Dva Matrix is just not ok

Beams are the one counter to DVA. If she gets beam resistance she’ll be unstoppable. What’s next, melee resistance?

Not to mention the fact it just doesn’t make sense. The ability specifically works by shooting down projectiles.

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You don’t even need a brain to play Zarya into dva. Just don’t overextend and waste bubbles and you will never die and have constant 80 energy. Just bubble every team mate dva goes for.

No you’ll just have to use a fraction of your brain. You know, what we did in ow1 before spamming hero swaps.


They don’t want defence matrix to mitigate beams

They want her health pool to have a passive resistance to beams. Kinda stupid but that’s their point me thinks

Tank has tank ability, SHOCKER.

Lets remove all other abilitirs we dont like,
Discord Orb
Torb Turret
Cass Flashbang


It’ll be hilarious when 6v6 experiments happen and people start seeing Zarya/Sigma/Dva is most every game for being literally the best historical offtanks in the entire game.

Then we’ll see how much variety actually happens.

Zarya Bubble Is Just Not OK

Feels terrible playing against Zarya, you really feel like the bubble is going nonstop, there is zero damage that goes through so she counters everything with her bubble, plus she is like the most played tank.

That’s already the case with armour tho

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Tank player try not to over exaggerate things challenge impossible. They literally stated she needed a NERF not to remove a part of her kit completely. Just a slight nerf to DM’s cd is enough.


Yeah but they want more

If you play dva on flat maps that don’t have good high grounds, there will be a zarya.
Playing dva on old maps with good high grounds you can win against zarya pretty easily as long as your team doesn’t shoot bubbles and knows to pressure her the moment they’re used.

It wasn’t so much the nerfs as the fact they didn’t give him a meaningful buff with the rest of the tanks. Buffing pigpen is a bit of a joke from the devs to tell hog players they are not wanted in the game.

The armour changes were an even larger issue and the buffs to rein’s shield and dva matrix.

Hog used to be good into Rein but now his shield/armour combo is just too much.

He used to be a fair matchup into DVa but with the armour and extra matrix even Cyx, the Champion rank hog, is frequently switching to Zarya against DVa since the last patch.

Even Winton isn’t afraid of hog any more. With hog’s wet-fish against armour shotgun, Winton can hang around and then jump out and Hog can’t do anything to him unless he lands the hook on the jump out, but if bubble still exists that isn’t going to happen. I was starting to see Wintons jump in and then bubble after taking some damage instead of immediately so they can safely jump out from bubble and not get hooked.

DM wouldn’t be as bad (currently) if she could no longer Fire here main attack or missile barrage during it. This has always been a peeve of mine.

It’s like allowing Orisa shoot during her spin.

She can’t use m1 while using DM


The more I play the less ok I think she is. She may be balanced overall due to beams but vs everything else she feels beyond broken.

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In 2-2-2 they can reduce Matrix duration from 3.5 to 2.5 secs and nerf cooldown from 1 to 1.5 secs.

I’ve also been thinking what if they experimented with Defense Matrix reducing the damage/healing of projectiles that pass through Matrix, rather than eat them completely. That would certainly feel better to play against. Matrix would be buffed a little to compensate.

I agree with you. I think nerfing DM back to 3s is reasonable, but that’s it really. Everything else she basically needs.


She is fine, without her DM she would be a feeding battery more so than she already is.

Next complaint please.


Tell me you don’t play tank without telling me you don’t play tank OP.

If the whole team fires at DvA from one direction, yeah, she’ll seem overpowered. Luckily the game maps aren’t tunnels, so when you face DvA, you and your team need to stop pretending like you’re in one.



You have 2 whole seconds in between uses of DM, in which to blast Dvas unnecessarily large and easy to hit crit box.

Besides, she did get a nrrf from 4 seconds of defense matrix to 3.5 seconds of defense matrix :wink:


Forced to play Winston or Zarya.