Why shouldn’t a support be able to that? Zen’s requires great aim, and without he’s pretty defenseless.
He’s a hybrid hero. He’s a damage/healing hybrid and he’s not too oppressive to fight against. He isn’t a better damage dealer than the ones dedicated to that role, and he’s not putting out a ton more heals than the other healers.
Because it’s ridiculous? And no other support in the game can do that? Aside from Brigitte, but that only works on Tracer / Genji characters who have low health.
I get he’s a hybrid damage / healer but there’s a difference between being able to damage well (which his primary does) vs. being able to melt someone who just so happens to walk across your line of sight. Something quite a few PURE DPS can’t even do.
He’s had a 90% pickrate in the pro scene ever since S4, and ever since S6 his pickrate in the highest ranks of skyrocketed and to this day his pickrate has been off the charts in GM and pro play.
Quad tank is the only team comp Zen isn’t great in. He’s sometimes not in bastion or Pharmercy comps, but he’s still very viable in those too.
Zenyatta and Mercy have dominated the support class for well about a year now, with Zen being dominant as early as Season 4.
Blizzard did a lot of work in making the tank and DPS classes more diverse (in OWL anyways, current Hanzo kinda ruined everything) but the support class has been incredibly stagnant for so long.
Anyone with burst damage can eliminate anybody else if they walk around the corner and you anticipate them walking around the corner and they do not react in time to save themselves.
Even ana can easily shoot at you twice and lob a grenade at you when you try to run back behind cover if they see you coming.
Bursting a character down is not exclusive to Zenyatta right click (which has been nerfed in fire rate too btw).
I don’t think that makes him unique. What makes him unique is his orbs. By your logic, they shouldn’t nerf Brigitte because shield bashing and interrupting stuff every 4 seconds (effectively) was “what made her unique” see how that’s bad logic?
They’re DPS so that kind of makes sense?
I wasn’t debating that. I’m debating whether or not a support should be able to do that.
You literally just described her taking three actions. That’s a lot more than just holding one button and firing.
Never said it was exclusive to Zenyatta. But most if not all who can are DPS. And the “nerf in fire rate” doesn’t really seem like a nerf to me. In fact, I’ve had better success using it AFTER the nerf since you can hold it for longer without wasting it.
Zenyatta’s been able to do that for years and it has caused little issue. Brigitte caused immediate frustration. I said that in response to you saying “Others supports can’t do that,” and it’s just as valid to say “So? That makes him unique,” to that assertion.
He hasn’t been a problem all this time, so why would he need a severe nerf?
He’s overpicked but the support roster saw a more balanced spread prior to this particular meta. So assuming it’s a hero who hasn’t changed in a long time is a bit silly.
His “wallhacks” are his only defense against flankers, aside from pure mechanics. I would rather they buff Ana (a good, chunky buff) before looking at Zen.
Except it obviously caused an issue or they wouldn’t have attempted a nerf in the first place. Also he’s been consistently at the top of the pickrates in higher ranks for the last 6 months. That is a problem, IMO.
You just complained about dps not being about to do what zen can do, then when you’re given examples it’s shown just how non-existant your argument actually is.
Good thing your opinion is irrelevant then, because it’s not an issue. Zen doesn’t fit into every comp, sometimes you’re better off using other healers.
really wish people would stop quoting pickrate as this zomg it’s all that matters crap
A support/dps hybrid. Ofc he should be able to dps moderately well, that’s what he was made to do from the very beginning because he was never the best healer. If he could not dps, he would not be a hybrid and just a crappy, crappy support.
It literally only became a problem when Jjonak showed that he excelled on Zenyatta so much that he could simply delete people. That was the only issue, one person being too good with a hero that said hero had to have a nerf.
But it is very obvious to blizzard that Zenyatta is considered one of the if not the most balanced hero in Overwatch because the nerf was fairly lenient and did exactly what it was supposed to do: reduce the amount of snipes zenyatta can do with ease. They could have given him a lot harsher nerfbat IF they thought he was a problem.