Dva Matrix is just not ok

i think that is partly to do with the pro male/masculine ego that has been going around lately which i dont even understand why

i dont like the fact that it sticks out 5 feet in front of her…so if my tank is in her face trying to whack her with a hammer…i cant heal him when she uses her DM…because it absorbs all the healing i send to him

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It’s pretty not bad :man_shrugging:

So true! Reinhardt’s hammer should temporarily disable the DM projectors for a second after he bludgeons her. This is the buff everyone asked for!

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As a dva player I agree she’s a bit strong

But I think a better nerf is a redistribution of her armor pool

Maybe convert 50-100 of her armor into regular health, so when you DO attack her, you’re getting more value between her matrix uptimes

This way we reward the better play in these circumstances by punishing dva more for not matrixing the right things at the right time, instead of just reducing what she’s actually capable of. So she gets to have her matrix as much as she does but she also is punished more when she isn’t making the most of it by letting her die faster.

Also hitscan was hurt a lot more on average by the armor changes, so this rectifies that a bit against her.

Zarya, Rein, Winston, Symm, Mei, Moira, Brig completely don’t care about matrix. Then get Sombra, hack and she melts.

And here we go again.


Unlimited defence matrix is fun right? It sure feels like it,

It’s not unlimited, you’re just bad and don’t know how to counter it

D.va having 3.5s defense matrix is not a serious buff. If anything, it was very, very slight QoL buff for her because she currently has no other serious tanking ability (like a barrier, for instance). She has to compete with the likes of Sigma, who has two tanking abilities, Rammatra, who has three, Mauga who has a self-heal and passive that generates health. D.va needs to be at least on par with other tanks in her category. A 3s defense matrix is not enough for a character like D.va.

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She was ok with 3s DM. There was no need for 3.5s. That is pretty broken.

Allowing pretentious people like you on the forums.

If 3.5s DM was broken then we would see it in her winrate, especially at higher ranks. But when you have both teams mirroring each other, one Dva is always going to lose. Her winrate has not spiked in the lower ranks, either (where there is more tank diversity). There is absolutely no evidence to show that D.va having 3.5s defense matrix made her an unstoppable force. It is literally .5 extra seconds.

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Sigma and his perma barriers are equally annoying.

The answer is clear. Buff Symettra.

Are you kidding me ? you are pathetically bad if a whole 0.5 seconds is game breaking

SKILL ISSUE, big time…

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If only DVA had a huge armor pool that mitigates 30% of beam damage or mobility to play in places zarya can’t contest her. Zarya has rarely been some super hard counter for DVA that shuts her down completely and most maps allow you to play in a way zarya isn’t perma beaming you.

It’s not 0.5s it’s 0.5s by reducing her matrix usage. She can use matrix more efficiently in small bursts instead of just getting more of it.

If you need beams, hammers, electric tickles, and hacks to handle D.Va, then that just indicates a skill issue on your part.

Seriously? Are all you D.Va haters just too lazy to bother playing around her on any other hero? Is brute force DPSing her down the only way you know how to handle her? Too lazy to learn to play around her timings or learn the safe and danger zones of being around her space?

How do you handle Zarya? Do you DPS her bubbles down just to finish her off faster? Do you blow through everything on Zen and his allies while they’re busy being nigh invulnerable during his ult? Mei while she ice blocks? Venture while she’s underground? Do you like to shoot at players under the protection of Bap’s lamp?


You all know they just added .5 seconds right?

she has issues with cross fire, position our self in a way were your all not shooting down one big hallway and hit her from the side. And you will be fine.


Its too overpowered, in my opinion. The fact it easily eats Mei’s and Illari’s Ult’s is Not OK.

the team balance is terrible. the last balance patch show us how they dont understand anything about the tanks problems.

These are the kinda noobs you’re arguing with that think 3 seconds of a 100% projectile immunity is not enough

What is even your point here?

I’ve said it since her release and will say it until the end of time: 100% anti is the most unhealthy mechanic in the entire game and always has been. Nade never should’ve completely negated healing. It has no right being that powerful on an ability. Ana alone gate keeps so many tanks and basically made Kiriko’s Suzu a thing since SO many people were asking for a cleanse since OW1.

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