Dva needs buffs

No I will not elaborate.

No reaper players, your opinion is invalid.

Midseason patch will have Dva buffs. It’s because I said so. Look forward to it.


:ghost: : "Actually, D.Va does not need - "

:ghost: : “Aw.”


thiccbuddha is going to be in this thread very soon and will not let me live it down


Not until they fix tanks in general.


You could also not one trick her and swap when they go zarya


I’ll allow it if we buff Junk :pray:

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No. Zarya players deserve to be humiliated losing the match to a Dva

Yes sir :saluting_face:


I want to see Doomfist, Roadhog, Orisa nerfs; and Dva, Winston, Ramattra, Sigma buffs.


I am worried that they nerf Dva a patch later harder than she was buffed… so please dont touch her. I finally have fun with her again :smiling_face_with_tear:


DVa ended up being the most picked tank in GM last season. Why does she need to be stronger?

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Every tank buff that isn’t a Dva buff is a Dva nerf tho

Let’s just keep buffing orisa every patch

You must be referring to console because that wasn’t the case on pc at all


Fighting edginess with edginess.

Every tank needs massive buffs except Orisa, who needs a massive rework (or revert).

OW2 meant 2 tanks went to 1. We should have the full power of 2 OW1 tanks (including 50% of synergies), so it’s almost impossible for tanks to lose 1v2 squishes (two OW1 tanks usually could mangle two squishies unless it was a skill gap… or at best only one would die).

We need tank players, right? The role has double the pressure on it? Well double the health pool and/or halve my cooldowns or damage taken. Or at least add in diminishing returns on CC.

Just to be clear, I actually want none of this and would prefer 6v6 back (including D.Va nerfs XD).

is she really that weak? i see her on the strong side but im not a high rank player. she seems pretty good against most stuff till of course zarya pops out and worse, with a symmetra

the orisa thing tho… that is real. im starting to see her a lot now. kind of like how you saw mauga all the time when he was released

as much as i dislike samito his rants on 6v6 should come back makes a lot of sense most of the time.

DVA NEED a rework… she is too strong if the enemy dont decided to pick a beam hero and shee too bad against beam heros…

Not particularly weak but the amount of effort you need to play her compared to orisa is night and day.

Boosters need a damage buff back to 25 since they didn’t scale any of Dva’s kit with the health changes

Dva out of mech is way worse after the season 9 changes and needs to have call mech ult requirement reduced by 10% since they increased ult requirement across the board and didn’t compensate. You also get killed way easier now than before. Winning a 1v1 out of mech is way harder than it used to be before the size changes.

I keep telling people that you really don’t want a rework as they’d just make her killing power way higher while lowering defenses which isn’t healthy for 5v5.

We don’t need her to be Mauga or doom


yeah but my point is that blizzzard cant just buff dva… she is really opressive if the enemy dont pick zarya/symm.

She’s not that that oppressive into hitscan. If she was you’d see her used constantly but you don’t.

Beams invalidating her is a massive design issue. You shouldn’t be forced to switch simply because they switch to beams.


welll the majority of time im forced to pick beam heros because she invalidate other heros xd…

on my opinion, right now she is a hardcounter that also has hardcounters xd. need a small rework.

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Force out dm and you can’t do anything as Dva.

A soldier focusing me the whole game is harder to deal with than a singe symmetra that has to get into my range to be effective