ELO Hell Does Exist

That’s another problem. People did that 4 years ago but are just camping it now. But my point is you need to put in time if you want to climb.

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Im lrettu sure beta was most populated time

It’s important to remember that the ranking system is 100% relative to the people playing it. If you’re learning and improving at roughly the same rate as everyone else, you’re just going to stagnate.

There’s a reason why people point out that S2’s Diamond play is like today’s Gold play. Everyone’s gotten better since then, so the average has been raised and the skill gaps have gotten larger. Simply resetting SR does not change this.

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Done with this one now, still rank shaming and being generally toxic, taking advice that helps in any way, at any rank, will help in the end, even with this account being silver across the board, I’ve shared several replays where I was called out for both hacking and smurfing. Some of game game reviews came from Bronze players, pointing out MORE mistakes made in my play than some Masters/GM players noticed, different mistakes, different answers, sort through all of it, there is no need for the toxicity of these posts, if you ask for advice, take it, don’t rank shame, don’t get tilted, and if you do, take a break, have a smoke/beer(if old enough)/eat something/glass of water etc, sometimes even the highest ranked people DO NOT see the same mistakes as the lower ranks.


Hate to break it to but their were little to no players actually testing the beta. So ya you may have been diamond their, but considering that most players didn’t play seriously you were just playing slightly above that for the most part.


No bro your just bad get out of your high horses and blaming your team I got from 2200 to 4000 from December to today I focused on myself and not my teammates