Dva needs a small buff

Fam the game everyone on the forums play has had zarya Rein be meta for longer and more consistently than dva ever was.

Pro play, might be different? Don’t really care since they’re generally much better than the people here.


It was 3 lines and you are already speaking controversial things.

Though i agree about something. She is good at securing highground, imo she should be a little better at tanking and zoning, but a little worse and burst damage.

400 armor 200hp dva was a bad time to play the game.

I never said OP, I’m stating that she was seeing play everywhere, and at most she was overtuned.

Perhaps instances of Zarya + Reinhardt are simply more memorable to you, but I’m not talking about your experiences, I’m talking about how it was, which is D.Va being seen everywhere, pro play to ladder. I had stated such in my previous post, but I understand it takes a couple of repeat responses for people like you to hear (or read in this case) what I’m saying.

Use sources to back it up or leave

Rein Zarya has been meta for almost a year now, go check the ole reliable Overbuff if you want my source for that.

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But her stats don’t back that up. Her win rate and her pick rate are not out of control. Even in GM, her stats don’t call for a nerf.


Overbuff is far from reliable, but thank you for the laugh.

Should she not be used in 2-2-2???

Zarya Rein has been prominant on the ladder for over 10 months now.

It’s reliable. It has a big sample size of around 350,000 profiles. More than enough to be representative.


Absolutely, it was to show that she was viable in every popular comp.

So that’s a no to the source huh?

Suspected as much

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private profiles.

So what data are you pulling from to say she’s always been meta? If you’re doubting ours let’s see yours honeybear xo


We’ve been over this in other threads before, but statistically speaking Overbuff is actually extremely reliable even after the hidden profile changes. There are more than enough representative players to have a sufficient and sufficiently random sample size to give a 99% confidence level with a confidence interval of like 1.

It’s statistics, and yes according to math Overbuff is reliable.


Private profiles don’t change anything, they’re as randomly distributed as Overbuff’s profile database.


They have not been representative of actual gameplay for a long time now.

That’s just not true. I mean, unless math changed or something they have a large enough sample to be representative.

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Y’all got a source or what


Their stats didn’t shift at all when profiles went private, and their stats lined up with Blizz’s every time Blizz released stats.