Obviously it’s still bad and awful and a mass killing but with a gun it could’ve been worse. how do you not get this? do you think that after a certain point the number of people killed doesn’t matter? if that person had a gun, it would’ve been worse, and that is undeniable. And you’re talking about a killing of ten people, when there are much larger killings that happened recently involving guns
This sounds very american…
I’ll be honest, the guns bad talk really only gets to me when people compare it to other violence. I can understand it when people say “Good thing he didn’t have a gun, only 3 people were hurt!”, but now people are doing it to another mass death event.
Banning guns was supposed to stop mass killings, right? I would think people would get the idea that guns aren’t solely to blame here, but people keep repeating the “Good thing he didnt have a gun!” mantra that some talking head drilled into their brains. Isn’t this a problem?
And I find most of the people who are so opposed to American firearm ownership have zero idea about all the steps on aquiring one.
they’re probably sighing in relief in Irvine
their little game now is extremely minor news
That’s something else that gets to me. I remember watching something on the news or some show where a kid could just walk into a walmart and buy a gun. I remember thinking “Well, why do I have to jump through hoops to get a gun?”.
I’m guessing it varies state to state?
feels so abrupt… you expect her to live forever kinda… becaus she has been there forever… hell she probably ruled of the dinosaurs… then poof gone!
it’s to be expected from the dysmal 20ties… everything that can go wrong will go wrong this dacade…
i just hope will dodge nuclear war or a nuclear catastrophy… i really wanna survive this hellish decade…
guns aren’t solely to blame. no single factor is. but that doesn’t mean that guns aren’t used for and enable a lot of crimes. Do you really think without guns school shootings would be as frequent and devastating?
thankfully it’s a bit harder to acquire explosives so that at least makes it harder.
I wholeheartedly agree with this
Only a stealth ninja could do this in a one main “public entrance” UK school. Every other door to exit is a fire exit. This thread went from RIP Queen to guns vs knives.
Actually, the countries with the highest gun homicides per capita (el Salvador, Brazil, etc) have some of the toughest gun laws.
Meanwhile countries with some of the lowest gun laws (Switzerland) have some of the lowest
Oh absolutely. But good luck getting people to admit that in an argument.
Honestly just looking at US citites shows the same exact trend.
You say you agree but you still don’t realise that 1 person getting shot makes national news because guns are banned. I wouldn’t be surprised if most gun killings in the US don’t even make it to the news.
It has nothing to do with size because that’s not how data is analysed. However it does have something to do with the lack of guns in European countries. Who would have thought?
How so? Because the U.S. does rate high when it comes to gun deaths by numbers, but when it comes to gun homicides by capita it’s mostly Latin American countries with the highest numbers?
Oh really? Like in Switzerland
Why does Switzerland, a country with not too strict gun laws and high gun ownership have a very small gun homicide rate compared to Latin American countries with strict gun laws?
Britain tried it’s hand at the whole republican thing 350+ years ago - didn’t really take to it.
Honestly, I have no idea. I think its a possibility, but I’m no expert on this subject, and I think a lot of people are misunderstanding or even underestimating how upset people are in America. I think all it would take is someone to get the idea of “I don’t need guns, I can blow this school up”, and we’ll be at square one.
Instead, I really think we should be tackling why someone would want to commit mass killings, and not the tool they used. Personally, I think a lot of attention they get from the killings contribute to this, like they want to achieve some twisted version of fame. So, when you show their faces everywhere, they literally get what they want.
I think that’s something we should at least think about, you know?
No, I get it, I just don’t think that matters as much as you think it does. One person getting shot would be national news, yet we still have nutbars who’d stab and kill 10 people with a knife.
Isn’t that just true everywhere? Not the guns, but crime in general. Can the news capture all crime? I’m don’t think it can.
This is another thing people just don’t like to think about. I think its 100% because they have “America bad, gun bad” drilled into their brains.
Princess Diana is going to be front row at her arrival for the knockout
Yeah it’s always “wow guns bad let’s ban them because they keel”
I believe you were arguing about European countries with enforced and successful gun laws.
Most people in Switzerland with guns are in the military ,police or retired military. They aren’t just random people walking into a shop and deciding to buy a gun one day like they do in the US. Considering every able man has to join the military and is given a gun, that is A LOT of people being given guns for work purposes, not ‘home protection’.
It can when there isn’t a mass shooting every single day.
Ugh, I don’t want a king, the monarchy was only cool because we had a woman ruling it. Now it’s just sad…