Either the devs enjoy watching us get mowed down by 9 year olds with a Gatling gun, OR

I’ll literally cry lol please at least keep the changes to spread :pleading_face:


Well I suppose it’s our job to voice support for them. As for future buffs, I doubt anything damage related will happen, so maybe tank survivability and quicker reconfigure. Of course, we need to see how this plays out first.


I can see it now… the responses to the experimental card not moving forward.

“The overwelming response was that these changes were overtuned and a lot of people felt that it was too hard to fight Bastion”

Which means a few children couldn’t kill one when they W M1’d at it.

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See, the issue is, bastion is low skill right? So in theory he should only be effective in low ranks? That’s the problem. He isn’t. Even in low ranks where he SHOULD BE good, he’s absolutely terrible. That’s why buffs for him with no skill cap increase are justified.


I would argue that it currently takes more skill to play Bastion effectively than it does to play Genji half aware and probably while eating.


I would be happy if they pushed the whole thing to live right now.

Here’s the rest if you’re looking for them. Overwatch Retail Patch Notes – May 12, 2020


I would whole heartedly support that argument. Bastion may be “low skill” but in his current state he requires extreme awareness to be effective, even in ranks where other heroes do not.


You have to at very least have the awareness of a Diamond to play Bastion in Gold.

You have to have the awareness of a Gold player to play Genji in Diamond effectively.


And even then, a single hanzo, sombra, ashe, reaper, junkrat, sigma or hog can fully shut you down even if they are putting in half effort.

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I honestly agree, nothing in this mode annoys me or feels too strong


And yet… you get fools like this claiming that a Bastion can be played by a nine year old and still take “A full team to take down” When in reality they’re playing against a team with more coordination, and that Bastion is likely playing their heart out… while they’re laughing at memes, tabbing out, and barely playing.

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I’m just gonna take a wild guess and say op is low mmr or bronze sr. And even in those I’ve been able to get teams to counter him.

At least you understand… this guy is attacking the hero as if it’s literally unbeatable.

Which I guess it really would seem that way, if you literally held down W and M1, and expected it to die.

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I wouldn’t say more coordinated per say. I mean if you got one team (in lower ranks where he is a problem for the players you’re talking about) that sets up behind a barrier with a mercy pocket and screening the bastion and another team that has a barrier and tries to push through the bastion will mow them down.

Turtle strats have always required less coordination to play than to break. Doesn’t matter what game you’re playing people turtling behind shields and pumping out damage often feels cheesy and that is why people complain about it.

Those Reaper strats work for me at least half the time.

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You must have not read my post, as a good portion covers how players need to get good to take a Bastion down if they’re losing to him so much, myself included.

Bastion does require some changes. My proposals aren’t perfect, but they’re the ideas I’ve encountered so far. I asked some fairly opened ended questions to encourage feedback, and you’ve decided to jump down my throat for bringing up concerns with, “your favorite hero”. I’m fine if you wanna defend Bastion and happy to hear your point of view, but you’re insults and exaggerated responses aren’t helping you out. You may have taken offense to my 9 year old comment, which was intended as sarcasm and not to be taken seriously.

I think you and I can both agree that something needs to change to Bastion as players who don’t like him want changes, and players who do like him want changes. Both parties just want changes in opposite directions.

That being said then, with all the controversy around Bastion, what do you propose? Do players just need to realize that there are a lot of ways to counter him and he’s fine? Does he legitimately need a buff? Help me out here, Chibi.

I’m not the one not reading posts here, but what the hell…

I can try to knock some sense into you, but trust me… it feels like talking to a wall half the time when people are so dead set in their ways.

ALL I could recommend is playing the hero for a bit, and coming back… you need some in-depth understanding that’s a bit too much for me to write out at the moment.

And no, I do NOT mean:

  • Playing against the hero in QP.
  • Playing the hero in QP.
  • Watching other people play or play against the hero.

I DO mean:

  • Playing a competitive match (Or as many as you can) AS Bastion.

And as for what I propose, that’s a long story… it boils down to two things, but i’d rather not get into very deep conversations about those things until you’ve played those matches in Bastion’s shoes.

What are those things?

  • Bastion is nowhere near as powerful as people think and they need to learn a great deal before making opinions of their own.

