D.Va/Rein buffs and Bap nerfs live! (NOT LIVE RIP)

There up in running folks! Can’t wait to get my hands on D.VA!

im in school, rip


Lol have fun with school (How much longer until holidays?)

Was hoping these changes would not go live, but oh well.

Hopefully people don’t blame zarya for rein being very powerful after this patch :neutral_face:

Really? Poggggg. My school work for the day will be done in 3-4 hours so I’ll make sure to check it out

My school has about a week and a half left till break

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Not for Console…



The Rein extra 50 armor health and 85 hammer went live!?? That’s GLORIOUS!! I have over 300 hours on him. I’ll be spamming voicelines with him tonight.


Where’d you find this? It’s not live for me?

Of course…

His hammer will be extra


i’ll see my unfunny self out now


Overwatch wiki page, and also, the patch notes says, “LIVE NOW” when you look on the experimental page. :slight_smile:

I’ll wait for them to come through then!

I think the live now for experimental might mean that the ExC card was live because I’m not seeing any patch note changes in the live section or anything updating


Experimental was gone yesterday.

I know but I think it might just be because it was the most recent?
The live patch notes and in game patch notes are usually quick to update if they do go through

they haven’t gone through yet, just checked at practice range

Not here too:

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For some reason, I imagine you as the real Hana Song.


I’m most concerned and interested for Reinhardt’s changes since I play him a lot. But we’ll see how much this new Rocket Hammer packs a wallop.


Maybe the server is having issues?

Oh cool.

nah apparently not. if you look at overwhats link it says it isn’t live.
comp no limits ended tho.

maybe none of it is going to live???

soo strange. Then why does it say, “NOW LIVE.” on the experimental page.

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