Dva needs a small buff

Hopefully the devs give this some consideration.

Think back to the former over powered 400 armor, defense matrix spamming OP Dva. Obviously she needed some changes.

Since then she’s received some various nerfs both directly, and indirectly. Now that Dva has received both the recent armor and matrix nerf Dva is in a difficult spot. She is, in my opinion, barely viable in ranked play unless you’ve got hundreds of hours on her and are amazing with her matrix even post nerf.

Here’s why she’s struggling now. While playing Dva you’ve got to be on point with every single use of the matrix to actually be effectively tanking for your team. If you misuse the matrix once then you’ve got nothing left, or it’s on cooldown which prevents you from blocking any damage for a teammate or effectively diving a target on high ground without losing your mech and feeding ult charge.

Essentially without having a self healing damage reducing ability paired with a one shot combo like road hog has, or a solid barrier to block incoming damage like rein has she’s left with often being forced to either feed massive ult charge and use up matrix (not having it to help teammates) just to stay in mech, or completely waste her ultimate just to get her mech back.

My buff suggestion is small. She doesn’t need much to be back in a good place.

Increase her amount of armor. Not to the OP 400 lol, but maybe give her 300 now. After the armor nerf it’s not like she’s going to be closer to the OP Dva we once knew, but it will make it more forgiving when she has to save that matrix to actually be able to do her job save teammates while not losing her mech and feeding all game.

I’m no Dva main, so maybe I’m wrong about all this. But I am a diamond border previous top 500 so I do know a little bit about the subject lol.


You do know the reception and feedback you’re about to receive, yes? Lol.

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Tbh, she needs another nerf.


do explain


I don’t get why people still want to nerf her. She’s been proven to have been hit pretty hard in the last patch.

And we still don’t have a hero that competes for her role.

So logic?


D.Va doesn’t need a nerf, nor does she need a buff. She’s not nonviable in comp if you know how to use her.


I know it’s totally off-topic, but can someone please hit this thread with the Moira eating popcorn gif? It’s so fitting.


Does she? Idk i feel like it still hasn’t been long enough to tell

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How do you figure? What stat in ranked ladder play backs up that idea?

They’re just trying to make me lose my bet on when the nerf cries will start again smh

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Truth… They have already started apparently.

I know you like stats. I am getting a post together on where we stand 2 weeks out for all tanks. For D.Va specifically, she dropped from 5.41% pick rate to 4.64% overall and went from 51.26% win rate to 50.28%.

In GM, she went from 8.53% pick rate to 6.55% pick rate and her win rate went from 52.35% to 51.45%.

So, she’s definitely been a big loser in this patch. A couple tanks pick rates went up slightly, but (with the exception of Roadhog) all the win rates went down.


How does that make sense when tanks always play against each other and half of them wins, while the other half loses.

have been hit pretty hard

Roadhog and Doomfist would like to have a word with you.

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The nerf D.Va crowd just hates on her as if they wear a blindfold - they don’t really see anything or have any knowledge of how to balance a game (sorta like Blizzard employees that are in charge of game balance, but with more bias involved), they just hate on her without any reason at this point.


imagine thinking dva needs a BUFF LMAO

i was watching harbleu forced onto dva yesterday and he said something like “when will I not play dva? once she gets nerfed again. right now she is still too strong”.

I’m not sure how it works out, but they did. You can check out my post with the stats if you like.

She competes with all the off-tanks though since she can replace any of them. Hence people wanting to make sure she isn’t OP.

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I imagine they get off on seeing D.Va mains’ reactions to her nerfs and so go out of their way to bring up the topic as much as possible. Nerf D.Va topics are a meme at this point, sadly with very real consequences to poor Hana.

As for the OP: the day you’ll find the general community ever agreeing to buffs (or QOL bugfixes or even skins) for D.Va will be the day pigs fly and hell freezes over.

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r/DvaMains has had a lot of people saying they drop OW because of the nerfs.