✅ Easiest DoubleBarrier nerf

Yup, another one in the series, but I feel like this one is looking really simple, direct, without much gimmicks.



  • Deals 90 damage on direct hit
  • No longer stuns or knocks back enemies within 0-10m attack range.
  • Beyond 10m range, enemies are knocked down stunned, proportional to the distance of the projectile travels.

10m range is roughly half the size of an objective. This makes it so that compositions or heroes that would defeat Orisa or Sigma based compositions by getting into close range, have a much better chance of pulling it off.
I.e. Dive and Deathball

Since even a brief but reliable stun shuts down a lot of close range attacks.

And it also gives more reason to use heroes like Roadhog, McCree or Brigitte, if a close range stun is needed. All of which bring further tradeoffs.

That’s a doomfist buff


Stop nerfing these individual tanks just becuase double barriers piss y’all off

Making the lives of people who end up being solo barrier tanks even worse because some one else went dva or hog

Nerf double barriers themselves, punish running 2 shield tanks


The way I see it, this punishes not having an offtank that can peel for a maintank.

I see your point but can’t dps on your team can also peel for you?

They could, but that has it’s own tradeoffs.
And requires teamwork.

IMO, the only way to “nerf DoubleBarrier” and not cause tremendous powercreep of DPS OR ruin Sigma / Orisa, is to get rid of 2-2-2.

2-2-2 is the reason why DoubleBarrier is so oppressive. Removing it would enable someone on the team to switch to a 3rd DPS and quickly burst down shields until one of the two tanks on the enemy team switches off.

I don’t think there’s ever only 1 way to do things.

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Create a passive on all barrier tanks where a there is radius around barriers where if a second barrier is near them then the overall health of each barrier is reduced

I still think that the problem is Sigma’s barrier flexibility.

He can position his barrier around, like Rein could, but He can position it on the enemies’ faces, blocking way more their LoS. Rein as a second barrier has limitations, but Sigma as a second one is easier to block way more LoS angles against the enemy.

IMO He needs a range limitation for his barrier, so it stays closer to him and blocks less enemy LoS. His barrier, as a second one, just makes positioning and gaining space easier.

Thing is, a Reinhardt that has no fear of a close range stun, can just get in Sigmas face as whack him to death.

An Ult-Genji doesn’t have to fear a stun projectile the size of a Dva Mech getting used at close range.

But Isn’t Sigma, as a second barrier, hard countering most of the ranged heroes?
He and Orisa are the best ones against snipers and other long/mid ranged DPS.
It’s like they are forcing close range DPS usage.

I don’t think the best way to solve double barrier, is to expect people to shoot through it.

Especially since the win condition of Reinhardt and Winston based compositions is to get into close range.

Looks like an accretion nerf, not a double barrier nerf.

But I’m not speaking about shooting through it, I’m speaking about crossed fire, like multi DPS comps could do against Goats, from flanking high ground positions, it’s just that now we can’t do it because we don’t have 3 or more DPS and 2 DPS can get easily blocked by Sigma’s flexible barrier as a second one.

Not gonna go into dodging Accretion because I’ve explained it before.

Accretion already does 90 only on direct hit. The splash is weaker.

It’s a “penalty for not having an offtank to peel against compositions that like to get into close range”.

I.e. Dive and Deathball are aimed at getting into close range.

one easy fix is to treat double barriers as a revers damage matrix… i.e if a projectile passes between two friendly barriers it drastically looses power like half the value or something

It even seams like something you would expect as a physical interaction…

that or the friendly barrier takes a bit of damage when fired through it (like by a very tiny margin from what ever mechanic lets them pass through)

Double Barrier rarely has two barriers up, at the same time, in the same direction.

alternativly let the barrier flicker when friendly fire passes through it allowing hostile fire for a split second if it over laps

bemes would almost certainly get through in a pulsing pattern…

then agian this introduces realism that’s been ignored so far… so would be kinda odd…