Elo hell is not real.......but

I’m not saying it’s a conspiracy.

Exactly where did I say the system is rigged against me?

What I am saying is that Gold/plat are so random in nature that you need to be good enough to pick up the slack for your whole team.

That requires GM lvl skill.

Even average players get lucky kills due to your team making a mistake.

But the fact of the matter is there are way too many games where a good widow or hanzo just dominates my team and they feed, over and over. I don’t get toxic I just say hey guys lets group up and try to dive the widow, use the map for cover, but they just keep on feeding.

That’s where you need the GM lvl skill to not only kill their widow but get past the team protecting her.

It’s not a conspiracy, it’s just the random nature.

And I’m not saying it’s a system rigged against me I freely admit it’s my own fault I can’t climb up, what I’m saying is you need to be really really good to climb out of gold.

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Playing zarya just motivates people to play rein and sometimes just having a rein exist will win games and if you can get fat gravs it only encourages your win rate.

As a Genji main, I FARM widow/hanzo players unless they’re GM smurfs or super pocketed by their duo.

I only really play on smurf accounts now. I don’t take ranked seriously. Just play DPS every game and hover mid to high diamond. If I threw in zarya to avoid the losses when people tilt and go 5 dps because there isn’t a main tank, I could get masters easy. I got an account to 3700 last season then got sick of playing goats every game and let it decay.

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I don’t think you honestly have a single clue about what level of skill GM is for DPS as an example, or have ever played against a GM dps player either.

What you need in gold as DPS is to click on the main hitboxes of people who are moving like mummies.

“Dominating” isn’t even close to what GM level skill at Widow would look like in gold. “Dominating” is like high-plat level in gold. GM Widow main would practically hardscope on the payload while spamming crouch and voicelines for 4 minutes straight and insta-kill everyone walking around any possible corner.


Your premise is already wrong.

People in gold don’t “move like mummies”.

Your further assumption is wrong as well.

They have a good shotcaller - it is a skill you can pick up, and then your team will act like that.

It makes a huge difference. It is harder at the lower ranks, since they don’t tend to run mics as much, but, this is the rank to pick that up.

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Some truth to it. The game uses hidden MMR to make “even matches”

Just say smurfs, throwers, trolls didn’t exist AT ALL… well, then when you get hot, you’d actually rank up because you’d be playing true gold players, all the time, every time. The matchmaker would not have the option to try and make “even teams” using smurfs, throwers or anything other than actual gold players.

But now, if you’re hot you’ll be put into an “even match” vs. some smurfs.

Ruins the ranks. The ranks almost mean nothing right now. It’s only players on their 3rd 4th accounts just messing around in this game now.

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no…just a plat or diamond lvl is enough.

I recommend roadhog to get out of gold.

I don’t understand, I have just played 10 games in a row today, not one smurf and/or leaver/throwers. I’m in gold, started this season at 2030 not i’m at 2250, i’m climbing, slowly but surely. How do YOU guys get so much smurfs? maybe i have some in my game, but when i see a enemy heavily treathening on the other team i make sure we take care of them, maybe it’s a smurf :neutral_face: but i still try to make sure we win


Let me explain this to you. The majority of people that play this game, don’t really care about SR or improving. The people you see come to the forums are the hardcore players that are trying to get better. Match Making tries to find 50/50 games, and then let personal performance SR adjustment determine whether you climb or not. However people are upset about things outside of their control. Big losing streaks happen, because winnable games usually have “throwers, trolls, smurfs, hackers, leavers etc”. There are people in gold who should not be in Gold. But solo queue is hell at low ranks. The skill variance is all over the place at that rank.

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I do a ton of shotcalling, problem is a lot of times it doesn’t matter, team still gets wiped or 2 people wander off and get picked away from the group.

Not true but if it makes you feel better about coming to terms with your rank you gotta do what you gotta do.

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Ouch, in which case, I got nothing man.

You SHOULD be doing ok.

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Yeah same lol. The other day my team was accused of being cheaters and smurfs just because we got the first point very easily lol.

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I’m sorry but elo hell doesn’t exist. People are just using is as an excuse and to make themselves feel better when they cant rank up because they’re playing at a rank that they deserve.

“Elo hell” is very very very real, it’s just that the definition people have for it is always wrong.
It’s not when you can’t escape a low rank, it’s when it takes an extremely disproportionate amount of effort/skill to escape. One can escape, it just shouldn’t be as hard to do so as it is.

Agree. The climb is f**** brutal, but not impossible.


When I climbed from Gold to Plat i was not better than any plat player at the time. If you are better than your rank you will climb if you play enough


Didn’t knew i was GM. And my friends too. Have to tell them.

You, on the other side, will always suck as long as you lie yourself like this instead of learning to improve.


Likely you’re good enough to climb, but not super good.

I’ve played with a GM and diamond in gold on their gold smurfs.

Suffice to say that we either faced other smurfs or got lumbered with utter sub bronze moron/ thrower team mates.

This is why skill levels are so out of whack with Sr. Sure, a GM will carry easily, but a 2500 player may get stuck at 2200 or so.

I’ve seen a 2350 Junkrat wreck our team and never die. I’ve seen a 2400 Junkrat just stand there and die every few seconds.

And gold is where utter noobs get dumped before crashing down to bronze.

Makes it all a bit of a mess.

On average yes they do, in comparison to higher ranks. It’s extremely predictable, and the dodging is non-existent or weak at the best. We are not great at it here in Diamond either btw, the movement skill gap is massive in this game.

It’s not an assumption, it’s first hand experience. I deranked from plat to almost silver when I started practicing Widow, and climbed out later. Atm I’m still just a just a low Diamond widow player, and I can easily stomp games in gold.

Anyone who has played against 4k+ Widows knows they are from another planet. If the person in your games has been a GM Mercy main who has been just messing around, then it’s understandable that she’s just “dominating” and not more than that, but claiming you need “GM skill” is absolutely hilarious.