Easy: save "McCree" with Joel

One of the teachers at my school is called mr.woodcock I’m not even joking that is his surname.

Vocal minorities on the internet, once again just trying to ruin it for everyone else.
There are many people in the world called McCree. Should they all be cancelled?

Please, enough with this stupid cancel culture.

And does he have one? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

Yeah, this whole rename mccree thing has all the signs of a knee jerk reaction from the community.

Is everyone who is named Bill a sexual predator? No.

Is everyone named Adolf responsible for mass genocide? No.

Jesse is just a name and, like other people have said, the devs just picked it because it sounded like a good cowboy name when combined with McCree, which it does.

Hell, I doubt McCree even looks, talks or acts like the guy who works (worked?) for blizzard.



That voice line is just a reference to a old western actor called Joel McCrea.

It’s not his name.
Shut up

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Nah. Jesse Hitler…

Good solid cowboy name.

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I think you’re completely missing the point. Whether the character honors the developer or not, for many, is not the point. The point is that some people will forever be reminded of the deplorable statements that person made and the context in which it was made, and they don’t want to be reminded of that filth literally every time they play the game.

or, hear me out, don’t change his name at all? it’s just a very generic yeehaw name

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It shouldn’t be changed imo because its just a namesake and not a self insert.

But if someone would put a gun to my head and ask what name could be a replacement then i would say either John or Jonah McCree

eh no, here it makes no sense what you say. it’s like saying that super mario has been named after a real person, and discovering after years that this person has committed a crime, the user suddenly feels upset to use the character. you had no idea who this mario was, you had probably never seen him in pictures and maybe you barely knew such a notion … and suddenly you find yourself upset? indignant? disgusted?

I’ll make you an even more absurd mental link: McCree’s Winter Wonderland spray is a sweater> Bill Cosby was famous for his hideous sweater> OMG, a “Bill Cosby Room” track in the game! > Double OMG: Even the hideous Soldier-76 sweater skin is embroiled in the scandal! > …

I could go on with this “coincidences” fanfiction, but has anyone thought of it? Do we need to be more upset now? Well, this is the oratory of a scandal: clinging to connections and extolling them on morality. Every now and then common sense helps us to distinguish good from evil … and it’s not a name that destroys what you believed in (which said very clearly: it was in a cowboy, not a Diablo developer).

I would say that there is nothing more to say.

When I first got the game I thought for the longest time that they just came up with that name and it worked since it sounded cowboyish

It’s really stupid to censor it imo
It’s a name.

People get so upset over the dumbest sheet nowadays.


i dont think they should change his name but it’d be funny if you were to look at all these cool lookin characters w cool names and then there’s Joel

For all intents and purposes, Fictional Jesse McCree is a cowboy who has nothing to do with the real world. The victims aren’t going “We can’t sleep, eat, or live as long as that fictional cowboy keeps his damn name!!!” Because they have actual problems, not these fake ones y’all made up on their behalf.

In reality: Since the victims didn’t ask for it, asking for the name change is a sign of being a disconnected virtue signaler. It actually has a net negative impact. You are not helping the victims. You are annoying the players and others. You are actually causing a distraction, which the harassers/abusers sincerely thank you for (because more heat on Fictional Issues means less heat on Real Issues). Yikes forever.

Actually helpful action: Flat out stop. Drop it all. If the victims come forward and ask for y’all to resume, then you may resume. Help them achieve the justice they seek and deserve. Rally the soldiers! But at the moment, they haven’t asked y’all for a damn thing. Learn to deal with your discomfort of others going through a bad time; a lot of the time there is nothing you can do. Making up something unhelpful to do is never the answer. Now STOP. It’s so easy to stop. So do it. Stop.

Alternative: Google a REAL cause to put all that virtuous energy towards. There are so, so, so, so many helpful people out there who need more help. Even donating money to the right place is good enough. Go out in the world and rally, if you must.

Easy Analogy: The house is on fire and an ember drifted to the front lawn, burning a blade of grass. So a person does the “logical” thing… They scream to direct as much attention as possible towards the singed blade of grass. Because deep in their heart, they know if the victims spoke to them, the victims would say “Please, make sure that blade of grass is taken care of. It is the thing currently ruining our lives.” :eye: :lips: :eye:

btw in the above analogy, you’re not a Firefighter. You’re just someone who happens to be there for some reason. So… Yikes forever, again.


