East Coast players unite

There still is no permanent east coast server. Why do we have to connect to Chicago or California to play and have worse ping.

If you are on the east please list your state and average ping.

  • i am in NC and my ping is always 60

Can we please have an East Coast server


I was actually unaware there wasnā€™t any east coast servers, but then where is my server located? Whenever I play with friends in the mid-US I have worse ping.

There are west coast and central servers. They stand up an east coast server the first week after a patch and my ping goes from 60 to under 20, game is completely different.


East coast, and my ping is usually pretty decent but sometimes my latency spikes higher than a super jumping mercy.

Ohhhā€¦this explains a lot.

Iā€™m in NYC. Maybe thatā€™s why I get random spikes.


Iā€™m in Florida. I can get behind this. Definitely need a new east coast server. Ping is always 60-80. Iā€™ve tried everything to get it down.

Have u guys played at sub 30 ping in OW, its completely different. Much better user experience.

There is definitely a competitive advantage to lower ping, with the new 2-2-2 lets even the playing field for east coasters.


Yeah, I agree that itā€™s a vastly different experience.

Once when Blizzard rolled out a big update and rented an Amazon server in Virginia, I could notice the difference immediately. Even my friend who knew nothing about the server or my ping commented on how vastly improved my reaction times were in my POTGs.

I miss that 29ms. :sob::sob::sob:

wait 60 isnt normal? Yikes i need to know what its like to have good ping :sweat_smile:

I average about 60-80

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Florida and my ping is 70~80.

Connecticut. My MS averages 45-50.

My ping is about 20. Couldnā€™t imagine playing on 80+ without getting frustrated. Itā€™s the reason I canā€™t play PUBG. Their servers always give me an 80+ ping.
I guess what Iā€™m trying to say is thatā€¦I feels

Eastern Virginia
Ping 60s :frowning:

Almost 80 and 80 is so disadvantageous

Damn youā€™re so lucky over there in the US. I live in the Middle East, and am forced to play on EU because there is no other option. For some very weird reason, my MS on EU is much lower than it is on Middle East servers.

Problem being, itā€™s still pretty damn high. I average above 90 MS consistently and the EU server is pretty much 1 server and thatā€™s it. Since itā€™s EU, there are no sub servers that split the entire thing up to try to optimize everyoneā€™s ping as far as I know.

Matches can be something like: 3 players from Middle East countries, someone from Russia, someone from Germany, someone from the UK, 2 people from Spain, someone from Italy, 2 people from Greece and someone from Romania. You just get people from all over the EU in 1 server. There are no western EU, central EU and eastern EU servers to help that and have matchups between players that donā€™t have a 50 ping difference each.

My god, if there actually were sub servers on EU and it wasnā€™t just 1 massive server that wouldā€™ve been so much better for people who are geographically placed in countries that donā€™t have good enough internet connection to the main server because theyā€™re either too far or their connection sucks (or both) to have a decent ping.

It actually bugs me that I canā€™t play online games with a ping lower than 90 which is a major disadvantage.

yooooo nyc gang!!!

Here in the glorious Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Iā€™ve had no issue with the Chicago server, and the years I played WoW on Central and West Coast servers, never had an issue.

The people who tend to have an issue are either up around the New England area, or down around Florida and other gulf states.

Admittedly it is rather odd that WoW has wide coverage in the states server-wise, but Overwatch is still limping along with 2 server locations for the continental US lmao

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Occasionally the game will connect me to the West Coast server and my latency goes to 90. I usually switch off hitscan then.

Pennsylvania here, usually get around 40-45.

Mine is always 29 except when the game decides to put me on epwest coast games, In which I get 80. But thatā€™s probably like 1/50 games lol.


New servers may be a helpful part of ping, but you also have to deal with the route between you and the server and everyone else and the power of your ISP. We have amazing fiber optics in my southeast state, and my ping is around mid 30s (tested vs AI and at the start of a random 6v6 obj game).

Comcast, Xfinity, and some other guys may be giving you hot junk at high prices.

Ping in game

the values for those from left to right are
minimum / average / max

information on ping