Echo Is Forgotten

You know there are many ways to change a hero that isn’t just numbers, yeah? And what do you mean by “hard counters”? Echo can be easily done away with with a good hitscan, but that’s not really a point since the point is that Echo should be balanced around her ult, not the other way around.

One grenade and it’s over, buddy.

Not the point.

I see echo I click head echo dead

Echo sticky me i roll in the dirt and throw my sticky

Cowboy :cowboy_hat_face: with a gun is stronger than ai murder bots.

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nah echo still busted and annoying to deal with…

No, she’s not. Echo literally has the second highest winrate in GM. Sojourn is way lower for a reason.

Echo is very strong. She’s just too hard for y’all to play.

She’s not easily done away with by hitscans lol.

But she would be if her base kit was nerfed since she couldn’t realistically duel them.

Also, I’ll reiterate the main point you missed:

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I hate this whole ‘‘forgotten’’ thing as if dev attention was good. Enjoy that Echo is one of the strongest DPS in the game dont go around begging for more buffs. The Monkey’s Paw might curl a finger.

Dev attention leads to heroes ending up like Symmetra. You dont want any DPS hero ending up like Symmetra.


I play against literal ex pros(and current pros after rank resets) from time to time and they don’t consistently double headshot me in duels. If they do, I do die, but that’s not something that consistently happens.

Like I said, skill matchup.

Then you die to Echo’s primary and/or beam during or immediately after your roll animation…

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Can you not read me saying that her damaged is overtuned? Of course not. If I complained her damage output is too high, you guys will pop up and say, “Echo is easily countered by hitscan.”

But I mention her ult in particular because despite changing health pools and ult charge, they didn’t consider, you know, the rate in which Echo’s duplicate ults charge.

Uh yeah. She is. Echo realistically needs to get in enemies faces to pull consistent damage, and that’s hoping that the enemy panics at her encounter. If hitscan has enough distance, being mid to long range, Echo… doesn’t exist. But we’re talking about her ult here.

I kinda wish your profile was open since I have a hard time believing that. Pros can easily make work of Mercy, Pharah, even Ana with her bizarre hitbox. Tracer and Lucio too because as pros, you understand the behaviour of those characters.

Echo’s primary is more designed to poke enemies at a distance or be a last resort than it is to do damage. Most of your kills will come from her bomb-beam combo. Usually, I use her primary when my abilities are on cooldown or if I didn’t have enough damage for beam and need to lower them further.

I do secure kills with it a lot, but my abilities are usually on cooldown.

This means nothing to me! 1. Overbuff isn’t reliable. 2. blizzard hasn’t released their proper stats

And even if we’re going based off overbuff stats (which we shouldn’t, it’s 2024), let’s talk about how she’s the 9th played dps. She’s played less often than other options. If she was as good as you say she is… she would be seeing more playtime (according to overbuff).

You could also contribute her winrate to the fact that she’s great in a very specific comp, but then just decent outside of it. She’ll mostly be played when in said hyper specific comp, equaling… higher win percentage.

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I can recommend them aim trainers in workshop like

Vxeat etc

A good aimer would be doming out echo on projectiles like hanzo let alone hitscan

It just means they are not in gm due to aim.

Skill match up is more when who is better like a soj vs soldier or.ashe or.ana vs Kiri etc

Th situation you describe is more of a lack of skill than skill.matvh up

Even if they miss they still have better fire rate and roll to negate sticky and their own sticky if you close into beam and we spam more bullets than your 3 triangles.if you get close

If you are a echo main or something and have gotten good at dealing with it, it’s you being better than hitscans in your game

This doesn’t stop the equation that is cass counters echo

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Popularity is always a factor in pickrate, and Echo is one of the least popular heroes. She’s still the second strongest.

No, because that’s not how Echo’s kit works. She’s a generalist.

Popularity means literally nothing when we’re talking about high elo and meta picks. If the pick is good, people will play it.

Popularity has zero correlation.

Except she isn’t. She’s used 90% of the time in 1. dealing with mauga or 2. dive comps.

I wouldn’t mind Echo being forgotten for a while. She’s obnoxious as hell to play into. :sweat_smile:

Define useless… is kiriko’s ult useless, how about zen making allys harder to kill cant be useless. then there is ana, her Q can’t be that bad. Not to mention her ult is based on what the enemy plays so if you don’t like your ult choices switch the hero…