Uh no, I see this habit where lots of people here want to make the assertion that something “doesn’t make sense” simply because they don’t agree with it. If you can show how my statement is unsound, I’m all ears. But until then this is clearly just a disagreement.

No, it’s not like saying that and this is just a bad analogy that clouds the issue. I cannot speak for everyone (and neither can you), but my point stands. If enough people now relate a character to someone who engaged in gross professional/sexual misconduct, and they’d rather not be confronted with what that connection every time they pick up the game, they’re right in wanting the character to be renamed. That’s it. End of story. You can disagree if you want, but opinions contrary to yours on this are not nonsensical.

This is the same reason why disgraced or humiliated celebrities who’d previously endorsed a product have their contracts dissolved: product/service owners no longer want people associating their product with that person. It is not a positive or pleasant experience for the customer and so they part ways with the celebrity. Is some portion of the public unconcerned with what said celebrity did? Of course. But that’s not a universal. Well, it’s the same thing for customers in this case: they do not want to associate Jesse McCree the smutty dev, with McCree the character. They want to play the game without constantly being reminded of what Jesse McCree the developer did and who he is as a person. If you see it differently, so be it. There’s no reason to go back and forth on this point. It doesn’t offend/bother you, fine. You’re not everyone.

You’re right, this is an absurd example and no response is necessary.

Different people object to the Jesse McCree name for different reasons, and none that I’ve seen are invalid or nonsensical… you know why? Because none that I’ve heard violate any type of logic. These are stances that fall into the realm of the subjective, and you can rail against them all you want, but at the end of the day, you’re just arguing in favor of your subjective opinion, the same as they are. On this topic, there is no intellectual high ground to plant your flag in.


This is called strawmanning an argument. And it’s a fallacy. If you have to veer toward the fallacious in order to make your point, you should reconsider your argument.

There’s so much wrong here it’s hard to know where to begin. Failures in logic, sloppy reasoning, bad assumptions, etc.

It seems to me you don’t really understand the arguments or motivations of many of those who want the name changed. And you seem to be operating from a place that your opinions/feelings about the name change are fundamentally reasonable and anyone who disagrees with you is fundamentally unreasonable/causing harm. Your logic here is warped and solipsistic.

And yet you’re engaged in this very argument over Jesse McCree the developer, and you’re fighting for your own point of view to prevail, instead of, well, saving some rain forrest. You don’t see the irony/hypocrisy here?

This whole paragraph is just…

Yikes forever is right.


It’s really weird that you have a friend named Adolf; unless he’s 80+ years old there’s no way that’s an unfortunate accident. It’s also weird you claim you never made the connection somehow, even though you’re making it now. Also calling Hitler “controversial” is really weird too. It’s not one bit controversial; he was evil, simple as that.

“plotting”? Again, weird choices of words.

No one’s “plotting” anything; this isn’t 1605. People are either asking for it or about it.

It’s not sensitivity. It’s removing a reference to someone who doesn’t deserve being referenced. It’s fair to ask for that.

As I’ve done before I’d like to add that I’m not necessarily arguing for a change of the name, but I find the counterarguments really weak and I address them to encourage more substantial debate.

Joel is a cool name though.


The one ancient leak said he was a clone of 76, and there were apparently 4 or 5 of them running around, so maybe, just maybe, they have a get out of jail free card tucked away somewhere.
Or, if it was me, rename him Red Harlow.

I hope he has at least 10 kids. The surname must live on

This would be a meaningful distinction if the name itself wasn’t thing you’re attempting to argue was random. The character is named after McCree. This doesn’t mean it honors him. But it is directly named after him and they sought and received his permission to use his name.

It if a fact it was named after Jesse McCree. And it is a fact it was not done to honor him, but merely because it’s a cool sounding name. The link between them factually begins and ends with the name.

The reason you have so many disputes is because people want to dismiss the fact that is inconvenient to their argument so that they can paint the other side as senseless and only their own feelings as valid.

That is the only senseless thing happening here.

The arguments for keeping and not keeping are sensible, because they are grounded in fact. There is no intellectual high ground. It is pure emotion. And your emotions aren’t more valid than someone else’s emotional response.

It is perfectly normal to place more emphasis on one fact or the other, and have your emotions respond accordingly.

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