E-sport "inclusiveness": you can do better :-/

What happened to the post “This is segregation”? Did it get deleted? Not that I care since people shouldn’t be over-reacting in the first place. I was also stating my support for the tournament too, so I’m kind of dissapointed that all the comments got deleted. But regardless, my stance on this matter is this is a good thing and people need to calm down and stop over-reacting.

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The point is not whether it’s new or not, the point is that it’s similarly bad takes that people have against women’s only leagues and that having women’s leagues are good and necessary if we want women to not only be interested in playing competitively but also have an environment to do it in.

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Again, CS:GO has decent female representation, overwatch has none. This OWEC was just a bandaid on wet skin. The complaint on the CSGO tournament comes from the prize pool, not the tournament itself. Not that I agree but it’s a pretty stark difference between thinking a gender shouldn’t compete and that it shouldn’t be overpaid.

Not really, again the money being spent on it is not something that otherwise would go to other tournaments. It’s a budget that only exist for the reason of getting more women to play. Esports player salaries are ridiculous as is and plenty of under performing male pros are getting the bag.

It’s fine to say that OW doesn’t have enough of this kind of stuff but I’ll never understand the counter intuitive method of bashing people for taking the very first step. It has to start somewhere and even if this is not enough overall, it should be encouraged so we actually get more of it and eventually maybe we get a women’s only circuit as well.


That’s the rationale I agree with, but I can see why people are salty when lower tiers that could destroy the women’s team can barely make ends meet. You have to understand different point of views and be like “you’re right, it’s not fair that men of equal or better skill are not making a living while a women’s tournament gives them a better prize pool for effectively being less skilled, but to lure people to become better and better, you need to offer incentives”.

OW doesn’t need a “first step”, it needs the company that sold over 60 million games to do the bare minimum and do at least a small women league, not just highlight a “marginalized” cup that shifts the blame of representation on men.

The reason why women’s circuits exist and should exist are incomprehensibly stupid men, that is a fact. That’s not shifting blame, it’s the reality we live in. There are women in OW/OWL who have spoken about how they are been discriminated against, mistreated and had rumors spread about them for being women despite doing nothing wrong.

There’s a girl whose teammates would not focus on playing because they all wanted to be romantically involved with her and get jealous if one player spent more time playing games outside of practice with her. Even team management wouldn’t leave her alone.

Here’s someone who used to work for Dallas Fuel talking about how orgs discriminate against women even though they say otherwise (thread)

This cup was a community organized one that they decided to highlight. By seeing the interest there is in this there’s a chance that it’s something they want to start doing themselves.


Citation needed. Not surprised, but needed for future reference.

It’s a thread


Ah perhaps I missed this. Is that something people are assuming about the cup or is that an actual statement made from blizzard about why they are doing it

Safe competitive environment sounds like weird contradiction.

Apparently there is a statistical difference in visuomotor tracking between men and women.

Mathew, J., Masson, G.S. & Danion, F.R. Sex differences in visuomotor tracking. Sci Rep 10, 11863 (2020). doi. org /10.1038/s41598-020-68069-0

Short version: men have better tracking than women on average, and there is a smaller standard deviation of he mean in men than there is in women.

There is also emotional stability issue. Biology can be massive b at times.

Progress moves in steps not leaps. The end goal should be to have an equal playing field for all but it doesn’t happen overnight.

Hmm I don’t see a problem with it.

The modern feminism ideology (what it has supposedly become/…misandry) aside, there really are a lot of men that dislike women. It’s pathetic on both ends. I think the kind of behavior directed towards women in the larger gaming scene has had a much larger impact than we want to accept. I mean collectively, not just a single organization. I wouldn’t know if that’s been the largest role played in how the E-Sport field has evolved, but I don’t suspect it to be the case. Seems like overall, you just have more males invested in it. I’ve watched the history of women in e-sports about 2-3 years ago. But that’s likely a fairly limited take too.

Yikes, that’s such an awful read.

Why don’t organizations actually require their players to be professional? It is required in sports, idk why esports is somehow different.

If they want to appear professional and be taken seriously as a sport with money on the line, then they should act like it.

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Because it’s already difficult enough to find players with high enough skills as is. You need player, that has high gaming skills, high social skills and doesn’t look like stereotypical “fat nerd”.

Think it’s also one of reasons, why women have hard time getting into OWL. Like someone jokes, “woman can be kind, smart, beautiful - pick any 2”.

In regular sports, athlete can be somewhat ugly and/or somewhat stupid, yet still be successful. And even there are exceptions, like figure skating.

Firstly thank you for listing a source, so many people on these forums just make a claim with a source of “trust me bro.” :upside_down_face:

That said, to what extent is the tracking difference better in men according to the study?

  • is it minimal (men track 2% better)
  • is it considerable (men track 30%+ better)

That’s why I mentioned the word ‘minimal’ in my original comment. Just because one side is ‘better’ doesn’t mean it’s meaningfully better.

For men or women? You didn’t mention. I don’t want to assume considering the nature of this discussion.

Also to what extent? Are you just saying one side gets more/less emotional without any data behind it? :thinking:

There really are a lot of women that dislike men.

Be careful making baseless claims in a discussion like this as they can simply be thrown back in your face. :wink:

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It’s like the organizers of this tournament are telling use Men and other genders shouldn’t play together. It also indirectly says that women and other marginalized groups need special treatment to be able to play.

Why the divide?