D.Va will get nerfed before end of season

Using Overbuff’s GM stats over the past 3 months.

This is true in winrate. They’re both 17th and 18th, which is the middle third of the cast (actual middle is between 15th and 16th).

Again true. 8 heroes were picked more than both Mei and Genji.

Nearly correct. Genji is at 1.21%, Soldier at 0.68%.

True for pickrates. Winrates are different, likely due to their respective pickrates being so low.

Also keep in mind, they have non-mirrored stats, we don’t.
As for:

This does not specify game mode. Every other stat I mentionned above are clearly indicated to be “competitive GM+ MMR” (not rank, MMR).
Per the same criteria as above, Soldier is 4th, with Pharah (3rd) and Torb (5th) nearly equal. Genji is 9th, with Doom (8th) nearly equal.

They are. GMs can be wrong, especially after a meta change. A lot are simply following the meta, and if someone tells them it’s Rein/D.Va, without any major contradictory voice, that’s what they’re gonna play.
That is, until they realize it’s not good.

You gave a wrong example. Ashe is not played enough to use her stats. D.Va, Zarya and Widow are.

According to the stats you oh so conveniently deny, playing D.Va leads to less wins than playing Zarya.