Easy Way to Nerf Zen Without Ruining Him

Zen is just heal + McCree though and he can be pretty easily swatted aside. The projectile aspect of his kit means it can be intercepted and outright killing his attackers is the only defence he has.

I said: “being able to melt someone who just so happens to walk across your line of sight. Something quite a few PURE DPS can’t even do.” I said quite a few cannot do that, and you proceeded to list characters who are known for melting as if that counters my point? So my argument is not “non-existent” just because you lack reading comprehension skills.

If my opinion was irrelevant you wouldn’t be giving attention to it, now would you? And if that was the case he wouldn’t be represented the way he is.

Escape ability? Yeah. Hard buff his heal? Meh.

His primary already does decent damage though. 115 damage a second with a quick fire is pretty decent for a support. I do not deny that he should have decent DPS. The point was if it should be as good as it currently is.

And I question if the nerf was as effective as they intended. But I guess that’s a debate for another time.

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i’m pretty sure you have absolutely no idea what tc’s referring to if you say this

hint: he’s not saying discord should be removed instantly when los is broken


Easy way to nerf zen is… dont nerf zen

zen is literally brought along now just to counter hanzo (the character than everyone has to play around and with)

and saying zen has esp when hanzo like to flank and esp with his radar arrow and follow up with a charge shot into storm arrows (7 shot burst combo)usually result in 1-2 squishies dead before realizing what hit them. and hanzo doesnt even need to flank far he just need line of sight away from the enemy shields…

What do you mean by represented? In plat Ana has a better pickrate than Zen. Just saying. Only in GM does he have a better pickrate than Mercy. Not by much.

Zen wouldn’t be even half as used if it was not for the facts that dive has dominated upper ranks for couple seasons (btw zen is a very high skill hero so it’s natural he’s a top pick at high ranks), mercy didn’t suddenly get a pick-me-up E resurrection button to raise a fallen Zen every 30 seconds when he inevitably falls to the flankers or snipers or dva or whatever and the fact that other supports besides him, mercy and newish moira were nerfed. Ana’s been bad pick for ages because dive > ana, mercy rework made lucio lot less viable and he’s grown weaker overtime, moira still doesn’t have utility and Brigitte just makes zen better lol.

If current mercy wasn’t an excellent pair for Zenyatta who is very frail character and transcendence wasn’t literally the only counter we currently possess to mitigate the team wipe of a dragonsurge, people would play dps or other supports instead. Discord orb is hardly as strong on a meta where your best dps picks don’t need a discord to eliminate targets from all distances and your tanks will not be diving but tanking enemy hits. Harmony is ofc handy to have for snipers who can be spot healed from afar with it, but Ana can also do that. But yea, transcendence is too much of a neccessity. Then there’s Brigitte and ultimate armor beef to consider as well, since Zen is one of the 3 chars to possess shields which stack armor below it.

Something I learned from this thread?

For every hero in the game, there’s always someone out there who thinks he/she is OP


Ana is OP.

There I said it.


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Rn on overbuff for this week in GM Ana is at 2.72% pickrate, just below Widow who has a 4.86%. Brig is sitting at 6.09%. Tracer is behind Ana with 2.56%. Genji with a 2.4%.

Prepare for the nerfs Ana. How dare you have a higher pickrate than Tracer in GM. May God have Mercy on your soul xD


It was already nerfed once. Frankly I don’t see the issue. It takes forever to load it up.

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If a Zen lands the shot on you he deserves it, dude is slow and fragile as hell, it’s plenty fair he gets to know a bit more about enemy positioning for a few seconds to up his chances of defending himself.


The discord UI remains the same even if its behind an object. The only way to remove his “wallhacks” is either to change the UI so it disappears when the target is behind an object (so you end up with a constantly flashing icon, increasing clutter) or once LoS is broken it stops.
Both are pretty poor options imo.

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Thats exactly my question right now.

He has been one of the most, if not the most, balanced hero in the game forever now and he even got a nerf recently.

And regarding to the topic, you get a loud notification when your discorded so the logical thing to do would be to wait 3 seconds behind a wall before peeking out and taking a volley again…

I am not even sure why you would want a nerf for him.

You realize that Zen has been one of the most picked supports for many months now right? In other words way before Hanzo got buffed. This argument is bs.

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Zen is fine, leave him alone

Are you seriously complaining that discord’s persistence through cover allowing Zen to combo with his RMB is making him OP?

How dare heroes have kits with abilities designed to work together, instead of being hard-countered by oddities in netcode implementation or a stiff breeze.

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You would just need to put Discord in the formula. Currently Discord is outside of it. So Mercy damage boost and Discord is (Original Damage #) 1.3 = Boosted Damage #. Then (Boosted Damage #)1.3 = Final Damage #. So if you changed it it would be just (Original Damage #) 1.6.

No I’m actually not. Try reading carefully.