  • Bastion needs a drastic rework, but not in the way you think.

You can’t buff him any more. Not just straight-up buffs. The backlash will get him nerfed worse than he is on live. As it is, I find it unlikely for these changes to go through, because there will be a lot of vocal opposition to it.

Bastion synergies require several orders of magnitude less effort than the synergies required to counter them. Bastion has to be completely reworked away from being the “play this hero if you like point-and-click adventures” simplicity that he is in order to be made viable. Just numbers buffing will render him oppressive at a lot of levels, and not really change anything higher up.

They should really play with his transformation gimmick. Honestly, I think the forms should have more distinct strengths. Recon mode has something like a “radar gun” that functions similarly to Sonic Arrow, or maybe he can hold RMB and aim at a point and produce a continuous Sonic Arrow effect in that direction. Maybe he can aim that recon beam at a hero and tell their ult charge, etc. I don’t know.

Then Sentry mode has something like less damage than live, but bonus damage against shields. Good for suppression, but not evaporating people in an instant if there are no barriers.

Transformation time sped up so that he can fluidly change as need demands. I think I actually posted a whole thread on this once. I’d take a lot of inspiration from Transformers: War for Cybertron, personally, in its multiplayer game. The way that transforming feels fluid and integral to the combat. That is the sort of thing Bastion really needs.

Just straightforward numbers increases will only end up with him changing back to Configuration: Dumpster.

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Hey man, if we’re going to have an open discussion here, this kind of attitude isn’t going to help. I have expressed a sincere desire to hear your side. I know this is the internet, but please take the offer in good faith.

I have a screenshot on imgur of my Bastion stats for comp season 21, but just found out my account is too new to post links. If you want to see it, we can find another way to get it to you. To summarize though, I had about an hour of gameplay with him, and won 4 out of 6 games . Not sure if that’s enough to satisfy your request.

I will share my experience playing Bastion last season. Keep in mind that before March, I hadn’t played the game in almost 3 years, or really any FPS for that matter.

In returning to Overwatch, I was surprised at how much impact I had in what little time I had with Bastion. Compared to playing other heroes I was struggling to learn and get elims with, I found that Bastion just performed with ease. And I’m not hating on him for that, because it’s super satisfying to play him.

I did also notice that without the right team comp, with bad positioning, or with over confidence on my part, he’s easy to exploit and rip apart. I had to learn when to move, where to set up if my team wasn’t nearby, and when to use run and gun tactics.

So, I do see how it does take skill to play Bastion well and that he’s not as OP as some think he is. I believe I mentioned it earlier in the comments, my problem is when I encounter an enemy team that’s losing, switches to Bastion, and their team then plays protect the Bastion. Or when the Bastion is sitting atop the payload with two shields and is boosted by a Mercy.

And I saw your point on how this is a team game and so you need to respond to that team play with your team, not individually. Here’s my problem with Bastion. If players on both teams are all strangers and no one is using mics (which is common for Xbox, I can’t speak to the other platforms) if a players on team A switches to Bastion, I’d say roughly 70% of the time the rest of the team knows how to coordinate to play supporting that Bastion. Then, there’s team B. Responding to Bastion as an uncoordinated team is more difficult because it requires a group effort. From what I’ve seen and experienced, the presence of a Bastion with somewhat coordinated teammates tips the balance in their favor moreso than any other single hero can.

For instance, if the enemy team is wrecking havoc with a Pharrah, all I need to do is switch to hitscan or DVa and I can pressure her without assistance from my team. If they’re running a Doomfist , Genji, or Tracer, I can swap to a hero with CC and pressure him without my team. If they’re running through us with a ReinZar, I can adjust my individual play style to counter. I can make choices independent of my team, that helps my team, even though we’re not communicating as a team.

With Bastion, there isn’t much I can do without coordinating with my team to counter a team that has him at the center. I have played against teams where players will literally body block to keep their Bastion alive. Whereas before he entered the scene, they clearly had no skill and we’re losing. The new composition with Bastion seems like a desperate and cheap tactic to compensate for their lack of skill.

So, now that I’ve fleshed this out more fully, my problem isn’t directly with Bastion, but the way he impacts both teams and the contexts I’ve encountered him in. Your thoughts?

So what you’re telling me is that you still haven’t played Bastion recently, or in comp?
