 2900Sr Support player. Which is prob more inline with my Ana. Yet that account is 1/100 as old as Chevydan6.


Oh yes, this is very true. You need to adapt on different ranks as different things works there. And you can abuse it.

Honestly, you just said everything I already knew. I was comfortably climbing to high plat and remained there trying to reach my way to Diamond for months. I was a good high plat player and had fun in the games. I even met friends and teamed up sometimes.

Then as the game got older and people lost interest or made smurf accounts, I started to drop. Now I can’t get out of high silver/low gold. I realized with all the smurfs, cheats, hacks, and unstableness of the game, there’s no point in playing competitive anymore. I got almost all the gold guns I wanted and there’s no incentive anymore to really play it except to be frustrated.

I just play quickplay. It’s been worlds better and allows me to enjoy the game somewhat again. Still frustrating when you get those bad games but at least I’m not losing my sht over losing more SR than gaining anymore. Or worst having people tell me “you belong there” because “there’s no way the system is flawed it’s just me.”

I gave up. Quick Play all the way. Don’t get me wrong I love the game and I love healthy competition, but until things get fixed, I’m just gonna play to play and enjoy the concept of Overwatch.


This is a lie and I can tell this from my experience:
Usually iam around 3.7-3.8, bu sometimes I just have a bad losing streak and drop to diamond.

In the ened I always think like “I have to win so many games to get back” and play a lot of games, but becauce of this I lose my focus, I expect to win just by playing and fundamentally dont 100% try.

In the end I always drop (most of the time to 2.8-3.1) until I take a little break, after this break I slowly climb back where I was.

Saying that Elo hell is real becauce you got an losing streak is the most stuoid thing ive ever heard in this forums, and Ive seen posts where someone ment Reinhardt is a hard counter to Bastion becauce of his charge.

Elo hell mathematically cannnot exist in multiple elos, its impossible. Every single elo hell post means elo hell is a different elo, some say bronze, some say plat, you say diamond. In the end this whole thing is just impossible

elo hell is subjective, not objective. its where you get hard stuck and cant figure out how to improve (until you do, then elo hell is where you end up next)

Elo hell is the theory that low elo players stuck in low ranks no matter how they play, this is mathematically impossible for multiple elos

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