Sigma is already screwed if he tries using Accretion against other tanks in close range, trust me, I’ve tried it, it doesn’t end well.
All three of those tanks already sucked before Sigma was added.
I don’t understand why buffing weak tanks after all they have been put through is so controversial. If Rein is hammering a Sigma, he can notice the cast time for Accretion, block it, and punish the Sigma with his own splash damage. Against Mei, Rein can do
Like so many so called “nerfs to double barrier” this only makes it stronger. Your making a single hero with a barrier weaker, much like the Orisa or Sigma barrier nerfs it just makes them have to depend on a second tank barrier more.
Making Sigma more vulnerable isn’t going to stop double barrier, just force more of it.
This is just another consequence of forcibly removing dive from the meta. Back then, dive could deal with double barriers, triple tanks, double snipers and all the other cancerous comps.
Now? Power creep is through the roof. we got 50 billion new CC’s added to the mix. Healers are all super stronger than before, with escape mechanics. And dive is basically the same.
Yes. They buffed winston and tracer and, but the main issues are still there. If anything, these buffs are just adding to the already existing over the top power creep.
That could be something to consider, yeah. But I think it’s only a matter of time before something else happens in this forced meta that is going to cause problems.
I don’t think the game can stay in a healthy state with character selection restrictions.
Dude I get that you dislike shield tanks but just stop.
You’re not helping them. And no offense they wont take these threads of yours seriously if at all. And spamming these poor/stupid ideas of yours wont help.
I think the difference is that higher skill tiers are better at punishing weaknesses like “that player took 90 damage, is grounded, and can’t do anything for 0.7sec”
What I’m trying to say is that the sucky tanks already sucked before Sigma. Nerfing him isn’t going to magically make the alternatives less unless they go overboard and Sigma becomes equally bad.
Wtf is with this race to the bottom mentality that people have for tanks? Why does everyone despise us so? Everyone claims to love tank players but these days, if a tank manages to actually be decent its to the gallows with them.
We already know why close range comps can’t just deal with double shields like they used to: months and months of unjustified nerfs and meta shifts until they are useless.
Winston has been F tier for what, almost two years now right? How does Sigma have anything to do with Winston being bad? Same with Reinhardt, he’s felt like absolute to play against any team that knows how to exploit his abundance of weaknesses ever since season 10, what happens? Lucio gets buffed instead and Tracer gets buffed so she’s better at hurting Rein without fear of retaliation.
Again I ask, why does everyone hate us? Why do we not deserve to be treated equally? Why is everything always our fault? Why does everything always come at our expense?
I wouldn’t mind this nerf tbh. Idk if it’d actually do anything, but I wouldn’t mind it if it did. I’d still be able to actually do something if my team was complete garbage, without having to deal with the double barrier meta. Problem is, idk if it’d actually do anything against double barrier.
When Mercy was overpowered in the Moth meta. The answer wasn’t to just buff all the other healers up to her level.
Also I think the benefit of changing Sigma is that he’s still relatively new. So his playstyle isn’t really something you’d get a ton of people complaining that he’s “ruined”.