✅ Easiest DoubleBarrier nerf

Rein is tied with Orisa pickrate in Diamond.
And he’s higher pickrate at ranks below that.
Rein is already most the way there.

If you look back at Brig.
An easily aimed stun at close range, that can bypass defencematrix and reflect.
Near instantly shut down Dive.
Sigma has “An easily aimed stun at close range, that can bypass defencematrix and reflect.”

Take away Sigma’s “easily aimed stun at close range, that can bypass defencematrix and reflect”
And now Rein can go to town with a hammer on a Sigma at close range.
And Dive doesn’t have to deal with a Tank that has a budget ShieldBash.

I said it because Sigma’s barrier flexibility as a second one is too easy to counter play ranged heroes, you move it close to your enemies’ face and its hitbox becomes bigger to block their LoS than when it’s far from their face, plus he can reposition it fast enough when the ranged enemy switches spot.
It’s like forcing close range DPS into meta because ranged ones are bad at breaking it then overcoming the healing from behind it or even flanking around it.

  • Long/mid ranged tanks with barriers > Long/mid ranged DPS
  • Close range DPS > Close range tanks

Man, we’re friends, but I’m about to go off.

It’s a good thing that not a single tank is OP right now. Who are you comparing to moth Mercy? Sigma? No way, there is no comparison to be made.

I’d appreciate it if my favorite role would stop being burned to the ground right in front of me.

Besides, buffing the weak tanks, like you would expect with any other heroes, would make them more fun, instead of worrying whether Sigma gets overnerfed.

You would have to pay me to play Reinhardt. Almost every hero has been buffed in ways that make them better at fighting Reinhardt, a hero who can’t even fight back. He used to be able to, a little bit anyway, but it hasn’t been that way since season nine. When season 10 rolled around, his mains were begging for buffs to deal with how abusive the game had become for Reinhardt. What have they gotten? A passive that’s barely strong enough to undo the damage the knockback changes did to Rein. That was after two and a half years of constant bad news for Reinhardt players, and its keeps going every patch.

Reinhardt is a sad empty shell of what he used to be and for how much everyone claims to love Reinhardt and the people who choose him over more selfish tanks, none of it ever materialized. Instead of empathy, it has been nothing but witchhunting and fear, what an astounding betrayal.

Not just moth Mercy, now you’re comparing Sigma to release Brigitte as well?

Brigitte has two crowd control skills, one on a four second cooldown. Sigma has one, on a 10 second cooldown, and if you see him start casting it you get to punish it with a Winston Bubble so the Sigma chokes on his own rock.

Sigma’s abilities aren’t even what make him good, they are essential for his kit to work but in a vaccum they are mediocre at best. How is Accretion suddenly the scapegoat for three tanks being trash, two of whom have been trash ever since season 10 and the remainder being an obvious victim of overnerfing, because she herself was scapegoated; like Reinhardt was, and like Orisa currently is being scapegoated, btw.

See, I can do that too.

Speaking of Roadhog, back in season nine, he was actually decent. Not meta, but anti-meta, no one thought he was terrible. Next chapter, season 10 hits tanks like a meteor and like most of them, Roadhog becomes F tier for a year. How did they drag him out of F-tier and return him to a solid state? They buffed him repeatedly until it was enough to overcome how anti-tank this game has become.

How come its taboo to give other tanks the same consideration? Is Reinhardt borderline OP to you? He’s the Bastion of tanks to me, minus the oppressiveness factor.

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The point being that a change like this would force a weakness for double-maintank that doesn’t exist with maintank + offtank.

Furthermore, the goal of targeting a weakness that is unique to doublebarrier, means that they don’t need to weaken Orisa or Sigma down to the point they are like “half main tanks”

I’d be 100 times more receptive to the idea of nerfing Sigma if it didn’t look like he’s just another scapegoated tank waiting to be ruined.

I don’t want a targeted nerf, even if your intentions are to help the tank role. I’m sick and tired of the excuses to nerf the weakest class, a trend that has been going on for the vast majority of my Overwatch experience.

Winston, Reinhardt, and D.va don’t need Sigma to be nerfed, they have been plundered and left destitute. What they need MORE THAN ANYTHING ELSE is for people to actually give a flying :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: about how it feels to actually play as any of them. They need people like you to come up with compelling arguments to fix them, not drag other tanks down.

