Elo hell is not real.......but

If you want to climb out of gold you better be GM skill level.

Climbing progressively out of gold and skilling up to platinum/diamond is impossible these days. You need to be of GM skill.

Let me explain, the throwers, trolls, smurfs, hackers, leavers etc, lack of teamwork all leave you with one option: kill the entire enemy team without the help of your team.

Healers don’t heal, tanks don’t push, etc, so you better be of GM skill level in order to play a 1v6 every game, because your team won’t help you.

If you go heals or tank, dps won’t kill things and healers won’t heal you.

So just be prepared that every game is a 1v6 you vs the entire enemy team and carrying your team at the same time.

But everyone is right though, elo hell is not real, it’s very possible to climb out of gold and plat.


Here’s the thing:

Your enemies are also Gold-tier players. Meaning they will be having the exact same problems your gold-tier teammates have.

So if you believe gold healers never heal, then the enemy will be very easy to kill due to a lack of heals.
If gold tanks never push, then you have plenty of room to work with since they won’t ever push into you.
If gold DPS never kill anything, then quite honestly you should never be dying.

Both sides have the same problems. All ranking up is is a matter of capitalizing on said problems, and each role has its own way of doing that.

Trust me, I get that if you’re only at a low Plat level, getting out of high Gold is an absolute grind, I’m speaking from experience. I hit 2490 4 times before breaking through to Plat. But it’s still possible for nubs like us to do, just need to keep trying, and focus on the little things you can be doing to help optimize your idiots over theirs.


yeah I never understood this argument

my teammates are always trash but somehow enemy team is not? like you can’t keep blaming teammates for being stuck when the enemy team is equal in skill


The logic behind “my team is trash so the enemy is trash” is so flawed.

I can tell you countless games where the enemy team works together, endless zarya shields, heals from ana, peels from the tanks, and yet none of these things are happening on my team.

As a dps you are forced to fight 2-3 people at a time who are helping each other, while your tanks and healers are running away.

You would think logically that everyone in gold is the same skill, but they aren’t.

You would think in theory my team is bad therefore the enemy team is bad, but that just does not happen.


Whitch follows that sometimes your team is going to be better than the enemy team


Is that what you need to sleep better?

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Here’s the thing.

You assume that every gold player is the same.

I have seen countless people who smurf and throw.

Let me explain: they smurf because they are at a higher rank, these people play widow and never miss, wipe the whole team, never die etc, these people are not gold ranked. So why are they gold?

Well because they throw every other game, so the next game they will play mercy, not heal, walk into the enemy team etc.

There are TONS of people doing this I find at least one in every game now.

So your logic of “everyone is gold so everyone is the same” is wrong.

If there are so many smurfs at low ranks how do you think they stay there? Throwing every other game.

So my argument stands, in order to climb out of gold you better be GM skill lvl.

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Prove that they are Smurfs. I have been accused of smurfing and I’m trash.


You only notice your team’s screw ups because they’re on your team, and negatively impact you.

It’s incredibly easy miss out on the enemy’s mistakes because “it’s not that the enemy messed up, you just played really well and out played them.” It’s not that the Zarya didn’t peel for the heals, you just killed the healer quickly. It’s not that the tank wasn’t getting healed, you just melted through him. It’s not that their DPS is bad, you’re just better.

I promise you, the system is not rigged against you and specifically you in such a way that the bad players only and always get put on your team. Sure, there are some one sided games, but there are a lot of times where it may look like people are communicating off the wall, but really coms are dead and they just happen to follow up well.


You had Tanks and Healers on your team? Lucky…


I’ve been accused of being a Gargamel, how do you think that feels!? Smurfs are atleast cute :frowning:


And again, they’re not what’s holding you back since the enemy is just as likely to lose due to smurfs and throwers as you are.

They are there to mess with the game, not with you. They’re not stream sniping you or seeing you in the game and all unanimously going “oh that’s Rick Thunder, let’s make sure he loses.”

That’s just not how any of it works.


Yeah I hate when that happens.


No you dont. I did it



Dayum, so i had GM skill.

I wasn’t prepared for a compliment like this.
Well, thank you ?


I’ve done bronze to master a bunch of times. I main Genji and tracer and zarya and haven’t played my main since brig was released so I don’t even know if I could get to master anymore with just DPS (DPS EVERY game means you take a lot of losses when there’s 3-4 others) and last season I went 900->2800 before my first loss.

You’re just rationalizing your inability to climb.

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My 14k average healing wasn’t enough to stop me from falling from near 3k to 1800. DPS seemed to always be the biggest issue in my games. Healing potatoes who can’t aim or position properly just gets you well healed potatoes and doesn’t get you a win. So I said screw it and Rapere’d my way back up to almost 2300 at least, but dropped a bit again. Still, falling that much with that kind of above average healing on average but then climbing fairly easily once you pick up the DPS…

So you are saying I need to get gud at zayra to climb, ok advice taken I will play her more.

You say you got to 2800 before your first loss, I see you aren’t ranked this season but are at a 51% winrate, what rating did you finish last season?

Also what is your solution to a good widow or hanzo who easily picks off your teammates because no one works together, and when you try to coordinate and dive, no one works with you, and/or the enemy team all gang up on whoever is trying to dive them?

Last comp game was 4 solo and a duo vs. a 5 stack and solo.

We got reamed.

So much for setting up “fair” matches.

My friend people are afraid to talk about elo hell for fear of looking like some nub or to be made fun of. I am saying that ELO hell does exist and it is more obvious in this matchmaker than any game that exist on the planet. I can really go to a friend house and play GM matches on his account and win 50% of the time. I can then go to another friend house and play on his diamond account and win 50% of the time. No matter where you are to be going the matchmaker creates an even match despite your skill level, so you get hard-stuck. Is it possible to rank up yes my friend, but it is not practical in this rancid matchmaking.

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