Dva Matrix is just not ok

Feels terrible playing against Dva, you really feel like the matrix is going nonstop, there is only few beam heroes so she counters almost everything with her matrix, plus she is like the most played tank.

Disgusting state of some tanks.


Sigma and Winston are played more just saying.

Revert dm buff and give beam resistance of some kind.

Too good against hitscan and awful against beams. Needs to be more rounded


Because they don’t have hard counters.

Zarya countering D.va doesn’t mean D.va’s kit can’t be bloated and broken.


Just play Zarya if you really hate her defense matrix

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She needs nerfs to DM before they buff her against beams. Beams are the only things that make playing against her tolerable.
She’s in the same area as characters like Doomfist and Ball, where they absolutely suck against certain characters/types of characters, but if you buff them to be stronger against them, they will run rampant in matches and be completely unstoppable.


This should be the goal for all of the tanks. Soft counters are okay but remove hard counters. Except for hog because I hate hog.


DVa has by far the highest pick-rate in QP overall - 6.87% - with 2nd place for Rein on 2.9%. The difference is a joke - more than double the pick-rate between 1st and 2nd.

In competitive she is 2nd overall behind Rein.

DVa and Rein are top-2 in all ranks up to masters for competitive for last month. Not sure where you are getting Sigma from? He’s bottom half of pick-rate pretty much everywhere.

Rein and DVa are both OP with the recent changes. Both because matrix and shield got buffs, but also because of the ridiculous amount of armour they both have.

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She is a menace she needs nerfs inmediately

If they toned down Ana then they could weaken hog and then he would feel better to play against. As long as there is an Ana in every game against Hog, he has to be balanced for nade and sleep which means he is stronger than he otherwise should be.

Although just now he seems pretty weak and even Cyx, the Champion hog main, is regularly swapping off of him, mostly because of DVa though.

I think most people would agree with giving D.va buffs specific to countering beams and then some decent sized nerfs towards her damage and DM.

Not if you play D.va you don’t. Defense Matrix is her one and only tanking ability. Damage is her only way to be threatening as a tank. I would not trade a little less beam damage for such tremendous nerfs to this character. I would rarely ever play them.


Yeah well no **** sherlock. They aren’t gonna like their main being nerfed but the truth is she is bloated af and needs it.

Which is literally busted and if you use it correctly it is almost never on a cooldown.

Well it sounds like you only play her because she’s busted.


D.va isn’t even that strong right now. She is middle of the pack and got some QoL buffs. Her winrate only starts climbing at higher ranks and that is a direct result of people always trying to play what is currently “meta.” Well when you look at the heroes that are most popular right now, most of them would struggle against a tank like D.va. With or without her recent buffs. There’s nothing to really show that D.va is actually a tanking menace right now in the game.

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You can easily play around it with a brain. Monkey, Zarya, Reinhardt are viable options.

Even with no ana hog is very weak in his current state, they definitely overnerfed him.

Unrelated but it’s so funny watching people swap to Dva after losing one fight against Monkey. They for some reason still think they can hard counter him for free

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She needs to lose AT LEAST 2 of the buffs she got.

It makes no sense that in the span of a month, a hero that has been consistently fine in ow2 got:

  • Global armor buff
  • Boosters dmg buffed
  • Micro missile dmg buffed
  • Primary fire spread reduced
  • Defense matrix duration buffed

Character never dies but at the same time can just fly into people and assassinate them faster than a doomfist. It makes zero sense.

This hero got straight up giga buffed for no reason.


Yall arent on console are yall…

Would you like to see what our top 500 looks like right now good sir/madam?

Yeah… give her better cooldown on Boosters or even more Armor HP but please dont buff that ability any more than 3 seconds.

You mean where people are constantly playing Tracer, Genji, Pharah, McCree and Widow? Maybe you could take a guess as to which heroes are terrible against D.va.

… it’s all of them

Yes, it doesn’t help that the armor buffs have indirectly nerfed heroes like Genji against a tank like D.va. However, all of these heroes are still bad to play into Dva as a whole.