Dva isn't op, rein is

There was a heavy AoE nerf, yes.

Rein’s not op.
He’s a token character that shifts with the meta, and hasn’t really changed (outside of his ult rebuild, which is subjectively bad due to more inconsistencies).

The meta around him needs to change. The Brigitte changes will definitely see to it that Dive is a more functionable comp than TT or GOATs, and Rein won’t see nearly as much play.

As for his functionality? He literally plays around his team. Orisa plays around hers as well, but because she has to aim to do damage, the only thing she’d be good for is her barrier (and added pirate ship protection).

D.va isn’t really op either, regardless of her pickrate. She has one of the best utilities in the game, period, and because of that people will pick her. (It also doesn’t help that she’s relatively easy to pick up).

So what have we learned? Characters with easy-to-pick up kits usually do the best overall. Does that mean they’re op? Only if their the only viable picks. Which, I can contest against Winston, Hog, Orisa, and Hammond not being playable.


It was a while ago on early 2017. Ana was OP and the radius was heavily nerfed. You can search it if you want.

Yes… And then it got buffed I believe?

Thanks for the compliment boo

But the tea is that it was always kind of dumb for a debuff. In HotS it’s pretty chill because it discourages double support comps and heroes have more than ~200 HP on average but in OW if you get the anti heal debuff you’re already taking like 60 damage. So you have at most 140 HP on half the cast for four seconds.

I take issue with it when it singlehandedly wrote Moira out of her one niche.

I hate it more as a Moira lover than a tank player tbh

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None of the tanks are overpowered. What you call OP is just synergy. One kind of tank enables the other and vice versa.

Reinhardt is not Overpowered. The only “nerf” he should get is a fix to his earthshatter so it can’t hit you around corners like it still sometimes does.

Other than that, he’s perfectly fine the way he is.

Orisa is bad. She’s purely built to succeed on defensive style maps. She’s a liability in the open. Rein can readjust mid fight while Orisa has to commit. She doesn’t have the same damage impact and is more easily pressured due to her immobility.

Maybe if Orisa had better (more consistent) damage and wasn’t so immobile she could challenge Rein for play time on more maps. The problem is Orisa is bad in the open, especially to range and mobility. Both of those things will be at an all time high in terms of power without Brigitte around.

Look…anti heal is fine. It’s never been OP or broken. It’s just annoying at best. Any Ana using nade for anti heal over healing is bad.

Complaining about this just shows how little people on the forums really don’t understand the game in general.

annoying at best? no, it one of her most powerful parts of her kit.
if an ana gets a huge purple the your team needs to jump on the targets.
that power is mitigated by her high cooldowns

every fight will have a higher priority. sometimes you need to prioritize anti heals over heals. it is very situational. and bad ana’s just make the wrong decision.

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That’s simply because Orisa’s kit is pretty bad and she doesn’t synergise with any meta healers/tanks.

Rein on the other hand has a balance kit, but synergies extremely well with Dva Zarya and Ana

No, Winston can work absolutely fine and is a better pick on maps with more high ground like Gibraltar and Numbani on both attack/defense.

D.va works in both these situations.

No he doesn’t, he can’t dive at all. You’ll have no presence from your main tank.
You need d.va for dive.

Yeah but D.va is also a must pick in goats.

No, there’s no point having Rein. It’s Orisa +Hog/Dva.

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D.va can eat anything Reinhardt can and doesn’t have to worry about her defense matrix breaking.

She just can’t do it as often, but is of her own free will to do so.

She is certainly more powerful than Reinhardt when it comes to availability and on demand soak.

Reinhart doesn’t have a single hard counter besides getting surrounded or heavy CC by many people at once.

He is always the safe and way to go option because how easy is to play him. And his ultimate requires another shield ( usually reinhart/orisa) to counter it.

D.va in other hand is extremely fragile and can throw games pretty easy by feeding even worse like roadhog.

Welp you can kill reinhardt easy with any dps if no one support him.
Dva on the other hand can kill people on her own.

Only if you can make reinhart drop his shield but he can 3 shot any 200 hp character with the hammer or his firestrike combo, his m1 is very strong and impossible to miss.

D.va is very weak to anything that can pass DM ( Discord her biggest counter and there is no way to avoid it)

If rein gets close to you when you play clas with every hero that have mobility or stun then i dont think its actualy rein op problem.
And yes, he can miss his m1 to be honest XD

Only I’m supposed to make nerf Reinhardt threads, how dare you also recognise he’s a problem.

Then the Rein mains will tell you… “We just need more tanks”.

We got two more tanks, they suck, no one wants to see them, Blizz don’t want to develop them. Why bother. Why can’t we fix the ones we have?

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Then buff other tanks? :stuck_out_tongue:

And that’s exactly why he is so good and always the best option.

He negates 99% of stuff in the game to his teammates meaning all of them are unaffected by Discord/Beam attacks/ Bullets/Proyectiles/Shatter/ Hooks etc.