DVA, Winston & Hammond will get upgrades in OW2

Lmao what have you even played hog


Mt point was that you don’t need to absorb all the damage in the world to have a kit built around doing that. Our barrier tanks still block tons of damage per match even with weakened barriers.

Just because you can’t stand around in the choke the whole match holding a barrier up anymore(not that you ever could really) doesn’t mean their barriers are worthless. Far from it, the mere presence of a barrier changes the entire flow of a match.

Have you? Once a target is hooked, thats it. As long as the hook remains, no Hog player will run around & get solely shotgun kills.

You do, and that’s the whole point of actual Tanks. If they have no barriers, they feed like Hog. Which is a BAD thing.

It does. Their effectiveness is gone thanks to the nerfs that make them weaker, and allow all DPS to shoot them down quicker(but Bastion’s case, he’s even more efficient at shooting down barriers).

Again, they’re nerfed. So much so that most teammates will go DPS Hog, Hammomd, Rein, Sigma or DVA instead.

There is nothing wrong with Hog and tanks can still tank damage.

everyone is getting upgrades

Clearly you’ve also never been hooked before
not even as a tank, sometimes especially as ana

He is busted right now becsuse of hook & heal. Tanks CANT tank dmg withour barriers. They’re FEEDERS if they tried, what part of that do you not understand?

I’ve been hooked by that broken ability enough. And Tanks dont survive along anyway, teammates finish the job with an assist.

Winstons ult would disagree with you.

So Hog doesn’t feed is what you’re saying? I seriously don’t understand what you’re trying to tell me

I have no issues blocking damage for my team