Elizabeth II is dead

That’s true, but it does prove that high gun ownership does not equal more violence.

So a veteran keeping his guns doesn’t count as “home protection?”

Because 2 million out of 8 million families own guns, and I’m sure that a lot of these people use their weapons for non-military duties.

Mmm idk like it sucks another human being died but I’ve been told she’s racist and also repeatedly pardoned her son of some… genuinely foul things.

But hey, I don’t live there, so I dunno. But assuming that stuff is true, ehhh…

I don’t think this is true. What if the crime is reported after the fact? I get it: america bad, guns bad, but you still have to think rationally about this.

In fact this is one of my bigger issues with people who try to think about social issues, mass shootings and the like. Its like you guys don’t know how to. You watch some weirdo on youtube who thinks they have American politics all figured out (despite the fact that this dudes haven’t lived in the real world for a long time now), and you go “Aha! I know everything I need to about America!”.

Can we just not do that?

I’m just not ready to go back to God Save the King and the gender change of HMS.

I don’t think I have heard anyone ever say “God Save the King”. Every time I’ve heard it in media, its been “save the queen”, and that’s because she’s lived for so long. Maybe I’m just misremembering.

The only think I can think of is a weapon from Kingdom Hearts called Save the King.

What does this have to do with the morality of monarchy, exactly?

Can’t both things be bad?

Both are good :crown:

It proves that high gun ownership in requiring roles does not equal more violence. It doesn’t prove that giving anyone a gun without any training or duties will not lead to increased gun violence.

It does, but someone who has been through military service is far less likely to use a firearm to attack an innocent person or commit a crime.

I have nothing against America and besides the UK I’d happily live there. But I don’t agree that Americans need guns. I know it’s more complicated than just banning guns, and it’s pretty much impossible to actually do this now since it’s part of American culture but never in my life have I had to worry about being shot ANYWHERE everytime I step outside, whether that’s at school or a supermarket.


First OW2 doom and gloom. Then London Bridge is down. Then my boss has to reprimand everyone on the team, myself included. Then my family gets rear-ended while transporting 6 foster kittens from the vet, by a guy who did not have his license or insurance info on him at the time of the crash. What’s next, murder hornets?

Golly, September 8th is not my friend. It seems no one else’s friend, either.

They have more gun death than all the western european countries, Canada and Australia combined.

I am sure we could also add Japan, China, and new zealand to the list that the USA would still beat them all in number of shooting.


Regardless of the opinions held, the point is that these topics have nothing to do with eachother and are not mutually exclusive.

His whataboutism makes no sense, even if you agree with him.

Because guns are awesome (when used legally and not for horrific acts).

I agree, I guess bring back the draft? Lol

This works perfectly in Switzerland especially considering how small and homogeneous the country is, but I don’t know if it would work in the U.S…

Well if there’s one thing I almost disagree with as much as guns it’d be forcing people to enlist solely based on their gender lol.


Yes. That’s true. Don’t understand the hype about any person

parkway drive also released a new album today so its been a busy day with at least 3 things happening

australia’s reaction to port arthur is pretty much proof of how guns laws can work, happened in 1992 or something and no mass shootings since…maybe just a coincidence :stuck_out_tongue:

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I mean…I’m Indigenous so honestly was not a big fan of the Queen. Tbh I’m a lot more emotionally invested Blizzard’s PR implosion.

I don’t understand either one :handshake:

R.I.P. and tear until it is done.