Dva needs a small buff

Yea lets make goats even better!

You can’t even use it if it has less though. It requires you to use it in certain increments. It can’t be used at say 1/16 of a bar. It won’t let you.

The nerf wasn’t about what happens when you are completely out of DM. The nerf was about what happens when you have say 100% DM and use 1/2 a second. Instead of 1 second, you now need 2 before DM is available again. That was the point of the change.

Before the nerf, DM had a 1s window of downtime minimum between every uses, that window went up to 3s when it was depleted.
D.Va couldn’t flick DM with 2% charge, she always needed 12.5% minimum, and that hasn’t changed, or actually it’s up to 25% now.
With how easy it is to force D.Va to use all DM (or die), this nerf is the equivalent of having infinite HP for a Narrative Mass Effect 3 run.

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Yet she’s lower pickrate wise then Zarya and Rein, but shes the problem? :thinking:


… this is not worth a suspension so I’ll just say, good luck with whatever version of the game you’re running… peace.

I used to play D.Va almost entirely for the defense matrix, used to be so satisfying actually being useful as a tank and peeling for my allies with DM.


I’m not running the game, I don’t want to run into any of the Reapers invading the galaxy game.
But if you think you know better than me about how D.Va or her abilities work, with your seemingly non-existent experience, it’s best you stop indeed.

Your comment was unnecessary. Even geniuses can be wrong. Look up Isaac Newton and alchemy.

I will not make a video for you literally proving you wrong, because you’re not worth that time. Go into practice range and be amazed at how wrong you are because you can activate it at 12.5%, and then leave me alone. =-= Stop with your last word shenanigans.

If they were to do so I think they should just split the armor and health soit’s 300 health and 300 armor.

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because she is still to versatile

i 100% agree she needs hard nerfs

i think she just needs a bit more area coverage with her ultimate. it’s a bit too easy to evade it , i think.

that ult should be scary, scarier than it is right now , i think.

The amount of people who obsessively jump in every single D.Va related thread just to tell everyone else they’re wrong really amuses me.

I’m really sorry that D.Va and people playing her have ruined your life.

I’m really sorry if playing against D.Va gave you a PTSD.

I’m really sorry that you obsessively hate a video game character with such passion.

I’m really sorry you guys have to invest so much time and emotional energy on these forums on a daily basis in order to express your hatred towards her 24/7.

Jesus Christ.


With the armor changes, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to give her that 400 armor back.


Yeah it could but maybe they should have to put D.va’s health at 300 health and 300 armor which could still be fair.

That wouldn’t make people happy though, a revert “feels” better than just meeting in the middle.
Small things like that go a long way towards pleasing the fanbase, in this case, the D.Va fans.

Dva hasn’t been oppressive or OP since 2017, y’all are just weak.


She just got a dm nerf while she was balanced no.


She has had a presence in nearly every meta, from triple tank, to dive, hell you’ll even see her prominently in many 2-2-2 comps.

That does not make her op, if all good characters are op then half the cast would need a nerf.