Earning Coins in OW2

Am I missing something or is the only way to earn Overwatch Coins completing the Weekly Challenges?

If so, as it stands right now, you can only earn 60 Coins per week and most of the items in the Shop right now are worth thousands…

Please tell me there will be more ways to earn coins without spending real money…


It’s comical that cosmetics in the hero tab have equal pricing of legacy coins and the new ones.

When you gained said coins at a MUCH faster rate in 1. Wish I saved up more…


There wont be, greed is the only reason OW2 exists.


I agree that 60 seems like a very insignificant amount. I wonder if that was a mistake on their end?
If you do all of them each week (very time consuming), it will take almost 20 weeks to get 1k currency

Styloza made a video about this already. They made it so you can only earn a max or 540 coins Every season. The battle pass costs 1000 coins. Basically it’s impossible to get free heroes let alone anything else via Free to play even if you play OW2 like you’ll get a beating if you don’t.


Excuse you? All current and future heroes will be on the free track of battle passes. You gain xp to level up the battle pass w every single match you play, coins have nothing to do with unlocking heroes, maybe read before spreading misinformation :wink: thanks

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except they do, coins = instant access to a hero, no coins = tier 55 of the battlepass. for anyone who has a life outside overwatch the only real way of getting a new hero for ranked or unranked is paying or waiting out the entire season to get missions for them next season


If they had stuck a subscription price on overwatch like they do world of warcraft I wouldn’t have touched ow2 with a ten foot pole. Here we are though.

A boxed game that has been picked apart and sold off while the live service looks to be barely any different from the first games content and they’re charging for it like it’s an MMO subscription


You aren’t missing anything. Blizzard have shown the utter toxicity of their monetization model. you get 60 coins per week, which means you can only buy one battle pass without paying every two seasons.

or you can buy a skin.


Its worse. RPG MMOs offer so much content that it takes YEARS to clear most of it. They also provide regular updates, scheduled events, smaller bits of content - for basically $15 a month.

Even then, you know exactly what you’re paying for upfront.

The problem with F2P is that they choose this model because of people like you. Who would be turned away at a flat monthly fee (even though it’s cheaper in the long run and a much better value). In F2P battle passes what do you actually get? A hero, a sound file “voice lines”, a drawing “spray” and some crappy skins. And they still lock a ton of other items behind obscure micro transactions.

The pricing of these packs and what you get for them is also never clear. Look at how many people bought the Watchpoint pack who already owned OW 1. Those people got ripped off - the watchpoint pack was meant for NEW players. It included a copy of OW 1 and the battle pass.

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This game requires a mobile phone yet free to play mobile phone gacha games offer players free items or currency every single day at log in. Sometimes you can get very rare low percentage new characters or items if you’re very lucky. There’s something very wrong with this picture. There’s absolutely no point in playing this game unless you buy a battle pass. This game is now a rich people club that kicks out those who don’t want to spend money on virtual items or have the wrong phone plan.

What is even more comical is that you can mix and match your coins since they have equal value

They absolutely need to add more ways to earn coins or make the current rewards better. It takes freaking 8 months to earn enough credits for a single Legendary skin which requires you to do every single weekly challenge each week (ok, can pass on grand total of 20 credits, meaning you can 2 times leave it at only 8 challenges a week). Pffft, ok then. If you ever want to earn a free battle pass then I guess you can forget ever using the shop for anything else.


Maybe read up before spreading misinformation… idiot.

Yeah I was one of those people. I assumed the battle pass itself was that expensive and didnt know there was a separate 10 dollar battle pass option. I might have bought it anyways for the 2 special skins but I deff got hosed lol.

The pricing of things is weird. If you complete all the weeklies, you earn enough coin to buy every other battle pass for free. Including everything that unlocks. But to use the coin for purchasing individual items? Feels like you’re taking rubles into a Louis Vuitton store.

Funny thing is the weekly challenge is win x games instead of the complete games. Since of work and other real life issues I can’t play as much. But still i like to unlock as much as possible as i can then you buy the BP.

And then I have to be forced to play only the heroes I know best and try hard on unranked instead of just enjoying myself (i just don’t play comp). And thats the thing atm for me im losing games all the time since i am just average and my team is just not countering the other team picks and they seem to go try hard. Its not like it hurt anyone to make the weekly challenges less of a rng grind…

Also the coins earned is laughable but tbh i did not expect anything less from this company these days…

The only thing coins are useful for is saving that thousand to buy the battlepass for the newest hero every other season if you like them after trying them out in custom games or practice range. Otherwise you’re wasting it IMO.