Tanks as a class will never reclaim what glory they used to have if it continues to be acceptable for everyone to act like nerfing a tank should be the go to solution to any balance or meta problem the game has, including right here and now.

But alas, its just me, all the people who used to advocate for Reinhardt left ages ago, did you know that there used to be a tank main gathering thread around here? Its one of many things that died in season 10. It felt like one out of every five forum goers chose an icon depicting Rein.

There used to be more Winston mains on here too, and I’m sure you remember how many D.va mains there used to be on here, but now its dropped noticably from how it was some months ago.

Tanking is dying and unless people change their attitude it will continue to die. I’m fed up with it.

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Well, I think the biggest thing is, that you know if OWWC is all Sigma/Orisa, then devs are gonna do something before the next OWL season to change things.

And it’s far better to have a highly specific change that leaves the rest of the Tank roster unchanged.

Rather than going in on this blind, and hoping the devs get it right. Because there are a lot of ways Sigma/Orisa could be nerfed. And some are more “destructive” to existing Tanking playstyles than others.

Something is gonna happen by February. So they might as well do it right.


That said, I did think of another strange one for the “if they have two barriers”.

What if the enemy team has two barriers either A) Makes the solo barrier tank have lower Ult charge requirements. B) Makes the entire opposing team have lower Ult charge requirements. C) Makes it so shooting the double barriers gives the opposing team Ult charge. (Possibly at a reduced rate)

The devs don’t usually do specific changes like that, and either way, I don’t think Sigma needs a nerf at all. If he gets one, they’re :clown_face: s Half the tank roster needs buffs, if they think nerfing more tanks is the answer then they’re blind and I’m done.

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Well, if you got ideas on how to fix the Tank roster.

I’d start floating those ideas soon, since it feels like the ideas are gonna be locked in by December.

so now doomfist is even more broken. thanks, I hate it.

in all seriousness, why not just BUFF off-tanks so that there is a reason to not run double shield?

Lol, just had the idea of making it so Roadhog Hooks, and Zarya lasers go through enemy barriers, if they have 2 barriers.

Yeah imagine playing, idk maybe cree, and you are behind your rein and hog hooks you thru it because orisa has put down her shield in the choke. Sounds like more to be mad about. More problems made than solved, if you ask me. But not a bad way of punishing double shield. Something akin to that wouldn’t be bad, but that specifically, yikes

I made a post about it yesterday.

Basically, more shield hp/self sustain for Rein and Winston so Rein can drop shield more without a Moira Orb being required and shield hp so Winston can dive more. Then just revert some D.va nerfs. Give Pharah and Genji shield hp to so they also have less down time in between dives.

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just remove all the shields from the game :slight_smile:

Given GOATs, MiniGOATs and Orisa/Sigma with Reaper/Doom.
You’d think that heroes are almost too hard to kill.

Dunno if it’s wise to make it so the “time to kill” goes back up into GOATs territory.

Orisa/hog is already better than orisa/sigma at everything below top 500.

Non issue.

I’m talking about out of combat healing, shield hp. It wouldn’t make anyone harder to kill during a fight, but it would give non-feeders more chances to dive by shortening recovery time.

As for Rein, I think he should have a mechanic that lets him earn some bonus hp, he has no way to sustain himself and takes tons of damage so he’s a huge resource sink. I don’t think it’d make him OP, he’s pretty weak.

Well, I’ve always thought it would be interesting if FireStrike could regenerate some barrier HP.

I was more thinking for his own hp, but that could work. Giving it to his hp would let him drop shield to approach more, so less Lucio dependency, and let him feasibly brawl without needing Zarya bubbles and/orb Moira healing.

I call it the Crusader Meter: Reinhardt would start filling the meter after X time of holding shield up, giving him the bonus hp. Dropping shields would lower the meter and make the hp start draining away, and abilities could also expend power from the meter.

Well, if Orisa/Sigma is too dominant.
They could just reduce Rein’s self-slow while his barrier is up.

Currently it’s a 50% Slow, while by comparison Brig has a 30% Slow.


I’d really like that, it’d really help Rein not get worn down so much. Even Orisa is 30%, and she’s one of the few long range heroes, Rein has a hammer.