Dva needs a couple nerfs reverted

The booster damage nerf was ridiculous, and so was the recent cooldown nerf to defense matrix. Neither of those things were problematic, and the nerfs are actually quite hard on her. No one was asking for either change.

If you wanted to nerf her damage with the boosters nerf, you should have nerfed micro missiles instead (much less skill involved than trying to boop someone the right way then melee combo them).


I would like her 4s dm with say a 2.5s cooldown

Not a 2s dm with 2s cooldown


I don’t think they will revert anything.

She’s still widely popular in the current meta. I can’t see them giving her a buff of any kind for a while unless they do another power-shift.


Yeah, and I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s a frequent pick in the next meta. I don’t think there’s been a meta since the Mercy rework where she hasn’t at least been a solid, if not essential, pick, so I really don’t see them buffing her a lot


If they force 2-2-2 some changes will have to be made.

Of which they should.

DM being a big box of nope does nothing healthy for her or the game. Bring back the distance-based DM and I would be more than happy to give her more of it.

I mean, any revert right now is pretty unlikely.

She’s not even doing poorly on the ladder, she was just mildly inconvenienced by her most recent changes.


lol DVa reverts

oh you sweet summer child, OP


High-level players were asking for the DM nerf because of how consistently D.Va ate ults. She’s still doing it even with the two-second CD. At least now there’s a reasonable window for counterplay.


Guess you weren’t around for triple tank, quad tank, the Roadhog Dva combo, deathball or dive meta. Times she was meta before the rework.

Tell me why they should be reverted instead of giving a suggestion of what should’ve been nerfed instead.

Booster damage was inconsequential if you really think about it. If I’m being honest I think you’re the first person I’ve ever seen bring it up as an issue.

As for DM, the nerf was justified. It’s now unable to negate nearly everything that’s thrown at her, and can be used as a strategic mechanic rather than a literal catch all. It puts more emphasis on “when to use it” rather than “using it when you can”.

Hey I usually don’t have such a strong opinion, but you are talking about a hero that literally fits in any comp imaginable in the history of competitive overwatch. Seriously, DVA is a great hero on EVERY map, in EVERY comp, in EVERY season, EVERY meta. Blizzard decides that she should do 20 less damage on her mobile ability and you are saying it’s too much of a nerf? PLZ


i know, right? only a 90% pick rate? we must pass 100%!!!


That’s kind of her point as a hero.

It has never been “a literal catch all”. It has pitiful uptime since they halved the duration.

She was bad for a very long time. She only got better semi recently in season 3…

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Eating ults is part of her kit, but it was way too easy to pull off before the CD.

I would actually love if they reverted the boosters. That change was very arbitrary to me.

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Being able to have it up for 4 seconds at a time with half that in cooldown literally means it’s up longer than down. It could literally catch anything being thrown at it.

The halved up time means that’s it’s not a crutch anymore, and she’s still one of the top used heroes overall regardless.

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Ok let me set this straight since my point didn’t seem clear enough.

-No other hero has been meta for 12 straight seasons.
-Most versatile tank, synergizes greatly with any other tank.
-Most hp hero in the game (600+150)
-Single most damaging ultimate in the game
-Right click stops all non-melee abilities for 2 seconds (no hero stops more damage in a burst of 2 seconds)
-Has mobility get to virtually anywhere on any map
-Most played hero in OWL history
-Most 1-trickable hero in OW history

Was that not enough?
No, cuz now I can’t do dmg with my boosters… I can’t flash my matrix every second to eat gravs and dragons and pulse bombs and high noons. OH NO!

I am willing to bet you are one that spends more than 50% of match time in baby DVA form and being more effective in that form anyway.


4 seconds duration with 11 seconds recharge time at best (which requires you to use the entire thing in one go every time) is now “longer up than down.”

Jeff mocked “Forum Brig” but she’s nothing compared to “Forum D.Va”

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Don’t bother,

D.va is a massive scapegoat for goats and nerfs, she’s to easy to hate from lazy dps mains who get there ults eaten because they play sloppy.

Trying to get her buffed or even rightly get some nerfs reverted is a waste of time, it literally won’t happen as the community will lose there ****.

The booster nerf was an absolute joke IMO, literally no need.

Yet people will spam goats and pickrates against her like it affects the skill of D.va’s in there games, im over it honestly.