East Coast players unite

Haha west coast is better confirmed

i swear iā€™ve gotten 43 ms on NJ, but later got spikes to 50-60 and even reaching 90 if matchmaker puts me in midwestern or west coast servers. pls blizz invest in a EST server

Edit: or dedicated servers for our own setups

Iā€™m in VA and I get 60 too. Never lower, sometimes up to 100+ on a bad day too. It sucks, because sometimes I want to play OW and just get awful ping.

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I live in Florida, so if Iā€™m not spontaneously combusting as soon as I leave my house, Iā€™m getting horrible ping because of a tropical storm. Literally, the storm rising event was happening right outside my window.

Play Nice, Play Neutral



East coast infrastructure is also trash and many of the states are myper regulated high tax commonwealths, its huge burden on Blizz. Hope they manage to set up better server setups somehow, at least their netcode is good.

I think any latency under 80 is considered ā€œacceptableā€, I average 60 from Wyoming connecting to Chicago (though sometimes the routing sends me to LAX and there I average 68). (Remember the in-game stat latency is the average PING and RTT values combined. Click here for details.). Unless you live in the greater Los Angeles or Chicago Area, most likely you will average 45 to 60 for most connections. While geographic distance is a factor, how many hubs are between you and the game server is more of a factor. So that being said, say they open a new server in Atlanta. That would for the most part benefit those mostly in Atlanta (and a bit for Florida) but not so much for most others on the East Coast. Donā€™t necessarily expect more server locations in North America to be opened up soon unless the active population for Overwatch really grows a lot.

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East coast? Sorry my friend im west coast

wE Donā€™T SssseRve YoUr KinD hEre

Play Nice, Play Neutral



Southern PA and 70.

Iā€™d like a DC server personally since itā€™s dead center of the east

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