D.va, not genji, is who needed large buffs

She need a rework dude not buffs.

She is just a Fat-DPS

they literally just gave d.va significant buffs lmao dva players i cant believe it

Genji was constantly F tier in Masters and above. He basically was in that group, the questions is if they overbuffed him too much.

What an odd comparisonā€¦ letā€™s take a look at a DPS that has problems with their kit, then compare it to a tank with a completely different kit.


Baby buffs, not enough to do anything, made her gameplay smoother, but nothing substantial.


Significant? They are barely noticeable and her pick rate is still appalling.


The DM change was significant. It was modest, but it did absolutely have an impact.
The other two changes were a joke, though.

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Well itā€™s like, DM is so powerful and D.Va has it, so D.Va is powerful.

Thereā€™s no doubt she was meta because of her DM, but the rest of her kit isnā€™t bad either, which means you are not really sacrificing much if you play D.Va, as opposed to, say, Sombra.

Devs: Oh, you didnā€™t know? Yeah we donā€™t care about you people.

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I vaguely remember making a post way, way back on the old Blizzard forums that went to the effect of ā€œif they were to give defense matrix to a main tank hero, nobody would play d.VA againā€.

Sigma has entered the game. d.VA has left the lobby.

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Actually she was only being played cause Dva pros wanted to play her and the teams also have always been blind to how weak she actually is. They picked her over zarya at times, but by the time she was renerfed for no reason, zarya was beginning to see more play and anyways melts d.va. there was no reason to her as stronger than zarya.


Experimental barrier

Thatā€™s the name right I donā€™t play sigma

Oh how I miss those 3 second boosters


No she was played because she was good. I do not like playing DVA but I picked her over Zarya because she was better. Zarya is more fun but DVA was generally better. I do not think DVA needed that nerf but she was played because she was better and I am sorry but you do not become meta because people ā€œwantā€ to play you. You can get some playtime because of that but the meta is shaped by power.

Nope. Wrong. She was played because mei was OP and she was the only answer to blizzard. She was still nothing more than playable, not strong. Youā€™re just making things up to justify hate based balancing on dva, which is all sheā€™s gotten. There has been no unbiased approach to her. Sheā€™s been absolutely unplayable trash for an entire year and thatā€™s the reason we have doublebarrier for a year. She had a couple of weeks of playable but people canā€™t allow her to be playable without yelling that sheā€™s op.


The devs:

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This is the best lie you have ā€œshe countered Blizzardā€¦ā€. At what tier of play were you getting Blizzard countered by DVA. Zarya is FAR better for that because you can just shield people out of it who are at risk rather than hoping for the 1 in 5 that you MIGHT be able to counter.

Why do you keep just saying things that are wrong and playing the victim about DVA? She was played because she was strong. She did not have the best synergy with Rein and she did not function best with the DPS and Supports that were being picked but she was picked because she was strong. Are you somehow afraid that admitting she was strong hurts your victim complex? Because all it really does is make me wonder if you actually played the game when she was strong.

D.Va has not been strong for at least since season 3. And entirely unplayable since 2-2-2.

But you should look up those games, in OWL from the period where mei was op. She was stupidly picked on the offchance of eating blizzard. I completely agree with you that zarya would have been the better pick, cause d.va was not strong. But thatā€™s what they did, they literally picked her just to eat blizzard. Just glad we can agree Zarya was the better pick, proof that dva was not strong.

As for rein/dva thatā€™s always been the preferred dva comp actually, the idea that sheā€™s only run with winston is false and entirely based on only watching OWL pros run dive when that was playable.

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They did not pick DVA in OWL just to eat Blizzard. They picked her because of her mobility and D Matrix and that her ult can be kinda really hard to avoid if you know how to aim it (which if there is one thing that defines Korean pros it is insane work ethic and attention to mastering every small aspect of something). OWL players are literally getting paid to win games, they are not going to pick things that are sub optimal. The fact that she COULD do that was nice but it is not why she was picked.

Ana isnā€™t even used in OWL, like, at all. Those supports are Bap and Brig.

I agree with you on your point of D.Va though, they kept nerfing D.Va even though she was the first to be dropped on ladder, and first to be dropped for Sombra in OWL.

Genji is overtuned, but still he is exploiting horrible Tank balance that never gets addressed.

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