ELO Hell Does Exist

Look at my Role Queue Beta Rankings Plat & Diamond this is an alt account.

Play with the same three people.

Role Queue Beta RESET SR.

The main account still gold.

RESET SR so we can have a chance.


In the beta there were like nobody almost playing it I had 10 min queues on tank and heal. It doesn’t exist, just play the game, learn it and put lot of time in it. Also reseting mmr won’t help.


Yea, that is not true at all, I got in to games immediately.

Yes, resetting SR will help. Do you know how hard it is to get 1000 SR?

not for me it took me way too long to find games.

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When it came out a ton of people were playing; in one sitting I played and ranked on all specs with two friends.

maybe when it came out but the week after it took me well over 3h to do 7 games.

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Ahhhhhhhh… So now I understand what your problem is. You think because you placed an alt account in Diamond, by managing to win most/all of your placements as well as the 5-7 successive games after, that your other account should automatically move up because you supposedly proved you can contend there…

Dude that’s not how it works for anyone. Overwatch is a grind. If you wanna climb higher than diamond I recommend you only play on that account. Otherwise you’re going to have to earn the SR like everybody else…

That’s the point of PBSR. That’s why the meme responses of (git gud and if you’re good you’ll climb) exist… PBSR will push you out of lower Elo if you genuinely deserve it. But you still have to put in the time to prove it.


80 Hours into that account still high plat - diamond. Not sure what to tell you…

I have been complaining about main account.


I don’t understand your problem… The SR doesn’t need to be reset. You could grind out of gold in a Saturday, out of plat in a Sunday and couple days throughout the week. It’s not that bad if you commit. You don’t just get given rank :joy:

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Dude, you’re missing the point messing around in games for 20+ seasons constantly getting horrible teammates has not helped at all. This game has seen huge changes, I play much differently than I did in Season 1. I am sure many people do, Blizzard has changed the system multiple times never resetting rank. People have hugely inflated and underinflated rankings do to overpowered heroes. If you do not need to reset the rank, why do games like Couner-Strike with a similar system do?


Different approach to the competitive ladder philosophy.

Like… Personally Idc… If they reset the ladder I know I’ll be Diamond+ again. Even if I had to climb from mid-plat.

The point is, it’s not necessary because when it comes down to it. The philosophy to climbing in ranked Overwatch has not changed…

Adapt to the environment, master position and up time, and complete the objective. Don’t like your teammates? Play with friends who are equally motivated.

Can’t win a game with your group? Maybe you’re with the wrong people. Not everyone is supposed to be an above average player. Not everyone is meant to be GM…

It’s literally how it is. That’s why SR is capped at 3900 every season.

Forum Mod Edit: This post has been edited by a moderator due to masked language as it is in violation of the Code of Conduct.


Somday you’ll have to realize that in this game a diamond player could easily play a mid master match or being a completely boosted trash player, losing even gold matches. And this is obviously proportionally true for every rank except for the top of the top (maybe).
Skill is normally the base factor for those who are consistent in their performance. Unfortunately the ranking system is not (and can’t be) consistent AT ALL due to continuous meta manipulation, buffs, nerfs. I could spend a lifetime making examples but I think Brigitta is the main and more representative one. When she was released it was literally an insane free boost for every people without hands and 20 IQ, then she got nerfed to the ground, but too late as always, then an uncountable number of s***bags started ruin dozens of matches because their sr skyrocketed 1000-1500sr above their real ranks. Still, Brig players can have a much better average sr playing such a braindead hero and being jokes every time a good aim and a good brain are required. And OW is literally fullfilled with braindead and 0 skill heroes, unfortunately sometimes they work and sometimes they not depending on how Blizzard try to manipulate the pickrate. It will be always like this, some patch make someone look (and feel) more good than they actually and ever be. Blizzard games are all about community feelings manipulation. Realize this and you will easily learn to laugh at this game while warming up before going play real eSports.


It doesn’t exist, everyone placed higher in open queue. My 3300 account placed 4200 when I went 9-1 in placements the first season. Means jack crap, I bet you play 50 ish games and you will start tanking


I legit played from 2.5 - 3.5 on doom only this season. That was within like 6-7 hours of gametime.

Nope, in fact getting to your SR is easy.

Resetting your SR won’t do anything good, it’s not ELO hell.

It’s a bad team if you’re still stuck, if you group up you can literally go up by alot.
Resetting MMR isn’t going to do anything, just stop asking for this jesus.

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True its one of the reasons I can’t take it seriously. If I would do my placements I am 100% sure I would place Masters again just like the last two seasons.
In Role queue however I was struggling to escape Plat.
How is it that a 3700 game in open queue is easier than a 2700 game in Role? The players are obviously better when I check profiles they are the same rank in Role.
However I am not forced to carry trash in open queue. I have never had so many throwers and noobs on my team while the enemies had smurfs and boosters, role queue is definitely rigged since the split.


There is no such thing as Elo Hell. I’ve climbed from Bronze to 3700.
It’s a time gate. If you have TIME you will climb to where you belong as 50/50 win rate will make you climb. If you lose more than 50% of your games you don’t belong in a higher elo.

When you factor in wins, loses, throwers, and more wins you can expect to gain 10 SR per hour according to many OWL coaches. Let’s do some quick math for you. 10 SR/Hour 2000 SR is gold 2500 is Plat thats 500 SR which would be roughly 50 hours of non stomp comp ( But that’s not a 100% guarantee as some days you lose more than you win. But if your skill is good enough and you truly belong in a higher rank you will get there.

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So the system works against people who do not have unlimited time to climb a bracket regardless of skill.

Sounds like Hell to me.

Anything that gates advancement is Hell!

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If you don’t put in the time, you shouldn’t expect to climb.


And if you put that time in 4 years ago you should expect to live off the interest?
There are some seriously washed accounts in the high ranks. Split games pocketing a stack of simps with/against decents? Sure. Solo queue climb? Not a chance.

Climb vs. Hold is an entirely different skillset.