D.Va will get nerfed before end of season

its already started people have been asking for nerfs day 1 post buff

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There were a few people that asked for nerfs before the buff even hit the PTR just based on the dev forum post. There will always be people who hate D.Va. Watch her get nerfed and Reinhardt not get nerfed despite his pick rate being double hers.


D.Va does not need anymore buffs. She’s in fact quite strong now.

Nerf Reinhardt? Never, even though I can’t boop his hammer away from my fellow healer as Lucio

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I would even say a well played tracer counters brig now, she gets an easy delete brig button with her quickly built up ult and just stays out of her bash range and break her shield, theres no escape for the brig, if brig misses her boop its certainly game over for her.

But more on topic, many dps are strong against dva now, and any with a beam are a hard counter.

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