Echo Is Forgotten

I’ll get straight to the point: I feel like Echo has been completely forgotten by the Devs, specifically with her ult. Now that health pools are larger and ult charges have seen an increase across the board, Echo’s ult feels more lukewarm.

I don’t mind that Echo can’t really spam ults anymore since that would be crazy and her ultimate is designed to be situational so she can change the game as she sees fit. However, the amount of time it takes to get to the ult is frustrating with the amount of time she’s given.

The biggest of the issue is duplicating supports! In most situations, duplicating supports isn’t as useful as duplicating any other hero because while Echo trades damage for a boost of healing, here’s the problem: most of their ults are useless!

How are they useless? The amount of ult charge Echo gets for healing is significantly lesser than doing damage. This means it’s almost impossible to ult as Mercy, and when you do, you only have a couple seconds left. What about characters like Lucio or Brig? For some reason, if they manage to ult and Echo’s time is finally up, POOF no more overhealth for you! It’s completely unfair and inconsistent how DPS ults can last a few seconds longer but support ults instantly delete.

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Echo isn’t forgotten. She’s just pretty balanced. Not overturned, and not underpowered. She’s in a good spot right now. I have seen quite a few echo players recently, and have started playing her a little more herself.

And ulting into a support on echo is absolutely not useless at all. Beat is literally the best ultimate in the game. The other day, I ulted the enemy mercy and then went and teased my own mercy. Then popped valk and put out massive ammount of healing.

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Well, with ow2 there were two options:

  1. Nuke her base kit

  2. Nerf her ult a bit

And I’m glad they went with 2. Her ult is incredibly situational, as far as ults are concerned. Balancing her around that and making her base kit feel worse would completely ruin the hero and probably kill OW for me completely at this point.

Echo is literally meta with Tracer.

A while back they buffed the hell out of her ultimate cost cause Samito cried


One of the problems with Echo is she’s one of the strongest heroes in the game, but is also one of the highest skilled. If you buff her ult for the ‘average’ player, she becomes broken for people who can actually play her.

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Echo is strong. Way too strong. Deleting supports instantly.

She’s always been able to. She’s like a flying and slightly harder to play version of Soj

I’ll take “things that didn’t happen” for $1,000.

I mean, her basekit feels very overtuned in my opinion. A good Echo can make easy work of a player, especially comboing sticky bombs with her death ray.

Then her ultimate feels very undertuned since it doesn’t take into account literally everything about the way they tuned the game.

Next to that, you like her base kit and not her ultimate? Dude, her ult is designed to change the game at will. That’s her draw.

So nerf her base kit. I main Echo as DPS and even I think her damage is still pretty overtuned.

Echo is fine.

And you should never be copying a support as echo anyway.

Like genuinely… echo is not a DPS hero we should be looking to change in any way right now. There are bigger priorities.

Never thought I’d see the day we agree


It’s maybe the draw if you play her every once and a while, but balancing her around her ult means shell only be playable if two conditions are met:

  1. she’s not against counters(and if her base kit is nerfed harshly she actually will have hard counters)

  2. she is against someone with a high value ult

You’d be pigeonholed into just ulting then and only playing her in niche cases.

Basically, it would make Echo better for non Echo players while ruining Echo for mains

Idk what you’re agreeing on with him. He’s wrong.

Echo isn’t meta lmfao. Sojourn is the other meta dps alongside tracer.

And even below that you could see cass before echo.

I’m agreeing with him because Echo is currently the second best DPS.

Echo is way stronger than Cass.

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She isn’t… Sojourn is.

She really isn’t lol. I’m not saying she isn’t good, she’s absolutely good. But cass being one of the few heroes who can still 2 tap, is tanky as hell right now, and can stop mobility characters… he’s just better.

Echo is good in very specific comps (same with doom). In those comps she’s arguably top 3, outside of those comps she’s just… a good dps hero.

Copycats like echo won’t be remembered :relieved:

But countered by him

Not exactly. It’s a skill matchup based mostly on positioning.

Echo isn’t bad into hitscans.

echo was one of the biggest winners with the projectile size changes, and shes getting alot of play in owcs

She is in the sense say there are no hitscans on enemy team theoretically echo is stronger than cass interms of the destruction possible.

But realistically echo gets countered by good hitscan including cass so it doesn’t matter what potential dmg.she can do