This. D’va is pretty strong in her current state, even if you play her exactly how you would have in OW1 when you knew you had the support of another tank. She excels at a super aggressive, in-their-face playstyle, but will probably suffer if your DPS is not doing the same (i.e. flankers).
i think we’re not playing the same game, rein m1+ fire strike, kills a tracer and leaves mcree with critical life, i don’t know exact numbers idk how the patch notes are, but you can go in and test it yourself in the training room.
if you are a static target
they don’t need to do their job, sigma is omegalol tank, who was never a good solo tank was the only one who lost health in exchange for matrix
What? It doesnt matter how much you move each rightclick has a 1 second timer.
Dva doesn’t have burst damage. I’ve always said this. She has potentially very high sustained damage. The two aren’t the same.
Anyway, that’s neither here nor there. What she needs is more reliability in her kit.
it’s easier to state a mathematical assumption than to do it live.
It’s always an uphill battle for us dva mains who know her inside and out and know exactly what she does and doesn’t need trying to explain it to other people who will just shut you down and refuse to accept what you say. I really hope they do buff her but knowing blizzard they are just going to give us the middle finger I suspect.
No DVA literally does more damage than Rein, Doomfist, Winston, Sigma.
The only ones that does more raw damage is hog at point blank and zarya at 100% charge
all we can do is drink nano cola to do our hard work
Look, instead of arguing on the internet, why don’t you just make a video of, you, yourself, doing what you claim you be as easy monkeys AOE.
Then just leave it at that. I mean, it can’t be that hard compared to Dva from your description. I mean it’s not like theoretical maximums are rarely met even by pro’s or anything.
This should be easy for you.
your right DM should be 12.5 meters, that way it’s half of 15 and 10 (10+2.5= 12.5 and 15-2.5=12.5) easy peesy
Yeah I mean I just won 3 games as DVA back to back but sure its only quickplay though so I guess it doesnt mean much but DVA has good damage and good defense comapred to the other dive tanks.
Shes a good middle ground.
As someone who has a pretty good say in this topic as I peaked 4.2 one tricking D.Va, I agree. Her value just doesn’t keep up with most other tanks right now. I feel like a lot of the time, I’m just sitting with my DPS and hoping they win a duel when I give them 3 seconds of matrix. Very rarely can I dive an out of position target and actually kill them.
The only tanks I don’t get more value out of are Winston and Ball. Winston just isn’t great right now, and Ball was one of my worst heroes in OW1, and, well, same with OW2.
I just dont agree almost everyone is ranking DVA as either A or S tier this is pros content creators etc.
Everyone is ranking DVA as A or S tier maybe your too fixiated on playing DVA how shes played in OW1 or something I feel like im getting decent value out of her.
The pros have tended to hilariously overrate at times. So I am not sure you are going to win over people with this. Besides how many times have pros said this hero is coming back after a patch and then it just becomes flavor of the minute and quickly die afterwords with various heroes ( Bastion and Torb countless reworks ect)
Even if we ignore the whole “look at this other persons opinion and ignore everything else” message it comes across as. has been busted for ages due to the OWL garbage they killed the game with. I literally laughed when I saw her non-existent changes.
I mean im playing her fine too and im no god player im like 2900-3000 on my alt.
It is a beta though so maybe OP went against pro players and was getting destroyed and thought she was weak.
I feel as if they’re power ranking her based off of theory, not experience. From what I saw from recordings in the alpha, she looked nowhere near S tier.
Nah, I’ve been trying different playstyles, since I know I need to adapt. The most value I’ve gotten out of D.Va so far doesn’t compare with the value I’ve gotten regularly from Orisa, Rein, or Hog. The latter 2 are considered to be the worst tanks, but I got far more value out of them than D.Va. The bad thing about that is that D.Va is my best hero by far.
More like everyone picks her when they suck at her kit. Overtuned, but not OP. Right in the middle, as God intended.
Hog and winston is definetely worst for sure.
But the rest dont feel too far apart from eachother in terms of powerful there is definetely better picks though.
Just because you are doing well doesn’t mean anything for her balance. Its also not hard for you to say that and leave out context or just straight up not be true.
Also the reverse could be true where the op is going against lower ranked players and losing as matches they should win.