D.va, not genji, is who needed large buffs

By beating around the bush instead of grabbing the tank meta problem at the root, we now have the worst of both worlds: nanoblade doubleshield.


Devs: Lets buff genji

D.va, sym, bastion, and sombra and zen:


Just an FIY, D.va has been meta far more than Genji


FYI, DVa has been nerfed more than genji. With her longest streak being 6 patches in a row


It’s almost like there is a MASSIVE BIAS as to which heroes get to be hot garbage and which heroes get to wipe teams with their uncounterable swords and broken CD resets.


Yes she got nerfed more because she was more meta than Genji. Is that a problem?


D.Va has rarely not been meta.



I don’t think d.va has defined a meta she’s been in since season 3.


Not too sure about that but that doesn’t change the fact that she has been meta far more than Genji has.

Ah yes. 2019 didn’t exist after all.


She’s been played in the meta, but she hasnt been the hero who defined it.

Like for instance, GOATS was a Support driven meta despite the devleopers absolute incompetence to realize this. D.Va fit nicely into it because she’s a very generalist character.

The only time D.Va has ever been the central point of the meta was the season 3 tank meta when her 400 armor paired with Ana’s absurd 200 HP per second healing made her unkillable.

Basically what Im saying is, D.va was nerfed like 50 times during Goats, GOATS did not go away because D.Va wasn’t the hero to nerf.


Choihyobin would like a word with you sir.

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Thanks, I hate it.

Double shield isn’t caused by Dva’s worthless, but rather Sigma being utterly busted. By nerfing Sigma, you guarantee Dva being good again

She’s been meta no matter how you look at it. That’s already more than Genji

Hey man, I know a lot of pros like to pretend real issues in this game don’t exist in favor of their prefered vision, but I do love to laugh at them when they horribly misjudge the state of the game.


I agree, and to be honest I don’t think Genji is defining the current meta either lol.

I wouldn’t buff either of them. I’m just saying people need to finally man up and call out heroes who actually enable current metas, instead of looking for scape goats.

n e r f a n a


The meta is weird from what I’ve heard. It’s basically based on enabling Genji and of course not allowing sustained damage to be a thing with Triple Barrier. Though that’s OWL so I’m not sure how true that is for ranked.


D.va is fine herself, it’s more that few of the heroes she typically would be a good choice against are being played.

Buff D.va to hell, give her 500 armor, 8 second DM, 2 second boosters, remove her movement speed firing penalty, etc… Now try to defend against a Nanoblade with her. You can’t, she doesn’t defend against melee attacks.

She’s really good when played against heroes that have big DM targets; Projectile ultimates, halt and Ana nades in dive comps, Moira orbs, and so on. Her unique thing is just not currently useful against the most popular heroes.

In the current meta, ranged damage to set up multiple firing angles is what’s important. This is not double shield meta, it’s firing spam meta. The shields are not important, it’s Sigma’s and Orisa’s ability to deal damage from range that’s make them the choice picks. D.va can’t support form a distance and would be too easily exposed to many firing angles if she tried to engage a target.

Weakening Ashe and Genji could make more room for dive comps, which could bring back viability for dive comps to enable D.va once again.