I am very sad Overwatch 2 is this way, it is overwatch slapped with a FREE TO PLAY tag and GREED! I loved Overwatch 1 and some of the new changes are good like the item shop but not being able to earn even enough coins to unlock one item is BS. You will have to save for what 2 or 3 battle passes in order to be able to earn one thing, this is ridiculous. LittleSatan in the comments of this post (Earning Coins in OW2 - #3 by GhostDog-1257145) did the calculations “…540 Coins every season…”. Why Blizzard? So let me get this straight you do not want people playing and enjoying your game and to be honest the gameplay didn’t change at all, all that happened was a reskin of the game with a couple of new game modes and new cosmetics and the ability for more people to play. Yea, Overwatch 2 bs. If I am missing any info let me know but I find this very sad and I don’t know how much I want to play if I can not earn at least someway through the game, it doesn’t have to be easy but still would be nice. What do you guys think?
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